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How much is the average living cost in Poland for foreign student?

22 Jan 2015   #31
what do you mean?!
DominicB  - | 2706
22 Jan 2015   #32
I mean that you provided zero useful information about yourself, your plans, your expectations and your budget, so no one here could even start to give you a useful answer, just like you could not even start to give a useful answer to the question I posed, for the same reason.
23 Jan 2015   #33
my accommodation is already provided, and I'll have the amount of 2000 zł, I'll have to buy or cook one meal in a day, I'd like to hang around the city and see the beautiful sightseeing and maybe spend some nights out with pals, I don't know how expensive the city is, do you think I'll be able to for that amount of money I'll have on my hand?!

thank you.
Monitor  13 | 1810
23 Jan 2015   #34
The city is this expensive:

2000 is enough to live in Warsaw if you don't have to pay for accommodation.
DominicB  - | 2706
23 Jan 2015   #35
2000 is enough to live in Warsaw if you don't have to pay for accommodation.

Pretty frugal for five weeks as a foreign tourist. That's only sixty PLN a day. As long as you budget modestly and are content with modest sightseeing and entertainment options, that will get you through five weeks, especially if you mean that you will be getting two meals a day where you are staying without having to pay extra. For orientation's sake, a modest full dinner with soft drink in a modest restaurant will set you back about 20 or 30 PLN. A sandwich or kebab with soft drink about half that. A beer costs between six and ten PLN in a modest bar.
24 Jan 2015   #36
thank you guys.
I guess I'll have to be a little thrifty then:)
Yason  - | 6
25 Jan 2015   #37
Is this true??
23 Mar 2015   #38
350- 400 euro if you have median budget, 450-550 euro if you tend to eat outside daily and much party type of guy. If you can cook food, its good you can save a lot of money.
Indian female
26 Mar 2015   #39
Hello everyone,

Can anyone help with the minimum salaries earned by a foreign student? What type of jobs do they get? What would be the average expenses per month he would have to face. Please help with the realistic figures soon.

DominicB  - | 2706
26 Mar 2015   #40
Can anyone help with the minimum salaries earned by a foreign student?

Zero. Which is pretty much the same as the maximum you can expect to earn.

What type of jobs do they get?

Basically, none. There are extremely few jobs for foreign students, so make your plans on the very safe assumption that you will not earn a single penny during your stay. Likewise, there is no financial aid available for foreign students, nor can you get student loans from Polish banks.

If you or your family cannot afford to pay EVERYTHING, forget about studying in Poland.

What would be the average expenses per month he would have to face.

500 Euros a month would be a safe minimum, and perhaps more depending on your lifestyle. That does not include tuition, books or supplies.
Marsupial  - | 871
26 Mar 2015   #41
Why would anyone employ an overseas student over a local one? Unemployment is 12% you have almost zero chance.
3 Dec 2016   #42
I want to know about job sector for international students.... what type of job they ll offer for students and who much they ll pay
mafketis  38 | 11199
3 Dec 2016   #43
what type of job they ll offer for students and who much they ll pay

There are no jobs for international students. If you need to work in Poland then don't come to Poland.
vikser12  - | 1
6 Mar 2021   #44

Regarding living in Warsaw, Poland as a student and citizen of India

I am likely to arrive in Warsaw, Poland as a student in the month of either September or October this year, if everything goes well. I intend to know a few things about my life as a student in Warsaw, Poland. Is it easy for me to find student accommodation in Warsaw, Poland as a single person? If so, how can I do it and how can I know more about it? What is the approximate rent per month that I am likely to incur in Warsaw, Poland while living as a student from India? Is the rent inclusive of utility bills (such as electricity, gas, water, wifi etc)? How can I find out about the vegetarian Indian restaurants in Warsaw city of Poland and how can I know more about it? With regards to shopping for everday household items, may I please know which is the best shopping center in Warsaw, Poland that I can find as a student and how can I know more about it? Approximately, what is the monthly budget that I have to keep for public transportation as a student in Warsaw, Poland and how can I know more about it? If I am offered a place of study, I will first be joining Polish course in Warsaw for one year, post which, I will be joining the main technical M Sc course in Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland. While studying at Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland as a student of the M Sc course, may I please know what are the things I should be aware of and how can I know more about it? After I get an answer for this question, I have some more things to check about studies, which I am thinking to send in a seperate message.
13 Jan 2025   #45
hello, i am looking forward to visit poland for my erasmus exchange... whats the political condition ? how do natives look at bangladeshis ? hows the nightlife ?
Alien  25 | 6401
14 Jan 2025   #46
whats the political condition ?

I assume better than Bangladesh.
how do natives look at bangladeshis ?

Usually from above (because they are bigger) 😀
hows the nightlife

Nightmare.....but there are also better dreams.

Home / Work / How much is the average living cost in Poland for foreign student?
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