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Poles Living in the Chicago Area

Crow  155 | 9699
18 Mar 2020   #121
What are you talking about? Shitcago aka Chiraq is no fortress of Slavdom anymore.

You updating me with ugly things about Chicago. It can`t be reality.

He hasnt a clue about Chicago, just more of his off-topic troll propaganda as usual.

You are cruel. As usual. Even Corona didn`t soften your heart. Maybe other parts so you impose your complexes on me.
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2020   #122
Go post your BS somewhere else, Crow the Clown!
Joker  2 | 2447
18 Mar 2020   #123
That and Red Apple Buffet and Jolly Inn.

Have you tried the Highlander House restaurant in Palos Hills?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 Mar 2020   #124
Just looked at the menu. Pretty good.
Crow  155 | 9699
19 Mar 2020   #125
Some Slavic Judge Dread is future of Chicago, then.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Mar 2020   #126
Top him with Slavic Robocop and Terminator for better efficiency.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Mar 2020   #127
It can`t be reality.

Well its true. Unfortunately , the Polish community is divided and spread out. The days where you could live in certain neighborhoods and get by without speaking english ended about 15 years ago. Once mexicams started moving into polish areas the poles left for the suburbs and in a lot of cases other states that are safer, cheaper to live in amd have more white people like wisconsin.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Mar 2020   #128
That is normal. Once, poor Poles moved into that area, expelling other wealthier white groups which had lived there before. When Poles became rich at last like recently, they are being replaced by another group which desires to climb up the social ladder.

It is a perfectly natural process.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Mar 2020   #129
It is.

I have seen it happen in London all my life several times over and with different ethnic groups.

As an example, Kingsbury was very Jewish when I was a kid, then the Ugandan Indians moved in and the Jews moved further out,
A few years ago Poles started to move in and now some Indians are starting to move out.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 Mar 2020   #130
And so on and on. Till the end of this world as we know it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
19 Mar 2020   #131
When Poles became rich at last like recently, they are being replaced by another group which desires to climb up the social ladder.

Pretty much. We use to live in Harwood Heights which was full of Polish and Italian people and still is to an extent. Well some Mexican family received a bunch of money for some rathole condo they owned in Bucktown because yuppies started moving there in the late 90's early 00's so they bought our house. Thing is though, the home prices in Harwood Heights have been pretty much flat, while if that family kept their home in Bucktown today they'd easily get around $1 mil for it.
Crow  155 | 9699
8 Apr 2020   #132
Till the end of this world as we know it.

And those end days are here. For some. And how now cope our beloved Chicago?
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Apr 2020   #133

We are doing just fine without you!
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Apr 2020   #134
Don`t say that. Chicago is in my heart. I care for every place wherever live our people. And Chicago is jewel of it.
Joker  2 | 2447
10 Apr 2020   #135
I care for every place wherever live our people

Yet, your people dont live here.

And Chicago is jewel of it.

How would you ever know, since you have never or never will set foot into my country?
Joker  2 | 2447
23 Apr 2020   #136
Poland sends medical team to Chicago
The team is being provided by the Polish Ministry of National Defense and is expected to arrive in Chicago on Thursday afternoon.

"The primary goal of the team is to share and exchange experiences in fighting ChinaVirus,"

They did not say why Chicago was getting the Polish team, but its has the largest Polish-American population in the country.

This is a good idea and Witamy!!

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
6 May 2020   #137
Great maybe they can treat all the dindus who caught coronavirus by going to that massive party last week
cms neuf  2 | 1943
6 May 2020   #138
Good luck to them and I hope all you guys in Chicago stay safe ! It will be a few more weeks before this clears up

Treat those medics to a curbside pickup from the Red Apple when this has finished.
Crow  155 | 9699
6 May 2020   #139
Poland sends medical team to Chicago

See, why would they sent medical team if there is no our people in Chicago. I have no words for your controversial comments.

Great maybe they can treat all the dindus who caught coronavirus by going to that massive party last week

If its on me, I would send combined regiment of army from all Slavic countries. It would instill great fear in those who look on our people with hostility in these troubled times.
Joker  2 | 2447
6 May 2020   #140
caught coronavirus by going to that massive party last week

Or perhaps, Mayor Lightfoot who disobeyed her own lockdown orders, by going to get herself a haircut. Insisting, she is the face of the city and takes her personal hygiene seriously. Well, so does everyone else! She should fine herself the $500.

Have you that rats nest of hair, needs more that cutting... LOL

Treat those medics to a curbside pickup from the Red Apple when this has finished.

Great idea! The location by Jakowow has closed down some time ago, but the one on North Millwaukee is still going strong!

I have no words for your controversial comments.

Then keep your silly serb propaganda off this thread you clown!

  • th.jpeg
Crow  155 | 9699
6 May 2020   #141
God bless Poland for having nerv to send that team and show some backbone. But its not enough. Send more. Behave like Mother.

Then keep your silly serb propaganda off this thread you clown!

Posting your own photos here won`t bring you anything. Its even twisted. And scary, BDW.

Man, Joker, I didn`t know... but, well
Crow  155 | 9699
2 Jun 2020   #142
Form Slavic armed forces as support to USA national guard! Send all provokers into damnation!

Long live USA and legitimate President Trump!
Just heard. Serbs organized massive peaceful protest in Chicago against racism. They blame Clinton for current violence in USA. Support to President Trump.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Jun 2020   #143
34 Black on Black shootings this past weekend in Chicago, 2 dead. Not one word about it on CNN or BLM.

Is it because Chicago is a Democratic sanctuary city, black mayor, black police chief or does it only count when a cop shoots someone?

Last weekend!

85 shot, 24 fatally, over Chicago's most violent weekend of 2020

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cms neuf  2 | 1943
16 Jun 2020   #144
Obama is not in charge now - left 3 years ago. Now it's Crazy Donald the disinfectant drinker.
Joker  2 | 2447
16 Jun 2020   #145
Obama is not in charge now - left 3 years ago.

Someone has to clean up the mess the great divider left behind. They dont even want his Presidential library in Chicago anymore.. He was and is a total failure!

Crazy Donald the disinfectant drinker.

Sure, you believe everything the Dems spew out hook line and sinker.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
16 Jun 2020   #146
Obama is not in charge now -

Thank God for small favors !
You probably haven't notice that all the rioting, burning, looting is happening in cities with Democratic leadership.
Oh, and do tell us what obimbo did when he was at the helm to solve the Black shootings in Chicago besides play basketball with several NBA players, the Harlem Globetrotters, Team U.S.A. and his buddies in the Rose garden weekly.

Now it's those infected with the Trump Derangement Syndrome, like you cms, that are so desperately trying to blame Trumps R&R time playing a round of golf for the Blacks shooting each other in Chicago.

Trumps wants to send the military in to clean the mess up but the Bleeding Heart Liberals won't stand for it.
You can't make this stuff up.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jun 2020   #147
If only dindu gunshot victims weren't treated with tax payer dollars I'd campaign to drop crates of fully automatic weapons in every ghetto and just let em shoot it out.
Joker  2 | 2447
29 Jun 2020   #148
just let em shoot it out.

They basically already are..Another Bloody Weekend In Chicago: 52 Shot, 14 Dead So Far

Violence rocked Chicago for the second weekend in a row, with 56 shot and 14 killed by gunfire, including a 10-year-old girl and a toddler. Homicides in Chicago jumped 25 percent..You dont hear anything about it from the MSM or BLM at all, only 24/7 blaming Trump for the China Virus.

These shooting happen every weekend and it gets ignored because the whole city is ruled by Black Democrats and they dont know what the hell theyre doing!

Its not much of a "sanctuary city" at all, but a Dem dystopia from decades of despair. Yet, these dumbasses keep voting for the status quo as their world turns even worse.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
29 Jun 2020   #149
And you guys still don't think some kind of gun control or stricter licencing rules would help?
We don't have these horrific stats in Europe....... I am just sayin'....
Crow  155 | 9699
29 Jun 2020   #150
Told you to protect Chicago in time. Look that madness now.

Home / USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area

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