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Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture"

Lenka  5 | 3549
5 Nov 2010   #391
Happened this year as well. The whole condescending "oh, you don't know what's good for you" is just so absolutely insulting towards Poland - as is the way that they claim to be Polish, they interfere in the Polish state, yet they have no sense of the consequences of their actions.

I really don't care if they claim to be Polish just get out of our way if you are not truly involved.As you said-they don't know the consequences and they don't have to live with them.But beside that American Polonia don't interest me.Of course there'll be idiots as well as in any other group of ppl.I don't know them so I can't judge.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Nov 2010   #392
As you said-they don't know the consequences and they don't have to live with them.

That's what got me - quite a few of them online were claiming that Kaczynski would be great for business (err...) and that Komorowski was a filthy socialist liberal (Errrrrrr......). That kind of stupidity is just...ugh :(
Lenka  5 | 3549
5 Nov 2010   #393
They've the right to have their opinions I just don't want them to call Polish nation stupid because they chose differently and I don't want them to have the right to decide about my future (some of them claimed in 2000 that all of US Polonia should have the right to vote).
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Nov 2010   #394
(some of them claimed in 2000 that all of US Polonia should have the right to vote).

Oh! no no no!

They complained enough this year about needing to have a Polish passport in order to vote!
Lenka  5 | 3549
5 Nov 2010   #395
There's one thing I just don't understand-why they care?If they haven't seen Poland in years(some of them probably never),don't know anything about this country and don't want to know then why?What's making them some power-seeking?
Piast Poland  3 | 165
6 Nov 2010   #396
If you dont live in the country then you dont have the right to vote period. Especially if you never go there or dont plan on going back. The only way I would vote is under the advice of family. And who the hell would vote for Kaczynski?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Nov 2010   #397
If you dont live in the country then you dont have the right to vote period.

Oh no, but they want to interfere in the workings of Poland!

The funny thing is that the Polacks that vote tend to vote Republican too. I'm really not sure how Republicans and PiS align, apart from in the usual irrational fear of gays and Jews.
convex  20 | 3928
6 Nov 2010   #398
I'm really not sure how Republicans and PiS align, apart from in the usual irrational fear of gays and Jews.

Republicans are afraid of Jews? For that matter, PiS is afraid of Jews?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Nov 2010   #399
Of course, Jews are there to take over the world, etc etc.

(at least, that's my British stereotypical view of Republicans - full of irrational fears, though I appreciate that America is far more complex in this respect!)

As for PiS - yes, certainly so. The amount of nonsense spouted by PiS supporters about Jews is ridiculous - Nasza Klasa is full of them! Sadly, the Kaczynski's twins good work with the Jewish community has all but been destroyed by their supporters :( < more dumb Polacks. The amount of stupidity on there is mind-boggling.
convex  20 | 3928
6 Nov 2010   #400
Republicans are the most vocal backers of Israel. There are a number of Jewish Congressmen with an R behind their name as well.

Aren't quite a few Polish-Americans blue collar workers? As in, union members? They're not really known to vote Republican.
6 Nov 2010   #401
PiS is afraid of Jews?

Kaczynski was a staunch friend of Israel and actively supported Jewish causes in Poland. As mayor of Warsaw, he played a key role in the decision to found a Museum of the History of Polish Jewry, currently under construction on land donated by the city, and he was the honorary patron of the annual Festival of Jewish Culture in Krakow.

"President Kaczynski and his wife did much to promote closer ties between the Polish and Jewish peoples, making a significant contribution to the healing process of the scars of the past and the building of a common better future. The bilateral ties between our two countries were strengthened during his presidency, distinguished by a spirit of friendship and warmth. The State of Israel bows its head, as it partakes in the deep sorrow of the Polish people on the occasion of their dreadful loss."

When, oh, when... will all the idiots on this forum and elsewhere finally shut the f*ck up?

*I know that the answer to my question is 'Never.' Unfortunately.*

As for PiS - yes, certainly so.

PiS align, apart from in the usual irrational fear of gays and Jews.

Can you back up your ridiculous claims with any official statement by anyone who is
actually a PiS member, or are you talking through your arse again? :)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Nov 2010   #402
When, oh, when... will all the idiots on this forum and elsewhere finally shut the f*ck up?

Yes, we all know that the Kaczynskis did good work with the Jewish community. But their supporters...well, who needs to say anything? Lech's greatest moment was in bridging the gap between Poland and Jews - but unfortunately, it's being thrown down the drain because of Jarek's entertaining of the usual anti-semtic lunatics.

You know, if Lech had done much more of the bridge-building and much less of the moaning and complaining, he would've been a great president. By all accounts, he had a lot of personal charm, and Maria was apparently great too - why did he waste it on petty party politics?

Republicans are the most vocal backers of Israel. There are a number of Jewish Congressmen with an R behind their name as well.

Isn't this exactly what I mean - that American politics aren't clear cut because the country is so huge, with so many different interests and agendas?

I cannot understand for the life of me why America only has two parties - I can't see much in common between the Palin-supporters and the pro-Israel lobby for instance?
convex  20 | 3928
6 Nov 2010   #403
In the US, Conservative supporters are some of the most vocal backers of Israel as our partner in the middle east. Just ask trener if he supports a strong Israel.
6 Nov 2010   #404
well, who needs to say anything?

You do.

PiS is a political party (not a club of some crazy people on Nasza Klasa) with real policies
very friendly towards Jews and Israel - both when they were in power and right now.

You impudently accused them of some "irrational fear of Jews", while you don't have
anything to back up your ridiculous claims apart from some people you met on Nasza
Klasa or some other alleged "PiS supporters".

I will ask you again - do you have anything, a statement - whatever, by any PiS member
(not even from the party's high officials but by ANY PiS member) that would support your
ridiculous accusations?

Or are you a liar and a slanderer?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Nov 2010   #405
PiS is a political party (not a club of some crazy people on Nasza Klasa) with real policies very friendly towards Jews and Israel - both when they were in power and right now.

So why are their supporters so irrationally afraid? Why do PiS supporters on this forum keep bringing up anti-semtic remarks, complaining about the "Jewish" Michnik and so on? Why don't I hear the same nonsense from PO/SLD supporters? d-michal-kaminski

Torq, there's no point in denying that certain aspects of PiS have been flirting with anti-semtism. How else can you explain Michał Kamiński being head of the bloc in the European Paliament?

As I said - Lech Kaczynski's good work will be forgotten about, solely because of the other lunatics who seem hell bent on destroying anything good about the party. And - the only person to blame for this is Jarek.

Anyway, care to deny PiS's homophobia next?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 Nov 2010   #406
care to deny PiS's homophobia next?

down with PIS I say since this party caused more trouble and more division then any other.

I am gonna catch on Saturday issue of Wyborcza now.

6 Nov 2010   #407
So why are their supporters

Oh, you're talking about supporters now? But first you said 'PiS' not 'some PiS supporters'.

Why do PiS supporters on this forum keep bringing up anti-semtic remarks

Well, I'm not a PiS supporter (I vote PR), but not too far from being one. Did you ever
hear any anti-semitic remark from me? I am probably the most philosemitic poster on
this site, so your theory of doesn't hold water.
You can't blame PiS for having anti-semites among their supporters. There are certainly
some anti-semites among Real Madrid supporters, for example, but you don't blame the
football club for it, do you? PiS doesn't have any official anti-semite policies, so you can't
blame them for some idiot "supporters."

complaining about the "Jewish" Michnik

Oh, believe me that there are many reasons to complain about Mr. Michnik, but being
Jewish is certainly not one of them (I'm not even sure if he's really Jewish.)

Torq, there's no point in denying that certain aspects of PiS have been flirting with anti-semtism. How else can you explain Michał Kamiński being head of the bloc in the European Paliament?

From your own link...

There is no evidence that Kaminski is antisemitic today. Or indeed, that he has ever personally disliked Jews, if that is what antisemitic means.

Anyway, care to deny PiS's homophobia next?

You would have to describe what you mean by homophobia first? I hope you don't mean
not allowing the gay parade to march through Warsaw a couple of years ago? :)
Havok  10 | 902
8 Nov 2010   #408
First of all if a person is born in the US they cannot vote in Poland, I've checked that. They would have to jump through serious hoops to be able to do that.

Second, most of Polish-Americans don't really give a **** who is governing Poland. Take my word for it.

Third, the U.S is a huge country. No one would want to drive for hours/days to the Polish embassy to cast a vote for a douchebag who is not going to make any difference.

and forth, you're a Russian, Delp... Why are you pretending you're Scottish? You have issues dude.
convex  20 | 3928
8 Nov 2010   #409
First of all if a person is born in the US they cannot vote in Poland, I've checked that. They would have to jump through serious hoops to be able to do that.

If they have a Polish passport, they can vote. Just under 40,000 Poles in the US are registered to vote.

Apparently there are quite a few polling stations that are opened during the elections.
Havok  10 | 902
8 Nov 2010   #410
f they have a Polish passport, they can vote. Just under 40,000 Poles in the US are registered to vote

They must be just working here, there are 10 millions of "Plastic Polish" or Polish-Americans in the US. 4 % voted so 96% don't give a sh!t.

Numbers don't lie, Polish-American are not actively participating in the Polish election process.

Apparently there are quite a few polling stations that are opened during the elections.

quite and few? The US is the size of Europe. Texas is twice as big as Poland, it's simply impossible. Besides, look at second point I've made.
convex  20 | 3928
8 Nov 2010   #411
They must be just working here, there are 10 millions of "Plastic Polish" or Polish-Americans in the US. 4 % voted so 96% don't give a sh!t.

96% don't have passports for whatever reason (parents weren't Polish maybe?).

quite and few? The US is the size of Europe. Texas is twice as big as Poland, it's simply impossible. Besides, look at second point I've made.

They're set up in areas where there is a large concentration of Poles. Hell, they even have one in Anchorage for the 50 registered voters up there :)
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Nov 2010   #412
First of all if a person is born in the US they cannot vote in Poland, I've checked that. They would have to jump through serious hoops to be able to do that.

If they have a Polish passport, they can vote. No exceptions. The only people that claim that they can't vote are the ones who are too damn lazy to get a passport.

It's morally wrong, but it's the way it is.

Second, most of Polish-Americans don't really give a **** who is governing Poland. Take my word for it.

Of course they don't - it's what makes them dumb Polacks as opposed to Polish. If they were actually Polish, then they would actually know what it's like to be, you know, Polish. But they don't - and eating "kielbasa" (hey, stupid morons, it's just the Polish word for sausage!) doesn't make you Polish, it just makes you even more of a Polack.

Third, the U.S is a huge country. No one would want to drive for hours/days to the Polish embassy to cast a vote for a douchebag who is not going to make any difference.

Really patriotic there, then. I'd drive to Warsaw quite happily to cast my vote if needs be. Anyway, you're proving yet again that you're a dumb Polack - because there are countless polling stations set up for the Polacks that vote.

and forth, you're a Russian, Delp... Why are you pretending you're Scottish? You have issues dude.

Hey, mods - wasn't this nonsense supposed to stop?

96% don't have passports for whatever reason (parents weren't Polish maybe?).

Worse - many of them let the passport expire once they get the American one! And those ones are even dumber than the Polacks!

But as for the Polacks - the vast majority of them are only Polish when they want to act superior to someone else. If the USA and Poland went to war, I don't think anyone would be particularly surprised if they joined the American side.
Havok  10 | 902
8 Nov 2010   #413
96% don't have passports for whatever reason (parents weren't Polish maybe?).

Honestly, Polish bureaucracy is a mess and the passport application process is not worth the effort.

Lol, an interesting example, hey Havok, did you know that there was a polling station 4200 miles or 7000 km driving distance from you? See, there was a Polish polling station near Beijing, China,,, so how come you can't find one in Germany!
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Nov 2010   #414
Honestly, Polish bureaucracy is a mess and the passport application process is not worth the effort.

Only an unpatriotic, dumb Polack would say that. The application is rather straightforward where the right to citizenship can be clearly established. It takes time, sure - but all good things in life do.

Lol, an interesting example, hey Havok, did you know that there was a polling station 4200 miles or 7000 km driving distance from you?

For the love of God, stop lying.

There were polling stations in Berlin, Leipzig, Hamburg, Bremen, Cologne, Dortmund, Frankfurt am Main, Munich and Stuttgart.

Yet again, a Polack can't tell the truth. Are you all compulsive liars or something?
Havok  10 | 902
8 Nov 2010   #415
dumb Polack would say

Yet again, a Polack can't tell the truth

I'm sorry i offended you. You can call me whatever you want. You're taking this way too seriously.

Yet again, a Polack can't tell the truth. Are you all compulsive liars or something?

I know that this may pis$ you off even more but i didn't know you guys had elections this year. Please don't yell, I've already admitted that I'm a Plastic.

Btw if I'm reading this right it seems that only 50% of Polish voted. What's up with that? are there plastic polacks living in Poland too? all lazy and stuff, unable to find a polling station.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Nov 2010   #416
I know that this may pis$ you off even more but i didn't know you guys had elections this year. Please don't yell, I’ve already admitted that I'm a Plastic.

Fair enough, admitting it is the honourable thing to do.

Btw if I'm reading this right it seems that only 50% of Polish voted. What's up with that? are there plastic polacks living in Poland too? all lazy and stuff, unable to find a polling station.

About normal, sadly. And sure, there are Plastic Polacks here too - many people talk the good talk, but do nothing in reality. One thing that was actually admirable about the "Defenders of the Cross" was that the citizens were actually taking their displeasure straight to the head of state. Regardless of what you think about them as people, as a citizen's initiative, it was fantastic.
Havok  10 | 902
8 Nov 2010   #417
I'm glad you've agreed, because I'm ready to make my point now.

Since 50 % of the Polish living in Poland did not vote, they must be plastic.
96 % of Polish living in the US did not vote as well, very plastic we've talked about this over 14 pages of this thread.

so the rough numbers are:

The population of Poland 38 million divided by 2 (50%) is 19 million + 9 million here in the US equals 28 million of plastic Polacks. I guess there are more of us than you, therefore we're declaring ourselves as the true Polish and you my friend, are Plastic.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Nov 2010   #418
Interesting mathematics ;)

But they're Plastic Poles, not Plastic Polacks ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275
8 Nov 2010   #419
Why should Polonians living abroad even want to vote in Polish elections? Because they carry Poland in their hearts. They are capable of higher feelings and values such as Bóg, honor, Ojczyzna. Such a concept is apparently utterly alien to those PFers who believe that if you cant eat, drink, wear or f--- it, it ain't no damn good!
8 Nov 2010   #420
delphiandomine wrote:

The only people that claim that they can't vote are the ones who are too damn lazy to get a passport.

but dude....i mean.....both my grandparents on my mother's side were polish....grew up with babcia in my house......and I never bothered to get a Polish passport because....well....because I grew up in the USA's just how it is.

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