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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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So happy to be Polish-American

Joker  2 | 2390
24 Jun 2018   #31
The first immigrant with a hyphen can be excused because he is both.

I agree, only a person that emigrated to the US should have the hyphen after he/she obtains citizenship, their offspring NO.

Like those "African-Americans" after 300 years here.

I think they cling on to these titles to get more free stuff, like reparations, remember that hoax?

My great great baby daddy was in the civil war, seen in on MOPO last week! lol
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
24 Jun 2018   #32
I think they cling on to these titles to get more free stuff, like reparations, remember that hoax?

Half of them can't find Africa on the map without google.
OP hardrain  1 | 9
24 Jun 2018   #33
Well, thank you very much. But I am out; I do not need the angst and vitriol.
pawian  224 | 27236
7 Mar 2020   #34
It turns out that I am mostly Polish -- 38%. Next is Slovakia at 20%

You must be the progeny of Janosik, the famous robber. Wow! Now you can make a great career in showbusiness. Don`t miss this chance.

  • 342fulljanosikphot.jpg
OP hardrain  1 | 9
7 Mar 2020   #35
Perhaps true; I was happy to join the forum, but then the vitriol like this made it not worth it at all. It's all hate, have a nice day.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
7 Mar 2020   #36

Why did you have to be nasty to hardrain?
What is the point?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Mar 2020   #37
It's all hate, have a nice day.

Both love and hate are normal human emotions. One to procreate and the other to stand your ground defending those who cannot defend themselves.
Those who are not capable of hate die first - at the hands of those who are.
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
7 Mar 2020   #38
Those who are not capable of hate die first - at the hands of those who are

That is just so feckin negative....... life is just not like that in reality..... you live in some sort of Viking world.... or is that what life really is like in America now?
pawian  224 | 27236
7 Mar 2020   #39
It's all hate, have a nice day.

Yet, despite complains, you seem to be quite an active observer here. :):)

but then the vitriol like this made it not worth it at all.

Yes, one needs balls of steel to be a member here. :):)
Miloslaw  20 | 5108
7 Mar 2020   #40
Yet, despite complains, you seem to be quite an active observer here. :):)

No, not really, untill your post he had not posted on here for 2 years!!!
Observer yes, active no.......
pawian  224 | 27236
7 Mar 2020   #41
Observer yes, active no.......

Oh, yes, I meant an avid observer. My bad, sorrki.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
7 Mar 2020   #42
That is just so feckin negative.....

No, it's Darwin. If you replace "die" with "loses" or "suffers", the rule I just expressed so crudely still stands.
Why do you think in some hoods guys have no clean skin left? To show how much love they have to give?
pawian  224 | 27236
8 Mar 2020   #43
Why did you have to be nasty to hardrain?

Because he didn`t apologise for his ancestors` deeds! His progenitor, Janosik, the mountain robber, once robbed my great great great great great great great grandfather Baron von Armata. My family chronicles mention it as a horrible experience for Baron.

Today hardrain boasts of his Janosik DNA despite dubious past of his forefathers. It is unfair.

Home / USA, Canada / So happy to be Polish-American