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Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media?

guesswho  4 | 1272
30 Sep 2010   #153
It wasn't too bad :-)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
30 Sep 2010   #154
We aren't mocked in the American Media so much. You probably see more bad things about Poles in the UK press than you do in the American.
wildeckirenegat  - | 18
30 Sep 2010   #155
Yeah but Poles in UK are just there for one simple reason - money. There aren't there to integrate with natives and spend the rest of their lives in UK

PolAms on the other hand are normal American citizens and they are (or were) somehow a victim of cruel jokes. But Poles aren't to blame - rather Jews and Germans
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
30 Sep 2010   #156
Then again, you must consider, before PC, everyone was mocked heavily in the US. There were tasteless jokes about absolutely every ethnic group on earth. Poles were just one of the many.
hancock  1 | 95
30 Sep 2010   #157
Apparently there are several polish radio stations in the UK now
guesswho  4 | 1272
30 Sep 2010   #158
somehow a victim of cruel jokes

Just answer my question with YES or NO please, can you take a joke?
richasis  1 | 409
30 Sep 2010   #159
But Poles aren't to blame - rather Jews and Germans

And the French - don't forget the French :)
smigly wilno
30 Sep 2010   #161
Just answer my question with YES or NO please, can you take a joke?

As long as you don't use the words "stupid", "dumb" and/or "Pollack" in it, then "yes".

To me, "Pollack" is one of those fighting words; you either appologize, or we can step outside.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
30 Sep 2010   #162
See that brown spot on the tip of my shoe? - That's from kicking the bums of the arseholes who tell me Pollack jokes!
guesswho  4 | 1272
30 Sep 2010   #163

I don't .............. lol .......... have a good 1
28 Mar 2011   #164
but Poland and Poles isn't exactly a hot topic in the US

This thread is not about, if we are the main topic of the US daily morning news , but about stereotypes Jewish producers use in entertainment industry. Since I live in Poland it bothers me if I watch an American movie with negative characters being polish (eg. Fugitive)as first and fast example.

As a matter of fact I also don`t care about Americans and they are not the main topic of my conversations either . North America is always associated in my mind with the extinction of its native people , but it doesnt mean we in Poland portray US in such way .

BTW I have always thought that ,in US, maids are mostly from Asia or South America .

Our society is not used to such treatment . The percentage of women studying at universities is higher than in most EU countries.

Yes , we are CEO , lawyers and doctors . If a young woman goes to the states for working sometimes it doesn`t mean that she can only clean . Why isn`t there any polish institution offering to find better job opportunities for Polish immigrants within Polish community?
28 Mar 2011   #165
Monia wrote:

The percentage of women studying at universities is higher than in most EU countries.

which kinda means you were.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
28 Mar 2011   #166
. Why isn`t there any polish institution offering to find better job opportunities for Polish immigrants within Polish community?

Im guessing because a lot of the qualifications from Poland might not work in the usa
convex  20 | 3928
28 Mar 2011   #167
This thread is not about, if we are the main topic of the US daily morning news , but about stereotypes Jewish producers use in entertainment industry. Since I live in Poland it bothers me if I watch an American movie with negative characters being polish (eg. Fugitive)as first and fast example.

It's a reflection of what people see, I don't think it's a secret Jewish conspiracy. My comment just reflects that most people in the US don't really care one way or the other.

Anyway, Poles are mocked in the media because they make up the largest group of Central European immigrants in the US. Same reason that Brits are mocked, Mexicans, Russians, Chinese, Indians, Koreans, rednecks, "East coast elitists", Canadians, Blonds, fat people, blacks, three legged dogs...

BTW I have always thought that ,in US, maids are mostly from Asia or South America .

Most are, but it depends on where you're at...

Yes , we are CEO , lawyers and doctors . If a young woman goes to the states for working sometimes it doesn`t mean that she can only clean . Why isn`t there any polish institution offering to find better job opportunities for Polish immigrants within Polish community?

I'm guessing that most successful Polish women stay in Europe. I know a couple, and none of them have any inclination to move to the US. But then again take a look at the UK or Germany, it's easy to see where the stereotypes come from.
28 Mar 2011   #168
To Moderator : I generally agree with your comment:)

But I wish I could see just one positive example of Polish character played in an american movie .
I have seen such in British or French .

To dTaylor : I know that , but they are offered not too many possibilities by Poles in US :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692
28 Mar 2011   #169
Brits are mocked

we are? Im writing a strongly worded letter to the Times as soon as I post this!!!!!
Indignant,Tunbridge Wells.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
28 Mar 2011   #170
Tunbridge Wells

"What is it, fvcking Middle Earth??! Take me to the airport!"
isthatu2  4 | 2692
28 Mar 2011   #171
Put me out of my misery mate...that line rings a bell :)
is it Snatch?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Mar 2011   #172
Why isn`t there any polish institution offering to find better job opportunities for Polish immigrants within Polish community?

Because Polish Americans don't want to help Poles, they only use "Poland" as a way to gain political points over others. As soon as it comes to actually helping them, they don't give a ****.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
28 Mar 2011   #173
Put me out of my misery mate...that line rings a bell :)
is it Snatch?

No it's from Get Him To The Greek, well funny. Don't remember the exact words but it's something along this way.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
28 Mar 2011   #174
Because Polish Americans don't want to help Poles, they only use "Poland" as a way to gain political points over others. As soon as it comes to actually helping them, they don't give a ****.

You are nothing but an anti-Polish troll with your lies.

All you ever do is sit on this forum, monitoring what Polish people say and bring up Anti-Polish hatred and lies.

Anyone who has been to any Polish American organization or read reports in Polish American newspapers of Polish Americans helping Poles in America and Poland, would know you are again spewing anti-Polish lies and propaganda.

You are the last person to make any remarks on Polish Americans or Poles since you have time and time after again have bashed all people of Polish ancestry.

You started to do a lot more of this, just when Poles and Polish Americans questioned the integrity of the Russian investigation into the Smolensk plane crash. After that you went crazy bashing all Polish people inside and out of Poland. Just because some people of Polish ancestry "had the nerve" to question your RuSSia about Smolensk.
Ice cold  - | 43
28 Mar 2011   #175
Since Pope John Paul II was the most famous Polish figure in American media for such a long time, he eradicated negative Polish stereotypes created by Archie Bunker from "All in the Family" with his, "Dumb Pollack" references almost singlehandedly.

Today American youth prolly supplant him with Marcin Gortat ( The Polish Hammer) as the most recognizable Pole.
His star keeps rising now that he's starting in Phoenix.

( Anytime the players and fans give you a nickname,you're good )
PennBoy  76 | 2429
28 Mar 2011   #176
Marcin Gortat

He had a great game about a week ago, 18 rebounds in a single game, nice.
Ice cold  - | 43
28 Mar 2011   #177
Even the former players on NBA TV ( Who criticizes everybody and everything) rave about him all the time.
They think going against Dwight Howard (who is a freak of nature) everyday in practice when he was with Orlando sped up his progress. He's one of the top 5 centers in the NBA at the moment.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
29 Mar 2011   #178

Polish American is Hero of New "Chicago Code" TV Series

Fox TV's new Monday night police drama, "Chicago Code," will feature a Polish American as the lead character, according to Shawn Ryan, the show's producer and director.

The first episode of "Chicago Code" is scheduled for February 7th at 9:00 p.m. (Eastern) and 8:00 p.m. (Central) on Fox network stations.

Mr. Ryan told the Anti-Bigotry Committee of the Polish American Congress the role of Det. Jarek Wysocki is played by the Australian actor, Jason Clarke.

Regular TV viewers should recall that Ryan is also the creator of "The Shield."
As a native of Rockford, Illinois, Ryan's association with Polish Americans in his formative years was an influence in giving a Polish ethnic identity to his lead character with the City of Chicago as a backdrop......

But like the Polish American Congress cautioned, lets keep an eye on this show so that hopefully nothing negative gets written into the script about the Polish character.

I give credit to the Fox TV network for having this show.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
29 Mar 2011   #179
But like the Polish American Congress cautioned, lets keep an eye on this show so that hopefully nothing negative gets written into the script about the Polish character.

What on earth?

What's wrong with having some negativity? Wouldn't it be wholly appropriate for a Polish American to have problems combining religion with work, for instance?

Ah, that's right - Polish Americans are trying desperately to avoid the fact that they're mostly descended from nothing but peasants.

Tell me one thing. Why is Poland full of American volunteers, but no Polish-American volunteers?

That's right - dumb Polacks don't actually care about Poland, they only care about waving their kielbasas (ugh) and using their peasant origins to bash other Americans with.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
29 Mar 2011   #180
lets keep an eye on this show so that hopefully nothing negative gets written into the script about the Polish character.

I have problems with that statement of yours MW.

Do you think Poles are perfect? Do you think a real life character has no flaws? Nothing negatives about Poles at all?

And what if you really achieve Pole in TV will ever be shown a tiny bit "negatively".
Do you really think people don't look through that propaganda (because that's what it amounts to)?
Do you really think you are not just then INVITING jokes and contempt because of that behavior?

I don't get you!

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