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"Strange " English language..

Crow  154 | 9260
24 Jun 2024   #241

Because of pussy talks? Man, we are in a last times. If I am to die I want to die with pussy on my lips. Even literally.
Novichok  4 | 7809
24 Jun 2024   #242
If I am to die I want to die with pussy on my lips.

You will suffocate.
Crow  154 | 9260
24 Jun 2024   #243
let, let, let
Lyzko  41 | 9563
24 Jun 2024   #244
I agree, jon.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
24 Jun 2024   #245
Correct.Slavic languages had nothing to to with this, much as Crow wishes they had.

They talk indeed. From whispering to chattering.

Or indeed farting LOL!!!!!!
Crow  154 | 9260
25 Jun 2024   #246
Or indeed farting LOL!!!!!!

No you moron. They don`t produce gasses. Its regular air
Crow  154 | 9260
5 Jul 2024   #247
Or take word `DICK` in English.

In Serbian we have word DIKA and it means PRIDE and also can be used to describe persons. For example, a girl says: ``Moj dika mi dolazi.`` It means, in superlative sense ``My best of all / superb darling is coming to me.``

See? Dick is from Serbian pride and pussy is from Serbian kissing.
Crow  154 | 9260
4 Oct 2024   #248
Osiris (/oʊˈsaɪrɪs/, from Egyptian wsjr) was the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion.


English/Egyptian OSIRIS / WSIR = Serbian OZIRIS (from Ozaren = One who is all smile, smiling face) and OZRAČEN = irradiated by sun) / Greek ZEVS = Serbian VSE and SVE = all)

During Ice age civilized Europe was Balkan and oldest language on Balkan is Serbian language, by linguists oldest European language. Only European ethnic name mentioned in ancient Indian Rg Veda manuscripts is the Serbian ethnic name in the form of SRBINDA (in modern day Serbian language Srbinda aka Srbenda means Serbian in superlative). In Veda`s texts Srbinda is mentioned in the context of conflict with Black God of Indra that forced Srbinda to retreat.

Not just Slavs. All Whites are ethnic Serbians. Nationalities come later. But in origin, all Europeans are one Serbian people.
Crow  154 | 9260
21 hrs ago   #249
a WITCH, WHITCHCRAFT and WICCA from Serbian VIKATI (to yell, to shout), Veštica (female Witch), Veštac (male Witch)

Its all very simple and very clear. You know, Tolkien studied Serbian language with a reason. All is in Serbian language. All the deep meaning of primary English words. The bottom line meaning and MORE.

What a stupendous comment that only Serbian word that entered English is a Vampire. Ha, ha, ha. All is Serbian. You English won`t know your language if you don`t consult Serbian language.

What to tell you. Karma is kur*a. When the circle is closed you are Serbs. As all other Whites, you are Serbs in ethnicity. Nation is something else.
jon357  72 | 22979
20 hrs ago   #250
WICCA from Serbian

No. From Englisc "ƿiċċa".

And anyway, the word was made up in the 1950s.
Crow  154 | 9260
20 hrs ago   #251
To explain you how we know

See. Why is stupid to say that English and Serbian originate from some unknown proto-European language. Those who wrote that history call it indo-European. Liars and morons.

Now, why is that nonsense?

Because Serbian is older then English. Serbian is that proto-language to English.

Because we see word WICCA and WITCH, WHITCHCRAFT have no any deeper meaning and explanation in English. And how ancient Witch functioned? By yelling loudly, shouting words. See? That was logic of ancients in forming the language. It had meaning. In English we don`t have background word for WICCA. Its just WICCA. Out of tin air. But then you look at Serbian language and you learn that WICCA coming from VIKATI (to yell loudly). That is science.

No. From Englisc "ƿiċċa".

and you are crazy.
jon357  72 | 22979
19 hrs ago   #252
Are any of these "ancient witches" in the room with you now?
Crow  154 | 9260
18 hrs ago   #253
Better Vestice then Pachamama. We Serbians don`t have complexes. We love what is ours. Only fools love all what is outside of their world.

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