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"Strange " English language..

Crow  155 | 9699
25 May 2024   #181
Anyway, 'Serbian' isn't even a language; it's just a bastardised slang dialect of Croatian

Your fabricated propaganda won`t bring you anything. One thing on this stupidity of yours. Frankish chronicles (serious state documents) don`t say a word of Croatian language, territory or people. Only of Serbs. From Limes Sorabicus to Lusatia to the Baltic and Balkan Serbs. Croats are later Vatican invention and project.

Here you are, chuckie egg:

Wait for the Wiki in a new architecture of Europe and world.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 May 2024   #182
on`t say a word of Croatian language, territory or people.

Because their greatness and ubiquity is so well known that it doesn't need mentioning, unlike the obscure and mongrelised 'serbs' (a type. of Vlach) that nobody had heard of to the south.

However. you have a thread for Balkan. drivel.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
25 May 2024   #183
'Serbian' isn't even a language; it's just a bastardised slang dialect of Croatian, however you have threads to dribble about your Balkan fixation in .

Correct and Serbs are a Slavic bastard of Albanians and Macedonian gypsies.
Crow  155 | 9699
25 May 2024   #184
Why you people ruining this nice thread? I mean, whats the point? Are you retarded?
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
25 May 2024   #185
Why you people ruining this nice thread?

Crow  155 | 9699
25 May 2024   #186
Contribute with something clever or go.
jon357  72 | 23654
25 May 2024   #187
Correct and Serbs are a Slavic bastard of Albanians and Macedonian gypsies.

That or the Lost Tribe of Israel. Or more likely a type of Turk.
Crow  155 | 9699
26 May 2024   #188
Virtual heroes. Go speak like that in the face to Nikola Jokic or Novak Djokovic.
jon357  72 | 23654
26 May 2024   #189
Who are they?

This thread is about the English language, not Balkan weirdoes.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
27 May 2024   #190
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #191
This thread is about the English language

But I nicely offered this example >

dream --- srb. dremati (state between sleeping and being awaken, light sleeping)
secret --- srb. sakriti, skriti (to hide)
child --- srb. čeljade, read cheljade
stone --- srb. stena (hill)
verification --- srb. vera (faith)
creep --- srb. akrep (a freak)
allow --- srb. alaliti (to give)
arrogant --- srb. rogat (horned)
wassail --- srb. veselje
vary --- srb. varljiv
land/lend --- srb. ledina
bestial --- srb. besan (furious)
beaten --- srb. prebijen
bungler --- srb. bangav
turf --- srb. trava
weeping --- srb. vapaj
check --- srb. čačkati, read chachkati (to poke around)
chaste --- srb. čast, read chast
thunder --- srb. tandrkati (to bang)
path --- srb. put
part --- srb. parče, read parche
dive --- srb. daviti se (to drown)
dim --- srb. dim
decent --- dostojan

and then this >

recite --- srb. recitovati
verve --- srb. vreva (bustle)
deep --- srb. dubok
source --- srb. srce (heart), srž (core)
yes --- srb. jes (read yes)
barn --- srb. ambar
I am --- srb. Ja sam (read ya sam)
swinery --- srb. svinjac
stomach -- srb. stomak
plot --- srb. plot (fence)
perplate --- srb. preplitati
place --- srb. plac
plate --- srb. plato
batch --- sr. bačva, read bacva
acumulation --- srb. gomila (same sound)
bush, ambush --- srb. žbun

also this >

predestined --- srb. predodredjen (directly same meaning as English counterpart)
gaia --- srb. gajiti (to grow, to cultivate)
berry --- srb. brati (to pick)
dick --- srb. dika (a man to be proud of, a proud one, capable man, there are female songs about their man `dika`, or mother can say `dika` for her son or even daughter, superlative form of `dika` is `dicina` read dichina- its kind of big dika, super dika)

So, tell me, where did I fail to be on topic? English language is no strange to me. Wherever I look I read deeper meaning of English word and SHOW to you here Serbian background of the word. After all, Tolkien spoke the same.
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 May 2024   #192
But I nicely offered this example >

This is stupider than the old cranks that said Basque was the ur-language of the world....

linguists never compare contemporary language forms to determine relationships but the oldest forms they can find or reconstruct....

Serbian is a Slavic language and so has cognates with Germanic languages like English....English loaf and Polish chleb are cognates... descendants of an earlier Indo-European root

similarly English queen, Polish żona and Greek gynaika are all descended from the proto-Indo-Europeapn reconstructed root gʷḗn (woman)
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #193
This is stupider than the old cranks that said Basque was the ur-language of the world....

Absolutely you have right to your opinion. I would always defend that right to you.

Here! Don`t anybody dare to upset mafketis for his opinion!


But at the same time, I think you are a moron.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #194
English queen, Polish żona and Greek gynaika are all descended from the proto-Indo-Europeapn reconstructed root gʷḗn (woman)

And also the words quaint and cünt. It's all part of the Indo-European family. There are cognates in Kurdish and Punjabi too.

Though not wench, which seems to come from a verb about movement. Perhaps distantly related to the word wank. They may well be related to the verb to send. As in the Wendish people, another word for Sorbians. That sounds a bit like Serbian. Does that mean that all Serbians are wankers?
mafketis  38 | 11260
27 May 2024   #195
I think you are a moron.

other modern versions of gʷḗn

Scandinavia: kone, kona (wife) kvinne, kvinna (woman)

Irish: bean (woman)

far more interesting than the random stuff you think is evidence....
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 May 2024   #196
I think you are a moron.

I think you must be a moron if you think he is one.
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #197
Same as for him, so goes for your rights and my opinions on both of you.

Circle is complete.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 May 2024   #198
Circle is complete.

It is indeed and comes back to point at you..... the moron!
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #199
Moron is a noble trait.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 May 2024   #200
For Serbs maybe...... but not anyone else!
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #201
Serbs are givers of West. You sow with your own eyes that English have foundations in Serbian language.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 May 2024   #202
You sow with your own eyes that English have foundations in Serbian language.

What utter bollox! The English language came from Germanic, Dutch, Scandinavian and French influences, with some Latin thrown in....... no Serbian influence at all, most of the examples that you posted were from Latin or Germanic influences into your language.And that is where the connection begins and ends.Good try, massive fail!
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #203
foundations in Serbian

And what, pray, are the 'foundations' of the s*rbian dialect of s*rbo-Croat?
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #204
this jon always finish in a mockery. Like limited a little bit.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 May 2024   #205
So what's its 'foundation' then?

Anyway, this thread is nothing to do with s*rbian.
Crow  155 | 9699
27 May 2024   #206
Contemplate on all you said I will and you will get what you seek.
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Jun 2024   #207
Take the word `pussy`. Take it and you would feel clear connection. Spot >

pussy --- srb. translate as `pička`/read pichka (but originate from `pusa` to kiss).

But, listen how you got word pussy in English. In Serbian we say `pusa` for `kissing`. Its synonym to `poljubiti` to kiss.

So, see, in their wisdom ancients were blunt and literal. By kissing (pusiti) that venerable organ, they named it pussy. `Pussy` is from Serbian `pusa` - kiss.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Jun 2024   #208
Albanian for "you" formal is "Ju" and pronounced 'yeeew',
with a nearly pure umlaut homophone! Hungarian for "house" is "haz"
(acute accent mark above the "a"!), and while a direct cognate for the English lexical equivalent,
albeit with varying pronunciation, points to ZERO historic relation with the Germanic languages.
Hungarian is Uralic with a heavy dose of neighboring Slavic vocabulary and Albanian, as far as we
can tell is mostly Illyrian, add to that, strong admixture over the centuries from Greek and Turkish.

In short, as a linguist myself, I'd have to side with both Maf and Milo and dub your notions double bullox!!
Crow  155 | 9699
22 Jun 2024   #209
Nonsense, brate. Illyrian was a Slavic language. I renounce so called indo-germanic linguistic school, and fabricated politically colored propaganda of western European scholars.

In short, as a linguist myself, I'd have to side with both Maf and Milo and dub your notions double bullox!!

Slavic languages are fundamental for all other European languages. We Slavs ie Sarmatians aren`t newcomers to Europe but natives.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
23 Jun 2024   #210
Much of such talk has long been debunked by scholars.

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