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"Strange " English language..

jon357  72 | 23482
16 May 2024   #151
Never heard or read anything about this in all my years following football

It's more a historic thing and not as stark as in Scotland though still real in the estates of Manchester. Anyway, scum are scum. Leeds won 4-0 tonight so there's cause for celebration.

what accent is this

The other side of the mountains from me but here's my guess.

Not Crewe but elements of it. More pennine. Too midlandsy to be stereotypical Lancashire but with a 'western' catch and there are "accent isolates" there that sound a bit like that, especially in Burnley and Bacup, particularly Burnley that has that hard sound and the open vowels. Too far north to be Congleton or Stoke. Hard to say but probably somewhere driveable from Macclesfield and south Stockport.
jon357  72 | 23482
16 May 2024   #152
BTW, my first thought was western Cheshire however there are Lancashire elements and the flat vowels of Stoke rather than the rolling ones of Cheshire.

The mother's accent is more Lancashire though. Hers isn't and I'd not bet on Burnley though it's possible. Is she a Macc Lass?
Vincent  8 | 800
16 May 2024   #153
Hard to say but probably somewhere driveable from Macclesfield and south Stockport.

I think you hit the nail on the head there.
jon357  72 | 23482
17 May 2024   #154
That's my gut feeling.

One problem is that the north west is packed with "accent isolates" which are different from neighbouring towns. Plus they evolve quite quickly and a most of the people I know from that region are many decades older than that kid.

This lady who had a comedy sketch show on the BBC (she's actually a relative of mine though we don't know each other) has a distinct accent. She's from a geographically isolated town, however there are real differences between her and the older generation of our family. Most of our relatives there sound a bit like Emlyn Hughes when he was younger however she's a bit closer to both Mancs and to the little girl in the Twitter link you posted.
Vincent  8 | 800
17 May 2024   #155
That's my gut feeling.

I used to visit some friends in Stoke quite often, as well as my aunt in Stockport, and somewhere in between, I've heard that accent.

she's a bit closer to both Mancs

I would say that also. BTW she has a wicked sense of humour and I can't believe I've never heard of her before.
jon357  72 | 23482
17 May 2024   #156

Strange place, isn't it. Sort of trapped in a time warp. The Staffordshire oatcakes are nice though and the museum in Hanley's got maybe the best ceramics collection outside London.

One of those places that has a 'blended' accent (like Barrow or Scunthorpe) because almost everybody's family came from somewhere else.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
17 May 2024   #157
The last Manx speakers died out at least sixty or so years ago.
gumishu  15 | 6228
17 May 2024   #158

Mancs is probably short for Manchester - don't worry - the town Bicester is actually called Bister
Lyzko  44 | 9711
17 May 2024   #159
Whoops, thanks gumishu!
Novichok  4 | 8410
17 May 2024   #160
Mancs is probably short for Manchester

Short for Manchester - Hell.

White: 66.7% (59.3% White British, 2.4% White Irish, 0.1% Irish Traveller or Gypsy, 4.9% other white) Mixed race: 4.7% (1.8% white and black Caribbean, 0.9% white and black African, 1.0% white and Asian, 1.0% other mixed race) Asian: 17.1% (8.5% Pakistani, 2.7% Chinese, 2.3% Indian, 1.3% Bangladeshi, 2.3% other Asian)

Leicester has become one of the first cities in the UK where people identifying as white are no longer the majority, the latest census data shows. Figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have revealed 41% of the city described themselves as white - the lowest of any city in the UK.

Why did the Brits resist the Germans? Only to surrender to another invasion without a shot fired? A minority in their own country...Please tell me this nightmare is just a bad dream...

BTW, would would white Brits want to become a minority? They used to be a 99% majority...What happened?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
17 May 2024   #161
would would white Brits want to become a minority?

White Brits are still 75% of the UK population and a surprisingly large number of non whites have bought into the idea of being British....... hard to achieve in America, but we are doing it here!
Novichok  4 | 8410
17 May 2024   #162
My question is:

Why would white Brits want to become a minority in so many UK cities and 75% in the country?
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
17 May 2024   #163
Why would white Brits want to become a minority in so many UK cities and 75% in the country?

They don't. It is all because of our liberal left leaning governments that have allowed this to happen.Hey, you have the same problem in the USA.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
17 May 2024   #164
Why would white Brits want to become a minority in so many UK cities and 75% in the country?

The UK has been a class-based society for millennia. What held it in place was homogeneity.

A deracinated and miscegenated population on the other hand is more likely to be more disenfranchised and aggrieved by a white ruling class which doesn't look anything like a dark underclass.

Just look at once rich and flourishing places like South Africa and Zimbabwe. Both are complete basket cases today but that was the price armed leftist agitators were willing to pay so long as they seized power from "the man".
Novichok  4 | 8410
18 May 2024   #165
They don't.

Good answer, Milo. You are now officially a decent and honest guy, unlike the always-deferential PF Euro bootlickers.

Hey, you have the same problem in the USA.

Yes, we do, and that's why we call the criminal scumbags who are doing it to us the worst of names here and elsewhere. This is also why Trump will be president. Joe, please die soon...

The silence from the PF bootlickers is defeating. Occasionally, these slimeballs give me a lecture about "our democratically elected legal representatives"... never a harsh word...

The UK has been a class-based society for millennia. What held it in place was homogeneity.

And that is why the UK will be Brazil soon.

The mystery is why the UK ruling mob sacrificed the country by giving it this incurable migrant cancer. Seriously, I really do get it...
jon357  72 | 23482
18 May 2024   #166

We're talking about Manx not Manx. (Though in fact a lot of Manx are in fact Mancs and some Mancs are certainly Manx however that's another story and not a linguistic one).

Mancs is probably short for Manchester

Mancs is short for Mancunians, so close.

75% of the UK population

95% where I am however it's hard to say why that would matter. There are a dozen other threads for racists to whinge on.

The UK has been a class-based society for millennia

So fat cherry thinks that the U.K. has existed for 'millennia'. Wow, and there was the rest of us thinking it was created in two stages, in 1707 and 1801.

And social socioeconomic status ('class' is a meaningless word) evolved in the British Isles slowly and in a state of constant flux. The same in Poland and in the US. Outsiders however put too much emphasis on it, and especially on the relationship between socioeconomic status and accent/language.
MasterSolivagus  - | 14
18 May 2024   #167
Stranger than the strangest strange that strangled an estranged stereotype?
jon357  72 | 23482
18 May 2024   #168
U OK hun?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
18 May 2024   #169
why the UK ruling mob sacrificed the country by giving it this incurable migrant cancer. Seriously, I really do get it...

The rabid left want to transform the UK into a socialist utopia for themselves by making it a dystopia for everyone else. Their economic arguments for class struggle haven't worked in homogenous countries so they are trying bring change to using race and identity since this is more visceral and doesn't need to be explained to the masses.

Like with the uniparty and their backers in the US, the rabid left in the UK have also found collaborators and enablers in what used to be conservative/capitalist circles by making it profitable for them to transform the country.

They are publicly boasting about it too.

An article from 17 May 2024 in the leftist woke rag The Guardian:

British asylum housing tycoon breaks into Sunday Times rich list

Graham King, whose firm is paid £3.5m a day to accommodate arrivals in the UK, listed among country's 350 richest people

the U.K. has existed for 'millennia'.


Wow, and there was the rest of us thinking it was created in two stages, in 1707 and 1801.

No, there is only you thinking that. But then again you have often said you are originally from Leeds and, as the saying goes, just like the beer the heads are thicker up North.
jon357  72 | 23482
19 May 2024   #170
The rabid left

You're mixing it with the rabid right.

And this is nothing to do with language which survives, evolves and in the case of English, thrives.

No, there is only you thinking that

And the law, all historians and anyone in touch with reality. You made another mistake. Keep digging, fat boy.

But then again you have often said you are originally from Leeds

No I haven't. Don't lie.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
19 May 2024   #171
No I haven't. Don't lie.

Yes, you have. Many times in fact.

Here is just a quick sample both recently and going back decades:

One of the things I miss from home is bolognese pizza, a Leeds speciality.

Reminded me a bit of when I lived on a very rough estate in Leeds.

I used to live very near the infamous Asbestos Triangle in Leeds - the factory is still there, too dangerous to demolish.

Of low repute, sometimes the child of a loose women (as in 'hoor's get/git'). Probably the origing of chav - in Leeds we've been saying charver for years ;-)

I remember once in England, when I lived in Leeds, coming out of my house to nip to the corner shop.

It's understandable though that you would want to lie that you haven't. Anyone would be embarrassed too. But your reminiscent posts do show you have genuine hometown pride when you make them.

Just look at the place though. It says everything about you - old, shabby, empty, boring and with a feeble splash of color at a failed attempt to brighten up the desolation and decay.
jon357  72 | 23482
19 May 2024   #172
Yes, you have. Many times in fact.

Grow up.

None of those posts you desperately trawled for say that at all, or anything like it.

Just look at the place though

A very nice city, however you don't know my hometown and never will unless I choose to disclose it to you. I've mentioned on here although your search skills are too low to find it.

And we're talking about language, not your pointless burbling, fat boy.
Novichok  4 | 8410
19 May 2024   #173
Just look at the place though. It says everything about you

Normal people should follow the Hitler rule of if you can't beat them, upstage them. Say what you want, but stealing May 1 from the commies was brilliant. But I am digressing...

Back to faggots...We should design and assign a flag to each mental disorder and paint every wall and sidewalk to show our deep concern and endless love for the victims.
jon357  72 | 23482
19 May 2024   #174
I've heard that accent.

Apparently she's from Bolton (it was in today's Metro). I'd guess somewhere outside the town, maybe one of the big estates, maybe round Farnworth or towards Prestwich.

upstage them

Vincent  8 | 800
19 May 2024   #175
Apparently she's from Bolton

At least we weren't a million miles away with our guesses.
jon357  72 | 23482
19 May 2024   #176
Pretty close.

And of course she could have lived in more than one place.
Crow  154 | 9525
25 May 2024   #177
Here are two more words of not that strange English when deciphered from the angle of Serbian language >

dick --- dika (a man to be proud of, a proud one, capable man, there are female songs about their man `dika`, or mother can say `dika` for her son or even daughter, superlative form of `dika` is `dicina` read dichina- its kind of big dika, super dika)

predestined --- srb. predodredjen (directly same meaning as English counterpart)

See, primordial past of English is Serbian language. To understand beginnings of English language, Tolkien studied Serbian. Same way as Grimm brothers and Goethe examined Serbian mythology and concluded that without Slavic mythology German mythology can`t be understand. Slavs ie Sarmatians are foundation of Europe.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 May 2024   #178
See, primordial past of English is Serbian language.

It isn't.
Crow  154 | 9525
25 May 2024   #179
The truth will set you free. Non can confront scientific truth and expect to progress.
jon357  72 | 23482
25 May 2024   #180

Here you are, chuckie egg:

Anyway, 'Serbian' isn't even a language; it's just a bastardised slang dialect of Croatian, however you have threads to dribble about your Balkan fixation in .

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