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Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #91
Some are grateful for the opportunity and some say - I had to work hard on my success and I see no reason to be grateful - individual thing really.

true but they forget that if not the "opportunity" this country gave/gives them, they wouldn't get a chance to say that "I had to work hard on my success and I don't see no reason to be grateful" and make it as far as they did here. Yes, I believe they have a reason to be grateful after all.
Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Jul 2011   #92
There is sth to be said for payback and my student this morning thinks that many Poles still feel cheated by GB from WWII. Some Poles will only leave when they feel that they have saved enough money and that's their given right.
A J  4 | 1075
23 Jul 2011   #93
There is sth to be said for payback and my student this morning thinks that many Poles still feel cheated by GB from WWII.

I'd love to ask this student of yours how the second world-war has affected him/her personally.

Seanus  15 | 19666
23 Jul 2011   #94
It's a generational thing ;)
Pierdolski  - | 31
23 Jul 2011   #95
Being in the EU all doors for Poland are open : ).

Poland will eventually rebuild and become a major power. Until then Poles need to venture out, collect cash and bring revenues back into the nation. The Brits should be lucky to have Poles in the UK, as opposed to others.
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Jul 2011   #96
As long as the right ambassadors are there, then yes. Having the option of living and working in a foreign country is a great thing to have. I think it is just rewards for Poles who were trapped in/cut off for so long.

If he had said 'some Brits' then it would have been ok. Quite a few employers gain from their labour.
modafinil  - | 416
24 Jul 2011   #97
Pierdolski: The Brits should be lucky to have Poles in the UK, as opposed to others.

Go on then, Tell me why the Brits are lucky to have them, as opposed to others?
Wroclaw Boy
24 Jul 2011   #98
Until then Poles need to venture out, collect cash and bring revenues back into the nation.

What a few hundred quid a month, do me a favour mate thats chicken change. bring revenue back... put this one in the ridiculous quote book thread.

Poland will eventually rebuild and become a major power.

Its too late for that the major powers will prevent that, you aint got the land, aint got the resources, aint got no chance no matter what, period. Shale gas nah i dont think so either.

The Brits should be lucky to have Poles in the UK, as opposed to others.

as opposed to others perhaps, fact is Poles flocked here by the million no other nation did, why?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
24 Jul 2011   #99
venture out, collect cash and bring revenues back

hardly. most Polish seem to have been sucked into life here with no chance of saving, same as the rest of us.
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Jul 2011   #100
Asides from the money aspect, the system also chokes them back here in Poland. Who would want to return to grinding out cash?
13 Jan 2012   #101
I'd love to ask this student of yours how the second world-war has affected him/her personally.

Poland as a country is much poorer because of it. Imagine how it would be like in Germany if the country consisted only of East Germany. Germans would understand. The eastern part of their country is still much poorer despite of spending billions to improve the condition of that region.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 May 2021   #102
If you dislike the UK so much, you know were the door is

I read it is gradually taking place. The drop from over one million to 800.000 this year.

I hope those greatest rascals won`t come back to Poland, though. I still like to have less savages in streets here than before.
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jan 2025   #103
You're always bashing the Brits

Only those imperial ones.

Almost 37,000 people arrived in the UK via small boats across the English Channel in 2024, up on the previous year but down from the record-breaking 46,000 in 2022. The International Organization for Migration estimates that 78 people died on such crossings in 2024 - the highest number since records began.
Ironside  51 | 13086
31 Jan 2025   #104

How do you feel 15 years down the timeline? Embarrassed?
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jan 2025   #105

Of course. He choked with that sand after putting his head into it. hahahaha

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