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Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
9 Jun 2011   #61
you know were the door is

Going through that door is more land with angry villagers with their pitchforks and torches! All speaking non-understandable English dialect! After that (if we are lucky) there is a channel! Will there be provided a boat? Probably not... Ok then we need to steal one or swim across the channel and what do we meet then? Yepp the Frenchies... Thanks for that! After we run through all those crazy frog eaters there is GERMANY!!!! And only after THEN it's Poland so tell me wtf am I gonna do with that door? Can I use it as an raft?
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jun 2011   #62
What absolute drivel! You clearly haven't studied much private international family law, Meow.

Anyway, please stick to the thread. I believe in giving people a good crack of the whip but a further economic crisis will negate that possibility for many.
Meowmeow  5 | 57
9 Jun 2011   #63
I know laws differ in different countries but are same in most.
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Jun 2011   #64
I'm talking about PIFL, not EU Law here.

Anyway, let's stay on track. Secure people can usually hold down a job but others who are less secure take hacks at others.
simon_a  - | 2
21 Jul 2011   #65
You're always bashing the Brits, the UK, saying you despise it, yet you come here, reap the benefits, & still criticise - you people are such hypocrites. If you dislike the UK so much, you know were the door is, have I made myself clear?

been living here since early years of my life, but i have been visiting poland much aswell, and tbh... it's not poles that take benefits and criticise uk. it born and bread english youths that **** this country up. Why will i get a job quicker than my BORN english friend? Because he doesn't even know Queens Name, how to spell ENGLAND. And it's not just one ocasion, whereever whenever i go for a job interview, all your ''SPECIALIST'' know less about their trade than my nun about lowering cars.

so **** you
Skrymcz  - | 30
21 Jul 2011   #66
been living here since early years of my life

Ever thought of learning the language?
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Jul 2011   #67
His English language skills seem quite alright to me. The BNP is growing in stature and there will be more attacks on Poles but life is competitive, deal with it.

Oh, I meant that Brits should deal with it and fight harder for what they want.
IKrash  1 | 19
22 Jul 2011   #68
i Think brits and uk are good in their own place and poles in their own i mean come on you almost have the same culture guys

well poles luthnians brists americans your culture is almost similar there are tiny differences but mostly you all want the same things like some friends loving family high income etc
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #69
there are tiny differences

not really that tiny though but I absolutely agree when you say, we're all humans.
IKrash  1 | 19
22 Jul 2011   #70
like what ?
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #71
different culture in general (languages, music etc.)
IKrash  1 | 19
22 Jul 2011   #72
okay these are not differences they are the means to identify difference would be difference of thinking morals etc
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 Jul 2011   #73
to showing appreciation for everything this country and people did for them.

What this country did for them eh?
isthatu2  4 | 2692
22 Jul 2011   #74
You are what you feel you are. Ethno-cultural awareness and self-identity are subjective concepts, a thing of the consciousness or soul, and no scrap of paper, no chip, no laws, rules, regulations or red tape can change that.

Was this regarding my comment that I just tick the "other" box? Its two reasons really,the first I have a gut reaction regarding racial profiling,on the one hand we are all told from on high that "race doesnt matter" etc (which I agree with) but on the other hand those same people seem obbsessed with making lists of peoples ethnicities,way to NAZI like for my comfort.

The second reason is much more laid back; Im a happy mongrol,Im Scots by birth and maternity,Irish by paternaty with English and Welsh in the mix a couple of generations back,but, Im raised ,identify as and sound like pure Yorkshire ! No box for that l'il mix :)

I think IKrash has it spot on, we are esentially from the same European catholic background ( thats small c catholic,being as we aint all Catholics but our Christianity stems from Rome rather than say Armenia) . Our histories are intertwinned to.
Daisy  3 | 1211
22 Jul 2011   #75
the first I have a gut reaction regarding racial profiling,on the one hand we are all told from on high that "race doesnt matter" etc (which I agree with) but on the other hand those same people seem obbsessed with making lists of peoples ethnicities,way to NAZI like for my comfort.

Where I work we have to maintain our own profiles on our staff records database. We have to state ethnicity, whether we are straight, gay or bi, if we are transgender, what our religion is. My details change on a monthly basis
teflcat  5 | 1024
22 Jul 2011   #76
We have to state ethnicity, whether we are straight, gay or bi, if we are transgender, what our religion is

Have to? Is this legal?
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jul 2011   #77
maybe mostly but not always PB. I know, you're trying to excuse your butt now, (lol) but don't speak for everyone else because that Czech guy really sounded like he meant what he was saying.

The Czech guy loved what America can offer him, work much more money than what he could make back home this is the only reason why people come here.

I don't know about MANY but some for sure. I could imagine, it's mostly the case with Pol-Ams judging by this forum but then again, some guy (a member of PF too) from Chicago told me that PolAms in Chicago are not as anti American as some of you here.

Now you're being straight up ignorant. How many of the people in your area are 1st or 2nd generation in America? close to none? How many times have you been to Polish communities in Chicago, New York, north Jersey or Philly? none? don't just assume something. I know people who were born here and say they're Italian, or Irish, or Polish.
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #78
What this country did for them eh?

allow them to enter the country to begin with, or is it some kind of "must be"? The rest is what this system offers people to survive and go up the social ladder if they have the ability to use it.

this is the only reason why people come here.

nope, not the only one, many people are escaping all kinds of discrimination back home (religious, political etc.)

How many times have you been to Polish communities in Chicago, New York, north Jersey or Philly? none?

I applied for a visa to Chicago and didn't make it (kidding).

Now you're being straight up ignorant.

just check many of your posts here PB, you'll see what "ignorant" means.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jul 2011   #79
just check many of your posts here PB, you'll see what "ignorant" means.

My statement are from being and living in, with or among whatever I describe, from actually knowing.

nope, not the only one, many people are escaping all kinds of discrimination

I meant not much besides that, money and feeling something meaning this isn't some glamorous place to live in.
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #80
My statement are from being and living in, with or among whatever I describe, from actually knowing.

oh really? So what is many? How many millions of of them do you personally know to say MANY? You base your statement on something that you practically can't know PB. You know personally maybe few hundred (if that much) people altogether (including all your relatives), just like everyone else and you say many like you knew millions of them. That's why saying SOME usually makes way more sense.

I meant not much besides that,

how do you know it's not "much beside that"? Let's investigate. I'm sure we'll be able to find a link showing us some numbers. I do agree that the majority came here to make more cash but it's impossible to determine, for any of us, how many of them really came here for what reasons unless we know the exact numbers.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jul 2011   #81
You know personally maybe few hundred (if that much) people altogether (including all your relatives), just like everyone else and you say many like you knew millions of them. That's why saying SOME usually makes way more sense.

Let's investigate.

Guesswho don't patronize me. When a statistic is done 100 million people aren't asked. A few thousand at most. Like in a statistic, I make my claims to know from knowing and meeting people from different social classes from different areas around this country (Chicago, Detroit, Connecticut, Boston, NY, PA, FL) and then out of that you get a percentage of how many do this or that.
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #82
Guesswho don't patronize me.

Where am I patronizing you PB???? I'm not patronizing you when I'm telling you that it's impossible to determine (for any of us) anything without actually knowing something, that's all. We're all meeting people here and there and communicate with them but we still can't tell, if those few we've met stand for any kind of majority whatsoever. I already admitted that I agree with you that most of them came here because of cash but I disagree with you say "only".
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jul 2011   #83
You making it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about and am only guessing when it;s you who's doing the guessing and assuming things to be a certain way i've been here for 20 years and have met people all over this country.
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #84
So how many states have you physically visited and how long have you stayed there to confirm what you said earlier? PB, all I'm saying is that generally, it's impossible to determine anything unless actually knowing it and we both don't know it and if "we" don't know something for sure, it's always smarter to say "some" or "few" but never "only" (I hope you'll agree at least with that 1).
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 Jul 2011   #85
allow them to enter the country to begin with, or is it some kind of "must be"

well, fine, the country let them enter, thank you ! what else ?
Is not as if the country was really doing something for them, it is ?
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #86
what else ?

the rest of my answer :-) This country gives them the opportunity to leave behind what they escaped from leaving their countries of origin and the word "opportunity" is what I'm talking about Iron. If you'll deny that "opportunity" is what immigrants are looking for here, then tell me why are they coming here?

Is not as if the country was really doing something for them, it is ?

This country gives them all the "opportunity" Iron. Everything else is up to every single one of them. Some make it here and some don't (there are many reasons for both possibilities).
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 Jul 2011   #87
Thats right, the opportunity is there, sure. I thought that you were talking about something that the U.S. is actively helping immigrants.
guesswho  4 | 1272
22 Jul 2011   #88
well, we can run a long discussion whether "opportunity" is an active help or not. In my eyes it is because it helps thousands (millions probably) of people to run a better life over here.
Ironside  50 | 12928
22 Jul 2011   #89
Well, and their attitude the the issue differ. Some are grateful for the opportunity and some say - I had to work hard on my success and I see no reason to be grateful - individual thing really.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
22 Jul 2011   #90
I think it's harder for immigrants find good office jobs locals wanna hire their own. There's this perception that the immigrant is supposed to make less than an American and do the job he himself doesn't want and it's actually implemented through practice. I have Polish friends who started their own business and I don't think they'd even consider hiring Americans, they all employ other Europeans mostly Eastern. It's not that they want more money but that there's a bond to help others alike out because they know Americans would hire their own over them.

Home / UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

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