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Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030

johnny reb  49 | 7888
7 May 2023   #1
It's time Europe take notice that Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030
Poland will be the next super power of Europe.
Good job PiS.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
7 May 2023   #2
LOL Then Poles will go to britain to teach brit/sh.its some culture and MORE brits will come to Poland to do menial jobs to send back money for there families:))) while Poles will go to UK to retire comfortably with there pension:)))
7 May 2023   #3
That will depend to some degree on government policies and both countries have upcoming general elections. Who knows what will happen if new governments are elected. While it's true that in Poland GDP per capita has seen a steady increase, you're also presuming that annual growth rates aren't going to change over time either.

Perhaps given that you don't know anything about either country, you could expand a little on your opening post without resorting to your standard copy/pasting of information.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
7 May 2023   #4
I wonder how Poland will go about the consequences of such the masses of immigrants, looking for work and wealth!

Will be interesting to watch the shoe on the other foot....
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
7 May 2023   #5
Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030

If you are still alive in 2030 I will remind you of that ridiculous post!
Alien  25 | 6359
7 May 2023   #6
Poland will be wealthier than Britain by 2030

This is absolute nonsense, for this to happen, Polish GDP would have to grow five times over 7 years. But Poland has other achievements, for example, it is in the meantime a more important trading partner for Germany than Great Britain.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
7 May 2023   #7
Perhaps given that you don't know anything about either country, you could expand

Well Hairy, you are an ex-pat in Poland from Britain so you should be an authority on the subject but as everyone can see you haven't contributed much with your opion besides diminishing snide remarks as usual.

For one, Poland is on the rise because of a post-communist economic miracle for future-facing industries such as battery manufacturing and tech.
Poland no longer fears Russia, tolerates snobbish Brits or is intimidated by Germans banks.
You're up Hairy, maybe you could expand with something constructive.
7 May 2023   #8
You're up Hairy, maybe you could expand with something constructive.

1) I am not Harry
2) I asked for you to expand on your opening post. Why is Poland going to be wealthier than Britain by 2030 and the next European superpower?

besides diminishing snide remarks as usual.

I am simply stating facts. You do copy and paste the majority of your sources because you appear to be incapable of any independent thought.

Poland is on the rise because of a post-communist economic miracle for future-facing industries such as battery manufacturing and tech.

Copied and pasted from The Telegraph as is the information in your opening post.

Poland's growth has been increasing for the last three decades, before the formation of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, so it's not as simple as just saying '' Good job PiS ''.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
7 May 2023   #9
This is absolute nonsense, for this to happen, Polish GDP would have to grow five times over 7 years

Thank you for some common sense in this thread!

Well Hairy

You are just obsessed by clever Brits taking you apart.....American inferiority complex......

) I am not Harry

Now read and learn JR Jim......

besides diminishing snide remarks as usual.
I am simply stating facts. You do copy and paste the majority of your sources

He does, he has no independent brain.....
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 May 2023   #10
I am not Harry

Pam ? is that you ? lol

I asked for you to expand

And I ask you to add something constructive with your "independent thinking",
I don't stoop to your demands that I defend myself just like you didn't stoop to my demand of you.

You do copy and paste the majority of your sources

That is to avoid you Europeans from saying, "Sources please".
Maybe if you were to try starting a thread you would understand that.
We see that you have started no new threads and have offered nothing constructive.
All you do is attack, diminish and shame and don't have the balls to register as a member.
Why is that ?
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 May 2023   #11
Copied and pasted from The Telegraph as is the information in your opening post.

Nope, there are several sources to my opening statement besides the Telegraph.
I read several of them before I posted my opinion.

so it's not as simple as just saying '' Good job PiS ''.

Thank you for your opinion.
Do you have a source to verify that ? lol
8 May 2023   #12
I ask you to add something constructive

To what? You started a new thread giving a couple of statements in your opening post with no evidence or explanation to back up those statements. No-one here is psychic, how is anyone supposed to know what you are talking about?

there are several sources to my opening statement

Where are they then? There is nothing to debate unless you can give us some idea of why you think that Poland will be wealthier than Britain in 2030.

I don't stoop to your demands that I defend myself

From asking you to clarify your statements? Other people might want to comment on your thread and as it stands nobody can because you won't provide the information.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 May 2023   #13
@ Phoenix

as it stands nobody can because you won't provide the information.

I understand
Keep reading along and stay On-Topic and eventually you will be able to join in with your Feedback on the Topic.
Meanwhile Poland has used the Ukraine crisis to strengthen ties with the USA that can guarantee Polish sovereignty.
This has been a trend that is already well underway.
For instance, Polish exports to the US have almost doubled since 2015.
8 May 2023   #14
you will be able to join in with your Feedback on the Topic.

The only feedback I can provide is to say that once again your post has been copy/pasted from this:
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 May 2023   #15
your post has been copy/pasted from this:

My post ? lol
Your efforts to shame me for sharing a couple of lines from an article is hardly any of your feedback on the topic.
It is attacking, diminishing and shaming me to make me defend myself for sharing information about Poland from an article I read.
I was not aware that there was a rule that says you can't copy and paste a line from an article to make a point.

So please, stop trashing my threads by going Off Topic on them.
Now there is a rule for that.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
8 May 2023   #16
We will soon see Britain overtaken by Poland.
Not only economically but militarily too.
As an arrogant Brit it must just steam you to know that Poland is the future for Europe.
Britain will become a "has been" again, only this time to Poland.
Poland is increasing their army strength by adding almost double personal and much more advanced weaponry.
By 2030 Britain will be dwarfed by Poland's army.

If you are still alive in 2030

Nope, I won't be here to enjoy Poland becoming the dominate country in Europe.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
8 May 2023   #17
Nope, I won't be here to enjoy Poland becoming the dominate country in Europe

What a shame that I won't be able to gloat over your really stupid prediction!

Poland will become more important and will surpass Italy and Spain.
But not Germany, France and Britain.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 May 2023   #18
I am not Harry

I know, you are Paulina
Another reason Poland will be wealthier than Britain is that Brexit was definitely the killing blow to Britain's economy, it's also been shrinking underneath propped up facade they had thanks to EU benefits basically since their empire collapsed.

They make next to nothing, really don't have any abundant natural resources, and there's no good reason why they should be an international banking giant at this point.

Poland on the other hand is not regressing as such and has put the E.U. money to work for them by building infrastructure along with other wise investments by the PiS.

What a shame that I won't be able to gloat over your really stupid prediction!

No, no you won't be able to gloat is right.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
9 May 2023   #19
The best example for the folly of Brexit and the value of the EU for Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11127
9 May 2023   #20
folly of Brexit

give it a rest.... you sound like a resentful ex girlfriend who's still seething about being dumped...
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 May 2023   #21
Please keep your diminishing insults to yourself and stay On-Topic when posting in my threads.
Tacitus  2 | 1255
9 May 2023   #22
give it a rest..

Why should I if it is relevant to the conversation? One if the reasons why the prospect of Poland catching up to the UK is even remotely feasible is due to the Brexit and the lasting economic damage it has caused to the UK which included a loss of wealth and diminished future growth prospects.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
9 May 2023   #23
Many of the Polish workers in Britain have gone back home since the Brexit because of the British attitudes towards them.
This has been a crippling effect on Britain's economy and a bolster to the Polish work force by skilled workers.
The average family in Poland will be better off than a UK household by the end of the decade.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 May 2023   #24
Who knows what will happen if new governments are elected

Indeed, and both are almost certain to happen at the next election in both places.

Copied and pasted from The Telegraph

A newspaper that loves pessimism and publishing articles that are click bait for the Home Counties elderly.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
10 May 2023   #25
Many of the Polish workers in Britain have gone back home since the Brexit because of the British attitudes towards them.

That is utter Bollox and just exposes your ignorance.
In general, Poles are well liked in Britain and respected for their work ethic.
I know some Poles that have returned to Poland but they returned because of the deteriorating exchange rate, covid and wanting to rejoin family.
Nothing to do with their treatment in the UK.And little to do with Brexit because most of them could easily claim residency.
And the vast majority have remained.
Please visit a country before you make such pathetic and uneducated posts about that country.
jon357  72 | 23482
10 May 2023   #26
some Poles that have returned to Poland

Those who came to the UK in their 40s for economic reasons shortly after Poland's 2004 EU accession are now around retirement age and are returning home as they'd always planned.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
10 May 2023   #27

As always Jon, you are the voice of reason.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7888
11 May 2023   #28
As always Jon, you are the voice of reason.

How patronizing. (Milo blows kisses)

are now around retirement age and are returning home as they'd always planned.

Yes, that too.
That is a lot of knowledge and experience lost and returning to Poland whereas Britain will have to retrain their Muslim guests.
jon357  72 | 23482
11 May 2023   #29

Simple demographics.

Poland lost a large part of a generation of their workforce who are now retiring home with decent pensions.

And meanwhile the conservative anti-immigration brigade are happy too. Bad news for BTL 'landlords' though since there are fewer takers for their product.
11 May 2023   #30
Muslims are not guests here in Britain, they are our saviours, we feel deep into Fabian Socialism and they have come to rescue us.

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