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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

Lady in red
28 Jul 2007   #181
True :)) But I'm kind and extremely tired today so am mellow with it....... <smile>

I like to give others the benefit of the doubt. Always........:)

.......anyway nice to see you Sg :)
6 Aug 2007   #182
When I go on holiday I am usually ashamed of being British due to the way we behave. I was in Krakow the other week and prior to this was dissapointed to hear that the city was being spoilt by British twats.

Whilst I saw quite a few stag do's in and around the square, they were all well behaved (although I didn't go to any clubs). I think the regular police patrols helped .

Seem to have it under control.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
6 Aug 2007   #183
ashamed of being British

Are my eyes deceiving me!!!! a Brit saying that :o

the city was being spoilt by British twats.

hhhmm i'm sure there were a few spanish, italian, german etc etc Twats there too :)

Whilst I saw quite a few stag do's in and around the square, they were all well behaved

You see not every Brit is a thug, just another stereotype
8 Aug 2007   #184
hhhmm i'm sure there were a few spanish, italian, german etc etc Twats there too :)

Not that I could see!
9 Aug 2007   #185
"British are just bad news when it comes to drinking alcohol" <-- I think this is an accurate statement, especially with football! (and I am British).

Unfortunately, well behaved British people abroad seem to fall into the minority. :(
9 Aug 2007   #186
True ^^ When I was there in a nice resturant a group on a stag do at the table behind us were typical, I can say It made me embarrissed for my country.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
9 Aug 2007   #187
Unfortunately, well behaved British people abroad seem to fall into the minority.

or it could just be that they dont get noticed...
tornado2007  11 | 2270
9 Aug 2007   #188
Unfortunately, well behaved British people abroad seem to fall into the minority. :(

i think your a little confused there, badly behaved British people abroad seem to fall into the minority that spoil it for the rest of the British holiday makers.

please don't think it is a majority because its not
daffy  22 | 1153
9 Aug 2007   #189
it is not the majority of british abroad that are causing trouble

it is the well behaved, civil majority go unnoticed and an ignorant few are causing trouble.

i should like to point out that the poles themselves have people like this as it is. ive been in warsaw now two weeks and i assure you there are an EQUAL proportion (also ukrainans too ive noticed)

and in Wroclaw, plenty of local troublemakers and rather no british on the times of my visits.
So this topic should rather read, Warning to people in general - don't be p1ssheads.
tornado2007  11 | 2270
9 Aug 2007   #190
the poles themselves have people like this

Yeah just look at all those well behaved Polish football fans, they sit quietly don't think about causing a riot and getting their team thrown out of the UEFA cup do they???

this backs daffy's point, the incident i am referring too is just a tiny minority of Polish football fans who rioted at one football match. Although i'm sure the Majority of Polish fans are peacful and just want to see a good game of football.

Its the same with the British and drinking, there are some who drink and cause trouble (Minority) and there are the rest (Majority) who just like to have a drink enjoy the beach and have fun :)
laydeezee92  1 | 16
9 Aug 2007   #191
Just got back from lovely poland, had an amazing time.They eat, drink and talk, very refreashing.

I so agree with you! It's so embarrassing,and so typocally british!
Please dont smash the place up brits!
tornado2007  11 | 2270
9 Aug 2007   #192
ase dont smash the place up brits!

how many more stereotypes are we going to see!!!
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591
9 Aug 2007   #193
it is the well behaved, civil majority go unnoticed and an ignorant few are causing trouble.

Very true Daffy!

You never get a news report that says something like "One hundred thousand Brits behaved themselves abroad this week".

Same goes for a Saturday night out clubbing - people only noticed the w**kers who get absolutely bladdered and then started fighting with anything and its shadow.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
9 Aug 2007   #194
I so agree with you! It's so embarrassing,and so typocally british!
Please dont smash the place up brits!

learn to spell before casting your aspursions or maybe travel a little bit more and you will see that there are a lot of well behaved English people out that enjoy and respect other countries cultures and whilst you're at it try stepping off that bandwagon you just jumped on!
daffy  22 | 1153
9 Aug 2007   #195
I so agree with you! It's so embarrassing,and so typocally british!
Please dont smash the place up brits!

equally do you agree the polish troublemakers are embarrassing and typically Polish?

its very simple laydeezee92, there are PEOPLE from ALL locations WORLDWIDE that are plain ignorant and WILL cause trouble. be they Irish, English or Polish.

and they are ALL embarrassing and typically HUMAN.

So please don't be so narrowminded and tar a nation with the actions of a few. As im certain you would not like us to do of your nation. Im quite tired of arguing against stereotypes and narrowminded statments - its points like that that continue to keep them alive rather than see the problem for what it truly is. Rather than so, oh thats so Polish/British/Russian/etc etc. Why not profer a solution to such a culture? limit of alcohol per person? increase responsibility to the bar for selling lethal doses to over the limit persons (off licenses too) etc etc. Stop whinging and jumping on the band wagon and try to help the situation perhaps.
9 Aug 2007   #196
This is my first post on this board... and this might possibly be the worst excuse for a thread I have ever seen.
Hueg  - | 319
9 Aug 2007   #197
thread I have ever seen

Hi mate. We can tell you're definitely new. Stick around and buy in some popcorn. The show is only just starting. :)
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
9 Aug 2007   #198
The show is only just starting

Hopefully we get some more trolls...I've been looking to pick a fight lately :]
Hueg  - | 319
9 Aug 2007   #199
I've been looking to pick a fight lately

Crush thread right? :) I feel your pain.
osiol  55 | 3921
9 Aug 2007   #200
Look out, British tourists! You might have a couple of beers with some kids who then show you round a derelict factory with shed-loads of asbestos in it which will get into your lungs and kill you.
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
9 Aug 2007   #201
Crush thread right? :)


I feel your pain.

I'm taking one for the guys..
9 Aug 2007   #202
Hi mate. We can tell you're definitely new. Stick around and buy in some popcorn. The show is only just starting. :)

Oh.. I am completely aware of what I like to call, the "forum subculture".
lef  11 | 477
10 Aug 2007   #203
it is not the majority of British abroad that are causing trouble

Daffy as a moderator you should hold your head in same, you have been talking so much nonsense of recent times, just open your eyes when you go to Gdansk and Sopot, the British are just thugs and low life's. Because you are British doesn't mean you have to defend your own kind.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Aug 2007   #204
Daffy is Irish. and sorry to bust your bubble.. you seem to not understand when
someone is getting tired of people sterotyping which is what he was saying....

you have done it to me as well... lef get with the program!!
lef  11 | 477
10 Aug 2007   #205
you have done it to me as well... lef get with the program!!

Now Pat, I thought that your on my side, Sorry, my mistake Daffy is Irish (pity the Irish) the point I'm making is that why don't Polish people be more loyal and understanding of the concerns of the Polish people!
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Aug 2007   #206
Because you are British doesn't mean you have to defend your own kind.

again, he is saying that thugs and theives exists in all nationalities..

oh btw Lef.. I found something for you :)

I was trying to help you out on your ancestry.. maybe you can find a few thugs
that are related to you on this ... being that your such a awsome aussie %3a0
lef  11 | 477
10 Aug 2007   #207
oh btw Lef.. I found something for you :)

lol and lol, sorry to disappoint you but I'm a pure breed Pole, thats the way I am, I had no choice.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
10 Aug 2007   #208
the point I'm making is that why don't Polish people be more loyal and understanding of the concerns of the Polish people!

you were trying to make a mod look bad.. daffy is not a bad person and was
picked because he is so sensible..

I am loyal to polish. I have no doubts about my loyality, but I cant say that
bad things dont happen, they do, for everyone.

lol and lol, sorry to disappoint you but I'm a pure breed Pole,

not dissapointing,, but glad you got a chuckle out of it..
lef  11 | 477
10 Aug 2007   #209
not dissapointing,, but glad you got a chuckle out of it..

Yeah its good to have a laugh, I suppose we are all different and all have our own opinions, like I've mentioned in other treads, I may speak out of turn but I never intend to offend anyone, I have a lot of time and respect for the Polish people, I've done pretty well but unfortunately most Poles are doing it hard. I believe Poland is being used up at the moment and is losing its identity.
davidpeake  14 | 451
10 Aug 2007   #210
Lef, can i ask, do you not like that non Poles are buying land in Poland?

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