The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

kneehawk  1 | 47
24 Jul 2007   #151
I would thanks bubbawoo
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
24 Jul 2007   #152
will do - let me know when you are in the tri city kneehawk... always good to meet a fellow sh*t-talker from somewhere near london... :)
24 Jul 2007   #154
I can see English people started buying land in Poland and many think about buiding house or jus hiliday house. That is good. I have started to miss English language, perhaps in near future I'll be able to have a small chat in English. You know, just a small multinational community :)

Thats good though. :)
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #155
Thats good though. :)

You are more than welcome to chat to us here darr most of us dont bite, well not that much any way :)
24 Jul 2007   #156
I don't disagree Amathyst :)Thing is Poland is a poor country. The UK is not.Don't forget it was gripped in Communism for a long time so it's wealth did not grow and the Russians didn't do Poland any favours in the economic sense :(It only recently joined the EU. It will be many, many decades for it to catch up with some of the other countries in the EU. We just cannot compare like for like. in this case.

Lady in red, I disagree with you. It is not that bad. Perhaps you should see a bit more to have a wider look at everything. I can say, you have some things developes like your NHS system or social systems and unemployment rate is so mauch lower however we started to catch you up.

What we need is goverment change at the moment, that is my personal opinion.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #157
you have some things developes like your NHS system

I speak to a guy on skype and he was surprised that we have to wait so long in A&E to see a doctor, I also speak to a guy (he is what we call in England a Paramedic I cant remember the name in Poland) but your health service is probably the same as ours in terms of treatment and probably better in terms of people being seen you see Poland isnt as bad as people may think....

As for your government, maybe they should spend less money on hunting people from communist times and more on present times
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
24 Jul 2007   #158
I can see English people started buying land in Poland and many think about buiding house or jus hiliday house.

You think someone buying a holiday home is going to help your English. Get a life.
Don't you think that if they live here they should be speaking Polish.
And if you are clever, you will be the one teaching it. That's how you make money.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #159
thats not very nice Mr W, Im surprised...
24 Jul 2007   #160
That's how you make money.

With all respect, not everything is about money Wroclaw. By the way, I have enough money. :)
Partially you are right, however it should be the same in UK for Polish people. But as ou propably know some Poles do not speak English at all.

So, I believe both English and Polish should be more flexible wih langauges.

Not everything is perfect.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
24 Jul 2007   #161
thats not very nice Mr W, Im surprised...

Looking back..... it is an abrupt post. I think I'll just shut up for a while.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #162
Please dont do that, its just not you :) I just thought you were just a tad out of order, he was being's is going anyway mousey :)
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
24 Jul 2007   #163
A, everything is fine here. Maybe I'm just tired.


And sorry, darr.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
24 Jul 2007   #164
thats not very nice Mr W

But true...
Lady in red
24 Jul 2007   #165
Lady in red, I disagree with you.

That's Ok. we all have our own views and thoughts on this subject. Maybe I should have said Poland is a poorer country compared to some other countries :)

Thing is, the wages are low in comparison to other countries and this will take a while to catch up to the levels that we enjoy in the UK. It's a fact, there's no criticism intended.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Jul 2007   #166
But true...

Im defo going to stand on your tail now... ) be scared little doggie be very scared :))
lef  11 | 477
27 Jul 2007   #167
I'm still open to be persuaded by debate BUT with all the supporting facts and stats !!

Thanks to all of you Brits for your responses and of course Ranj, (you know this is a discussion forum and no offense is intended in my posts) can I firstly ask our overnight property guru who has only been to Sopot and the Blighty, mind you he knows everything about Poland, lol. He might just start with washing his mouth with a bucket of soapy water and learn to show respect for the Polish people.

I feel I am wasting my time in giving forum readers the good oil about the future of real estate in Poland, to me its like talking to a group of kindergarten children, I Would however ask people interested in the future of Poland to,

a) Read the History and struggles of the Polish people.
b) Speak to the average Polish person who lives in the city and country areas.
c) Read what the previous Pope wished for the Polish people.
d) Research into factors which effect real estate prices, it will come to no surprise to people who know these economic factors to appreciate that prices in polish real estate will never have a solid base when personal income is so low and secondly Poland is not a rich research country ie it has no oil, steel, or minerals, it will always be a relatively poor country which will not be able to support the old, sick, and unemployed, (like in the US/GB and Aus)

The Brits like to go to Poland for two reasons, Its very very cheap, and the Poles are nice and very non threatening.
krysia  23 | 3058
27 Jul 2007   #168
Poland is not a rich research country ie it has no oil, steel, or minerals, it will always be a relatively poor country

Oh, but you must have forgotten about the beautiful Polish ladies of uncomparable beauty, which are sought after all over the world
lef  11 | 477
27 Jul 2007   #169
Absolutely, there was no need for me to repeat what is obvious. (Polish men are pretty good too you know)
krysia  23 | 3058
27 Jul 2007   #170
True, there are also Polish Sheepdogs - the Polski Owczarek Nizinny (PON) and Owczarek PodhalaĊ„ski which put Poland on the map. And of course, the Polish pope, who made other nations realize that there is such a country like Poland. Now everybody wants to go there, so Poland can make money out of tourism.

Nice to see you still around lef.
lef  11 | 477
27 Jul 2007   #171
Now everybody wants to go there, so Poland makes money out of tourism.

krysia  23 | 3058
27 Jul 2007   #172
Many people from around here travel to Poland and they really like it there.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Jul 2007   #173
He might just start with washing his mouth with a bucket of soapy water and learn to show respect for the Polish people.

once a kunt always a kunt, eh lef?
lef  11 | 477
27 Jul 2007   #174
make that two buckets of hot soapy water.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
27 Jul 2007   #175
doesnt matter how many buckets you try to wash yourself in you will always be a silly australian kunt
28 Jul 2007   #176
I Would however ask people interested in the future of Poland to,

a) Read the History and struggles of the Polish people.
c) Read what the previous Pope wished for the Polish people.

very good idea ... especially those that wish to study in poland as you do get asked about polish history.

b) Speak to the average Polish person who lives in the city and country areas.

i have polish friends in varied areas of poland and get a different picture of each area, though people do have differing opinions

d) Research into factors which effect real estate prices,

it would be stupid and naive if you didnt already do that and check out areas and have a knowledge of locality of say schools ... shops ... transport .. before purchasing or renting out a place in Poland

The Brits like to go to Poland for two reasons, Its very very cheap, and the Poles are nice and very non threatening

It is not the reason i go to Poland ... i go for the beauty of the landscape .. the history and to chill with friends ....

also i thought a pole was something you stick in the ground and attach things to ... i prefer to use the term Polish people rather than the term pole to refer to someone from Poland!
Lady in red
28 Jul 2007   #177
you know this is a discussion forum and no offense is intended in my posts

If so then why are you being offensive in the first few lines of this message.

He might just start with washing his mouth with a bucket of soapy water and learn to show respect for the Polish people.

See you enusure you elicit offensive replies. So would be nice if you did just treat this as a discussion forum. You post a quote of something I wrote on a previous occasion so at this point I want to make it quite clear that I do not agree with the above offensive remarks you have just posted.

Now, I'll respond to the other things you have posted.
adilski  2 | 105
28 Jul 2007   #178
Christian traditions and family living

these are important thats why when you speak to poles and other westerners you will relaise there is a difference
... the values, morals and ethics
Lady in red
28 Jul 2007   #179
I feel I am wasting my time in giving forum readers the good oil about the future of real estate in Poland, to me its like talking to a group of kindergarten children,

Then please do not bother any more on my account. Do you realise you are being offensive by calling people 'kindergarten children'. As if we cannot think clearly for ourselves. We can and if you wish discuss issues with us then please post in a more respectful manner.

Otherwise no one is going to bother debating issues with you.

Now the points you have raised.

a) Read the History and struggles of the Polish people.

I have and all my family have been deeply affected by this in the past. Please don't assume we only get this information from history books.

Speak to the average Polish person who lives in the city and country areas.

Have you ? When did you last speak to someone in this manner ? Would be interesting to know ?

Read what the previous Pope wished for the Polish people.

Can you be more specific please ? More background information on what you mean would be helpful to try to see what point it is you are trying to get across to us ?

d) Research into factors which effect real estate prices, it will come to no surprise to people who know these economic factors to appreciate that prices in polish real estate will never have a solid base when personal income is so low

Incomes will rise in Poland, it's only a matter of time now it is part of the EU. I can't follow your line of thought regarding the economic factors to be considered. Not quite sure what the point is there. Poland is growing rapidly. Foreign investment and confidence in the country is at an all time high. Property prices will be dictated by the laws of supply and demand. As Poland prospers, wages will rise and higher standards of living will follow. I consider that to be a good thing for a country, that for too long was not allowed to grow under the Communist regime :(

Poland is not a rich research country ie it has no oil, steel, or minerals, it will always be a relatively poor country which will not be able to support the old, sick, and unemployed, (like in the US/GB and Aus)

I disagree. Look at Switzerland. Anyway, Polish people collectively have the greatest resource in the World. Themselves. They are strong, hard working and friendly and that will ensure they have a thriving tourist market, have massive foreign investment,including new industries etc etc and they are highly skilled, educated and intelligent. A great workforce !!

As a matter of interest the UK struggles to look after it's sick and elderly even at this present time. The grass is always greener :) and the Polish people are more family orientated and value looking after their own old relatives. Something very much to be admired :)

The Brits like to go to Poland for two reasons, Its very very cheap, and the
Poles are nice and very non threatening.

That's your view. Not a researched fact !!

Sometimes one can have stereotyped views or memories long held which do not always relate to the changes that have happened in some parts of the world over the last couple of decades. It's usually one held by older people who have nostalgic views of how things were or should be. It doesn't really relate to the views of the people who are living in those countries in this day and age.

It would be good to discuss the isssues through more thoroughly but you need to post some information with you views then we can look at the facts and form our own views. Otherwise, though I am interested in hearing anybodys views, I may not agree with them always and if your posts are meant to persuade us in any area we need supporting information so that we can mull it over in our own mind and make our own views on the subject at hand.
shopgirl  6 | 928
28 Jul 2007   #180
Sometimes one can have stereotyped views or memories long held which do not always relate to the changes that have happened in some parts of the world over the last couple of decades. It's usually one held by older people who have nostalgic views of how things were or should be. It doesn't really relate to the views of the people who are living in those countries in this day and age.

Sometimes? More like "most of the time"! :)
People don't like to change things....not even their mind! :(

Home / UK, Ireland / Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

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