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Warning to British people visiting Poland!! Don't get drunk and smash the place up!

time means  5 | 1309
19 Feb 2010   #301
Thanks time means, have a good time, cheers !


Will do Ironside and i have found the cast iron (North east bar) and will give it a try. it is the rest of us who have the problem in objecting to larger louts drinking themselves silly and throwing up all over the shop at weekends.

The actions of a minority and not something i tend to do, get your nose out of the Daily depress and go out for once, you will see life is not as bad as they like to portray. I have even found a beer for you too it's called "Twitter and bisted" :-)
crawford  - | 4
20 Feb 2010   #302
It may be as you say, but if you think about it, the fact is that most people formed their opinions about Brits inability to drink outside - or do you think we saw people only throwing up at home?

Anyone pukeing in the street because he is drunk only demonstrates that he can't hold his drink - just another obnoxious little amateur who hasn't grown up.
Ironside  51 | 13083
21 Feb 2010   #303
and will give it a try.

how was it?
Are you back yet?
Alive and kicking ?
let me know :)
Steveramsfan  2 | 305
21 Feb 2010   #304
English on Stag do's abroad are not good examples of the vast majority of English people abroad. They are there to get very drunk because its cheap.

The locals in Krakow should just charge extra for beer when its a group of Drunk English men, ban them from every decent club and the Police should arrest them for being drunk on the street.

This will stop them coming to Krakow and they will go to a different country. Why do you think they moved to Krakow from Prague?

I don't want to be banned from places in Poland because I'm English. I can hold my drink and be polite even when drunk. I'm a Happy drunk.
time means  5 | 1309
21 Feb 2010   #305
how was it?
Are you back yet?
Alive and kicking ?
let me know :)

:-) It was a great day/night, plenty of people, some good live bands and some great beer. The cast iron was a good choice and a very enjoyable beer.

After a walk in the snow (yep it's here again) i feel much better, so i am alive and well and thanks for asking.
Ironside  51 | 13083
21 Feb 2010   #306
It was a great day/night, plenty of people, some good live bands and some great beer. The cast iron was a good choice and a very enjoyable beer.

I'm glad to hear it:) take care :)
michaelmansun  11 | 135
12 Jun 2011   #307
I don't think it was really advertised in that way. I think it was more word of mouth.

Seanus, it is all over the internet. And for me, the word stag implies getting smashed and groping women. Surprising it is used in ads. Maybe it has a different meaning in Britain.

well, is it a result of advertising Krakow as a stag party's center ?

Yes. Agreed.
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Jun 2011   #309
I think Brits just don't get how sacred Kraków is to many Poles. Drinking sessions are all well and good if you can control yourself but many young Brits binge drink and that's where the problems start.
jannieduck  1 | 2
25 Jun 2011   #310
.i`m british i am visiting Poland for the first time,it is a country i have wanted to see for a very long time and i can assure you all british people are not the same ,they are the same as any other country good and bad more good than bad .it is sad to tar all of them with the same brush. I only hope we are made to feel welcome there.i would be grateful for any info on where to eat and drink and also places of interest beside the obvious ones which we are already booked on.
grubas  12 | 1382
25 Jun 2011   #311
I think Brits just don't get how sacred Kraków is to many Poles. Drinking sessions are all well and good if you can control yourself but many young Brits binge drink and that's where the problems start.

I don't understand why the Poles keep ******** about Brits misbehaving in Kraków or wherever else in Poland.The Brits bring $$$ to Poland,which IMO is good and Poles should be happy about it and encourage more Brits to come and spend some $$$.As for the misbehaving ones I believe there is Police and Straż Miejska to take care of them.They should be arrested and fined some HEFTY fines (more money for Poland) and that's it.Can't understand how anybody can pull his/her pants down and walk away free.It's called indecent exposure and if you do it in Ocean City MD you will be arrested (I myself called 911 on couple of punks showing their a$$es in a broad daylight and they were arrested within 10 minutes).Plain and simple.The Poles need to complain to Polish authorities and force them take some actions instead of ******** about Brits.Does it make any sense what I am saying?
Ironside  51 | 13083
25 Jun 2011   #312
Does it make any sense what I am saying?

No! Happy now?
Havok  10 | 902
25 Jun 2011   #313
Does it make any sense what I am saying?

It does to me, for what is worth. It makes perfect sense.
grubas  12 | 1382
25 Jun 2011   #314
No! Happy now?

It was a rhetorical question Iron.I know very well it makes a lot of sense just like everything I am saying.Still, thanks for your input,please come again.
Ironside  51 | 13083
25 Jun 2011   #315
just like everything I am saying.

Don't overdo it !

It was a rhetorical question Iron

I know, notice


in my previous pots.
TheMan  - | 56
25 Jun 2011   #316
As for the misbehaving ones I believe there is Police and Straż Miejska to take care of them

They get arrested on the streets of Britain and it doesn't stop anyone from going back out and doing the same again once they're released....I don't think a clampdown on louts would even dent the numbers that want to come to Poland. The bureaucrats should stop pu ss yfooting around the issue and treat them as you would your own citizens if they urinated on your historical monuments, as some cambridge student did last year in th UK. Hard but fair is the way to go :D
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #317
I think it's the whole host/guest thing, grubas. They shouldn't treat Kraków with the utter disdain that they do and that's the point. Why have the uncultured in a city of culture? Yes, the police have a role to play but those Brits should really know better. How would Scots feel, for example, if Poles started tearing up the old town in Edinburgh?
25 Jun 2011   #318
I think it's the whole host/guest thing, grubas.

You're right of course, Seanus. If I was the Krakow police I'd introduce a 36-hour incarceration period for these oafs, police to have summary powers, just time for them to pick up a few bruises, miss their planes, have to fork out for the return flight and get to pick up the soap a couple of times for that nice fellow Bubbaski in the next cell.

I can't help suspecting, though, that in a year or so's time after the European Championships, those far-off days when a few dozen idiots got tanked up, barfed in the street and mooned a few grannies is going to seem like some kind of pre-lapsarian paradise.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
25 Jun 2011   #319
shouldn't treat Kraków with the utter disdain that they do

A rather sweeping statement given that 99% of tourists in Kraków are perfectly law-abiding and cultured.

If however the residents of Kraków want to stop the stag parties a good route to take would be to close down the Polish-run companies that organise them and stop advertising in 'lads' magazines. Much more effective than just moaning about it.
25 Jun 2011   #320
You're right of course, Seanus. If I was the Krakow police I'd introduce a 36-hour incarceration period for these oafs, police to have summary powers, just time for them to pick up a few bruises, miss their planes, have to fork out for the return flight and get to pick up the soap a couple of times that nice fellow Bubbaski in the next cell.

No need to introduce anything: the drunk tank is already there and waiting for drunken idiots. Although I don't think it is 36 hours' detention.

I really do not understand why Poles whine about this so much: if they want the problem solved, they can easily solve it. But that would mean that they lose the income from the 99% of British tourists who behave no worse than Poles.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #321
It's not a sweeping statement when you are focussing in on the 1% and not the 99%, Johnny.

They have a right to moan as it is not the locals that call Brits over, but businesses that entice them. If I were a resident of Kraków, I wouldn't want those idiotic drunks around either. Kraków is for strolling around in, not stotting around in.
milky  13 | 1656
25 Jun 2011   #322
People at Hens and Stags act like complete apes, no matter what nationality or country or city they are in. If the beer is cheap, prepare for drunken men dressed as Vikings, and other wise square women,falling around the place with c0ck hats,c0ck straws 'cock a doodle loo'.

Billy is right on here;
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jun 2011   #323
A few of them should be killed and that's it. I can't understand why Wisła/Cracovia fans and all attack one another but can't do the same with this damn plebs.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
25 Jun 2011   #324
I can't understand

No, you can't understand, can you.

Nevertheless, tourism is crucial to Kraków's economy.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
25 Jun 2011   #325
Indeed, that's why the plebs should be chased away as they have a very negative effect on that business.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #326
I see Greg's point here. Chase out the drunken boors and leave those that respect the lovely city centre of Kraków. Guests should be respectful!
ShawnH  8 | 1488
25 Jun 2011   #327
I would say 99% of them are. The title of the thread should be modified to warn only those who would cause trouble.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #328
I agree. However, it isn't entirely inaccurate as we live in a world of guilty by association. That really counts, Shawny!
ShawnH  8 | 1488
25 Jun 2011   #329
we live in a world of guilty by association. That really counts, Shawny!

One bad apple, and all of that. I try to live my life with the premise that people are good until they show me otherwise. I would hope that this is widespread.
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Jun 2011   #330
It's the way to be. I'd be angry if I was typecasted as one of 'those' Brits that got tanked up. You can't presume too much about how people are or what they believe. Respect and don't harm :) :)

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