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Who can transport my car by trailer from UK to Poland?

jmac  1 | 3
6 Aug 2014   #1
Hi - anybody help!?

I'm an English guy living in Kharkov, Ukraine - I want to take my car from the UK to Ukraine, ideally by getting it transported via trailer/whatever as close to the Ukraine border as possible, after that I can drive it the rest of the way.

So I'm looking for someone who can take it over to Poland, with me as a passenger, on a trailer - maybe to Warsaw - ideally to Lubin or Rzeszow (doesn't matter which) - the car is perfectly driveable, i just don't want to drive it the first 1,000+ miles across Europe if i can avoid it. Its a Jaguar XK8 sports car... Then i will take over and drive it across the border and through Ukraine.

I know it sounds crazy - but a) I'm a crazy Englishman, and b) its my pride and joy - and at the moment it is sitting in Surrey in the UK doing nothing.

If possible I want to move it on the 21st or 22nd August, but I can be a bit flexible if necessary... Anybody can help? or knows someone who can?

Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Aug 2014   #2
just don't want to drive it the first 1,000+ miles across Europe

Avalon  4 | 1063
6 Aug 2014   #3
Is it armour plated ?
OP jmac  1 | 3
6 Aug 2014   #4
Hi Wulkan,

London to Kharkov is over 1,800 miles - that's a hell of a long trip, especially driving all the way on my own - I guess part of me worries about how the car will do over that distance in a short time - ideally i want to make the trip in 3 days; that's 10 hours + each day.

If i can't find a transporter, then I will drive it myself (and maybe try to find someone who will drive with me). Its hard to work out where to go to find someone who wants to share the ride. I have many friends now in Ukraine who are interested in meeting in Ukraine and coming along with me - but i don't know anyone in UK who wants to go to Poland...
6 Aug 2014   #5
Get a tap installed in the fuel line and then AA five-star Europe coverage.
6 Aug 2014   #6
If i can't find a transporter, then I will drive it myself

Two other options to Consider you could take the ferry from Harwich to Ebsjerg in Denmark then its an easy drive to Berlin or you could look into

I once took my car on the train from Berlin TO Narbonne there must be car trains from France to Berlin.
6 Aug 2014   #7
Is it a ringer ?
OP jmac  1 | 3
6 Aug 2014   #8
Avalon - that's either a reference to the war (no, but it is fast enough to escape), or to the state of Ukrainian roads and drivers (i'll just have to stay away from country roads and potholes) :)

and no, its not a ringer...

Maybe the train is an idea.
inkrakow  1 | 98
8 Aug 2014   #9
There are plenty of Polish trucks that deliver food to the UK that go back empty and are looking for stuff to take back, and I've seen cars in the back of the truck when I've picked up my stuff that I sent over to Poland. They advertise in Polish magazines in the UK (e.g. Cooltura).
Wulkan  - | 3136
8 Aug 2014   #10
I'm afraid "cooltura" is not in English
OP jmac  1 | 3
8 Aug 2014   #11
Thanks - that's what i thought - I just don't know how to find these kinds of guys who can do it! It doesn't matter if its not in English no? Google Translate... (I apologize for knowing only about 3 words of Polish, but that is 1 more word than I know in Ukrainian...)
JurekBenelli  - | 10
23 Aug 2014   #12
Would recommend for good service and trusted vehicle transportation.They are based in Warsaw/PL
3 Sep 2014   #13
Still looking for a transporter to Poland? That's us. We send trucks to Poland every week from London - just email me to get free quote.

Cheers :) Agnes
wildrover  98 | 4430
5 Sep 2014   #14
You won,t be able to make your English car legal in Poland anyway , i tried it . . . Its no problem in Russia where i lived for two years , and here in Bulgaria it took only four hours to change my English car to Bulgarian plates . . .In Poland . . .forget it . . .
10 Sep 2017   #15
I would like to send my car from London to Bialystok.
Would you do it ?
What about how much.
Many thanks
gumishu  15 | 6228
10 Sep 2017   #16
You won,t be able to make your English car legal in Poland anyway ,

just a question - can you register a Left-hand-driven car in the UK?
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Sep 2017   #17

Hi Lufi, his post was three years ago, so you're probably out of luck.
g60edition  6 | 174
26 Oct 2017   #18
just a question - can you register a Left-hand-driven car in the UK?

Yes.And it is quite straight forward.I have done it 3 times
11 Jan 2018   #19
Hi! i have to transport a car from uk to poland anyone could tell me how much would cost i am in uk my number is 07866659677
KariocaMarron  - | 1
27 Mar 2018   #20
Hi! i have to transport a car from London, uk to Warsaw, Poland. anyone could tell me how much would cost?
BMW 525 D - 2009 / Kerb Weight1645 kg.
rtfm  1 | 62
24 Dec 2020   #21

Anyone know of a company that can help import car from UK to Poland?

So I've found out it's actually not that expensive to have my car transported from UK to Poland.

What I'd like though is a proper company to assist with all the paperwork required to register in Poland to do all the necessary legal bits. It looks like a bit of a nightmare (its a rhd car so probably even more of a ball ache).I'd be happy and prefer to pay a company to do it for me.

Is there such a company or service? Any ideas?

I'm not after opinions of how terrible driving a rhd car in Poland is or that it's not worth the money though ;-)
25 Jan 2021   #22
Hi we have a machine in Poland Bydgoszcz, and we need to deliver it to the United Kingdom Ripley on a trailer truck, but this needs to be delivered directly without any stops or any other goods. This machine needs to be picked up between these days 25th March 2021- 31st March 2021. Please give me an quotation for the transport. Thanks

e-mail -
20 Sep 2024   #23
Looking for company to transport my car from uk to poland . Can you give me price . My email

Home / UK, Ireland / Who can transport my car by trailer from UK to Poland?
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