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Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

OP Alien  26 | 6543
27 Feb 2023   #121
I'm not a diplomat but I'm glad the problem with Northern Ireland has been resolved.
jon357  72 | 23654
27 Feb 2023   #122
the problem with Northern Ireland has been resolved.

That won't happen in your lifetime or mine, however the good thing is that the impediment to trade has now been removed.
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2023   #123
In Northern Ireland where the majority of people identify as British

Not anymore Jon. In 2022 they published the latest figures and it's down to just over 30% now. That's those who identify as solely British. I think gradually people in the North are identifying more as 'Northern Irish' than either British or Irish. It's better that way really as hopefully they can find a way forward with a common identity.

There will be a small pocket of resistance to the new deal within the DUP as always .............
mafketis  38 | 11265
28 Feb 2023   #124
the new deal

Is there anything in the new deal that hasn't been on the table since 2018 or so? (year chosen arbitrarily)
Atch  22 | 4299
28 Feb 2023   #125
You'll have to wait for the DUP to decide that :) Apparently it has to pass 'the Seven Tests' .................
Barney  19 | 1756
28 Feb 2023   #126
Is there anything in the new deal that hasn't been on the table since 2018 or so?

Not really, the EU has real time access to British trading databases something promised previously but never implemented by the UK. Green and red lanes were offered by the EU over a year ago and so on. The difference is that there now appears to be grown-ups in London who have realised that a semi permanent "war" with the EU is in on ones interests.

The ball is now in the DUP's court...
jon357  72 | 23654
28 Feb 2023   #127
There will be a small pocket of resistance to the new deal within the DUP as always .............

All they really do is object to things.

The ball is now in the DUP's court...

This is the first and last time that I will ever say that it's fortunate the Tories have a majority. Hopefully soon they will be out of office, however right now, an 80-seat majority means that the DUP don't hold bargaining chips.
OP Alien  26 | 6543
31 Oct 2023   #128
Sinn Fein seems to love Halloween. Why exactly did the Catholic Irish introduce this satanic holiday all over the world?
Barney  19 | 1756
31 Oct 2023   #129
All Irish people love Halloween not just the chucks.

Why exactly did the Catholic Irish introduce this satanic holiday all over the world?

Consider it a gift who doesn't like Halloween
Lyzko  44 | 9725
31 Oct 2023   #130
Various Christian folk holidays and traditions have indeed pagan roots, namely Christmas!
mafketis  38 | 11265
31 Oct 2023   #131
have indeed pagan roots, namely Christmas!

Halloween, Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays repainted in Christian colors. Nothing wrong with that.

(I'm not sure about St. Johns.... can you guess why it's less important than the other three?)
Lyzko  44 | 9725
31 Oct 2023   #132
Oh, I never meant there was anything at all wrong with it.
I simply meant that there is a strong heathen undercurrent in the practice of "Christian" celebrations, that's all.
mafketis  38 | 11265
31 Oct 2023   #133
strong heathen undercurrent in the practice of "Christian" celebrations, that's all.

pagan origins... christianity didn't try to stamp out old practices it simply renamed and incorporated them... very healthy

and why is St. John's Night less important than the other three (except in the southern hemisphere)?
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
31 Oct 2023   #134
Why exactly did the Catholic Irish introduce this satanic holiday all over the world?

It was an ancient pagan Irish holiday.
mafketis  38 | 11265
31 Oct 2023   #135
ancient pagan Irish holiday.

Samhain in particular... fall is when the harvest ends and the earth symbolically 'dies'.... it's when animals are slaughtered for the upcoming cold season.... it's natural that it became associated with death.

Christianity simply harnassed those natural ideas and renamed them and directed them toward christian aims...

One of the reasons Christianity is the largest religion on the planet is that it's easily the most adaptable among the major religions.

Neither Islam or Judaism or Buddhism or Hinduism or Confucianism has been able to incoporate other religious traditions as well.
Miloslaw  22 | 5217
31 Oct 2023   #136
Sinn Fein seems to love Halloween.

Of course they do..... Sinn Fein is IRA and they love blood and death.
OP Alien  26 | 6543
1 Nov 2023   #137
Sinn Fein is IRA

The IRA dissolved.
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Nov 2023   #138
Why exactly did the Catholic Irish introduce this satanic holiday all over the world?

It's not Satanic. It is the night that the dead walk among the living but it has nothing to do with Satan. My grandmother used to leave chairs by the fire for the dead so that they could come in and warm themselves. It was a great night when we were kids. Every house had a party of some kind.

Unfortunately like so many things that the Irish brought with them when they emigrated, the Americans got hold of it and their weird version has spread all over the place.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #139
It is the night that the dead walk among the living

I find that fascinating!
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Nov 2023   #140
That's why you dress up, so that they'll think you're a spirit like them. The faeries are around that night as well because they live underground and they come up when the portal opens. Although they can be around at any time actually.

Read the article, it's very informative.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #141
the Americans got hold of it and their weird version has spread all over the place

Similiar to Easter (origin Equinox) and Christmas (origin Winter Solstice)....I guess the success till today is the sugar coma for the little ones (and grown ups) the West has made of them! :)
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Nov 2023   #142
the Americans got hold of it and their weird version has spread all over the place

I hear you.... I like American Halloween just fine (favorite holiday as a child) but I can think of no good reason to export it anywhere.... I'm kind of glad that it's never really caught on in Poland.

Similiar to Easter (origin Equinox) and Christmas (origin Winter Solstice)

So... why isn't St John's night (Summer Solstice) as important?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #143 idea....never heard of St. Johns (in Germany that is)....not enough sugar for the kids? :)
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Nov 2023   #144
A clue... a friend lived in Boliwia for a few years and it's extremely important there, one of the bigger holidays in the calendar.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #145
Oh I know of summer solstice, these old traditions are not lost.....I meant St. Johns....
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Nov 2023   #146
....I meant St. Johns....

So do I, why isn't it as important as the other three holidays in Europe (and why is it very important in Bolivia)?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #147 ja, Google showed it's rather recent and has more to do with a rediscovering of the old native culture (as is Paganism in Europe and North America).

When the christian re-building of St.Johns didn't get such a hold with the Christians then probably because people and kids didn't get to stuff themselves so much! :)

(I'm fairly sure the Pagans in Britain are marking summer solstice too, just not St. Johns)
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Nov 2023   #148
has more to do with a rediscovering of the old native culture

The friend lived there decades ago..... the answer is... in Europe the summer solstice marks the transition from spring to summer which is just not nearly as important the transitions from summer to fall (all saints' day) fall to winter (Christmas/New Years) and winter to spring (Easter).

Bolivia is below the equator so the summer solstice is the beginning of their winter/cold season so it's more important.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
1 Nov 2023   #149
Of course the dates differ does nature....Pagans know that....and Jesus wasn't really born on the 24th of December, but it is the time of Winter Solstice in Europe (ca.)

What are we discussing?
mafketis  38 | 11265
1 Nov 2023   #150
What are we discussing?

holidays... Christmas seems to be three separate pagan holidays, Saturnalia (from Rome), Yule (northern germanics) and Kolada (Slavic)

Home / UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

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