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Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

Lyzko  44 | 9711
6 Sep 2022   #121
She's also rather dodgy concerning most self-styled Conservatives nowadays:-)
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
6 Sep 2022   #122

Mate, I try to avoid American politics because I don't have enough knowledge..
You need to do the same.....about British politics.
Do not post about something that you know nothing about!
You just make a fool of yourself.
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #123
the future PM

Temporary until the next election.

Her successor has good relations with Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912
7 Sep 2022   #124
No white man in a top position....that made even the news here in Germany!
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #125
Interesting that it's even news.

And the head of our armed forces is of r*SSian background.

I wonder if any other European countries have this or not.
Wincig  2 | 225
7 Sep 2022   #126
I presume you are talking about the head of British armed forces; ie HM the Queen? Knew there was some German background, but not Russian??
Kashub1410  6 | 580
7 Sep 2022   #127
A lot of Russian aristocracy and Royals had German connections
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #128
HM the Queen?

Half Scottish like me.
johnny reb  49 | 7888
7 Sep 2022   #129
Ah, then you come from the Macfarlane clan then.
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #130
No, not that clan.

On topic, Boris Johnson has some Scottish rite. So does David Cameron (as his name suggests) Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are both Scottish from Scotland.

Liz Truss is of course a shape-shifting, reptilian alien
Kashub1410  6 | 580
7 Sep 2022   #131
That kind of "classification" classifies either a person with high skills of acting, cold blooded self control and foreign.

Why so portraying it so negatively? What has Liz Truss done to you or her faction?
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #132
skills of acting

That's pretty well all she has.

has Liz Truss done

What has the worst PM in Poland done to you?
Kashub1410  6 | 580
7 Sep 2022   #133
So far only been a public shame from time to time. Haven't lost anything really due to any Polish PM. You?
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #134
So far only been a public shame f

Which on the balance of probabilities is how Truss will turn out.
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Sep 2022   #135
She might surprise you, only been in the post 24hrs, at least give her until the end of the week.:) She gave Starmer a good slapping at PMQT today, I don't think she'll be an easy push over.
jon357  72 | 23482
7 Sep 2022   #137
She might surprise

I doubt it.

only been in the post 24hrs

She's been s Tory politician for much longer. Thick as mince and utterly self serving.

gave Starmer

Or even the opposite she had as usual nothing to say.

The Tories are privately admitting that they've not got a chance in the next election.

Time for a change.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
7 Sep 2022   #138
It is not I who is making a fool of himself, sir!
Are not both the London Times and the New York Times both written in English, albeit with numerous lexical variants??

When I read that Liz Truss turned from an anti-Royal advocate to a lead Conservative, I trust you can give me credit for knowing the English language so as to realize that she's not a flaming US-style libitard:-)

Incidentally, here's where our cultures diverge. By all means do comment on US politics, I'd be most interested. You see, I don't necessarily hold it against a chap who's interested in taking risks in expanding their knowledge...even if they fall flat on their face.

It's not how many times you fall flat, but how often you rebound.
Bobko  27 | 2074
7 Sep 2022   #139
She's also rather dodgy concerning most self-styled Conservatives nowadays:-)

Let me try to help you understand why people think you are speaking out of your a$$.

There are two interpretations of what you wrote above:

1) Liz Truss has shown an affinity for certain aspects of the Labor party platform (laid bare her sympathies in some regard; "dodgy" in her allegiances), and that this is connected to her somehow less than sincere embrace of Conservative party principles.

2) You fundamentally misunderstand the workings of British politics. Under this interpretation, you are implying that Truss has shown a certain disregard for issues that drive the Labor party (I hope you meant the party, since you capitalized it, and not labor at large), and that this is typical of Conservatives. Somehow, this is also supposed to be comment-worthy.

Both these interpretations, unfortunately, point to your complete lack of understanding re: how the British political machine operates - as Miloslaw pointed out.
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
7 Sep 2022   #140
I don't think she'll be an easy push over

She won't be and she has been underestimated and exceeded since she was a schoolgirl.
jon357  72 | 23482
8 Sep 2022   #141
They'll certainly be exceeded on Election Day
amiga500  5 | 1491
8 Sep 2022   #142
<repost from an aussie forum my post>
This is a disaster for the conservatives and the UK. at least rishi was realistic, these promised tax cuts and hesitation to deal with inflation, the energy crisis and social care will be the ruin of the British economy and the tories. And totally wipe out the boris 'red wall' that was an underpinning of the conservatives electoral success.

The tory rich in their blue ribbon counties fight back, at the cost of a wipe out in the coming election. And Starmer is the least deserving to be a beneficiary of that. I still think Rishi would have made a great leader, first Indian-Brit, son of hardworking migrants reward people making millions but at the same time 'help the red wall working class', overall bland blairite centrist and all that. Like Starme it seems what will elections in the UK.

As for the previous poster saying Corbyn was a natural born loser, there is truth in that, but 'et's not forget he nearly won his first election against May,and if he had followed his anti EU instincts, instead of compromising with his pro EU cabinet he might have won. Granted his far left, anti nuclear and other views were an anchor and the inteligence services with the guardian took full advantage of that, but as the red wall voting against generations of their ancestors for the conservatives shows, it's all a matter of 'no one is speaking for us'.

Corbyin could have been the left populist candidate, he was just , predictably, capped at the knees. A very Brittish coup. Mate just play the game, especially on Israel and keeping Trident nukes.

Truss is handicapped by the blue tory counties that elected her, but as farage said, she's so unpredictable and mad that who knows what might happen? that might be the upside. When the economic crisis is/will happen, and small business are going bankrupt due to 5-10x energy bills, when the poor afford their heating and reports invetibly come out of people freezing to death, who knows what she might do?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
8 Sep 2022   #143
In fact, my post made all sorts of sense.
You're merely being yet another contrarian, like Milo:-)

Now that Her Majesty has passed on, this could really tilt the odds!
Miloslaw  20 | 5116
8 Sep 2022   #144
You fundamentally misunderstand the workings of British politics

He does.

Both these interpretations, unfortunately, point to your complete lack of understanding re: how the British political machine operates



You nailed it.

You're merely being yet another contrarian, like Milo:-)

You really need to STFU when it comes to British politics, because you really don't have a clue!

Please be more civil, everyone can have an opinion
Crnogorac3  3 | 659
9 Sep 2022   #145
Therese Coffey the new Deputy Prime Minister of the UK government and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
Lyzko  44 | 9711
9 Sep 2022   #146
Apology accepted, Miloslaw:-)
Crow  154 | 9525
9 Sep 2022   #147
So the witch pulled her paws.
Alien  25 | 6359
9 Sep 2022   #148
Winston Churchill also smoked cigars.
jon357  72 | 23482
9 Sep 2022   #149
smoked cigars

And lived to 90, dying in his bed at Chartwell.

How long did Milosevic survivalu?
Crow  154 | 9525
9 Sep 2022   #150
And lived to 90

True Obrenovic.

Home / UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

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