Polish women: are you asserting your rights in the UK - ie taking advantage of some of the laws in place here around domestic violence, abortion etc? Or do you think it is better being female in Poland? Are you living differently than you expected you would when you first left Poland or do you think your life hasn't changed any more than it would have done if you were a Polish man? Just interested to know if there is much of a difference in the general experiences of migrating to the UK between men and women.
Better being female in UK or Poland?
domestic violence is socially not acceptable in Poland nor UK although it happens in both countries. Your life changes in the UK because of the money that you can start the family with, while in Poland it can be a problem.
ie taking advantage of some of the laws in place here around domestic violence
You mean honor killing ?
taking advantage of some of the laws in place here around domestic violence, abortion
Poland also has strong domestic violence laws and zero tolerance campaigns. Statistics show that Polish women in the UK are also taking advantage of their right to terminate pregnancies.
Better being female in UK or Poland?
I would venture to say that it is better to be a woman in Poland.
better to be a woman in Poland.
If you like receiving flowers, haven't been raped and don't mind drivers shouting "ruro" out of their window.
I would agree.
I would agree.
I feel being taken more seriously in Poland. There is less of the girls Vs boys feeling, there is less of relationship drama and silly things (like 'allowing' your partner do something), more real deep friendship between men and women.
don't mind drivers shouting "ruro"
Your info is outdated. The last time I saw and heard such a driver was 30 years ago. Why do you still live in the past while we have the 21st century????
Your info is outdated. The last time I saw and heard such a driver was 30 years ago
So perhaps yours is. I saw that last week on Grójecka.
There is less of the girls Vs boys feeling, there is less of relationship drama and silly things (like 'allowing' your partner do something
That's a few interesting points however I'm sure you could find all of that in PL and in large quantities. I'd guess that socioeconomic class has as much (or more) to do with it as cultural differences. Except of course that the U.K. was the first country to industrialise and women have been wage earners for 250 years.
saw that last week on Grójecka.
What does "ruro" mean? 🤔
It's a Polish word.
I saw that last week on Grójecka.
Mission Impossible. Last week you were in Africa. Waka Waka!!! :):):)
You stay too long out of Poland to be able to witness all those things you write about in the forum., That is why you depend too much on what you experienced decades ago when you spent more time in Poland.
Last week you were in Africa
Maybe he was in the village Afryka next to Żarnów?
Przelotnyptak1 - | 531
13 Jun 2024 #16
What does "ruro" mean? 🤔
Alien, You are too Germanized. Nothing is wrong with your Polishness, but there are gaping holes regarding nuances.
At one time, many Russian girls practiced the oldest profession on the leading Polish roads, preferably in forested areas.
Imagine you see a scarcely clad, pretty girl, and you are a red-blooded Polish male; stop and chat for a while, after a few sentences, because of her limited knowledge
She asked you about your preferences: W PASZCZU OR W RURU? So this is the end of the lesson, you are welcome. Next time, don't ask Jon, the artificial Pole; his gap in nuances
knowledge is much more significant than yours; he writes books ( inventions really) without an ounce of truth that nobody reads, like his latest:" Frolicking with Exotic Marine Life." Or "Fun Witnessing Cargo in the Act of Defecation" or "Jim Fictitious Pedophile."
Better being female in UK or Poland?
The best place to be a female is Sweden. She can get more action on the way to a bus stop than at home.
With all that multicultural progressiveness, she can even pick the color of her rapist.
The best place to be a female is Sweden. She can get more action on the way to a bus stop than at home.
With all that multicultural progressiveness, she can even pick the color of her rapist.
pick the color of her rapist
I didn't know they were two-colored, 🤔 or multicolored? Are there also green men?
I feelbeingtakenmoreseriouslyin Poland.
That is friking changing and about to become a fairy tale with western europeanisation of Poland, just the way the leftist horde wanted. Now we get more pissy fricking feminists , mental faking cases in every work place, uni, school , whore house and politics , Jachira rings a bell anyone with "dont touch me , dont look at me or I will sue you for molestation and harassment"? So keep it up lefties and soon we will lose that nice deep friendship between both sexes that we have in Poland. Polish learn from the west because they think they should.
more real deep friendship between men and women.
Men and women were never meant to be friends. They were meant to make babies - the traditional way.
For those few stupid women who want male friends, God created faggots.
To a normal man, there is no greater insult than being friendzoned by a woman like this:
If she looks like the one on the right, it's fine:
The one on the left is from Russia...Just to be sure...
The one on the left
On my mobile they are one below the other.
Men and women were never meant to be friends.
I suppose you could always live like a caveman, doing what hominids were 'meant to' like killing your own food or clubbing your neighbour over the head with a bone.
Mission Impossible. Last week you were in Africa
And the week after at home in Warsaw.
You stay too long out of Poland to be able to witness
How silly. Remember some people have jobs with a lot of travel; it doesn't mean they aren't at home a lot too.
Men and women were never meant to be friends.
Is that what she meant? I think she meant in general, she didnt explain it well, I will explain it better, she meant that the relations are more mature in Poland between males and females with greater understanding and respect of each other. I would say to Lenka that it is more about mutual agreement , one accepts the other better because of long established social relations and in Poland it is not skewed towards patriarchal or matriarchal scheme , it is still somewhere in between, whereas in the west it is now more matriarchal based - ***** rules and man is the barely tolerated enemy.
and man is the barely tolerated enemy.
Until that dildo needs new batteries. Or the sink needs to be replaced...Or coal has to be brought to the surface...Or when living with three cats gets old...
99% of what modern society needs was invented, made, and delivered by men - including female hygiene products, lipstick, and everything else. And those smartphones women never part with...
One woman said: When I call 911, I want a man cop, not a girl...
I noticed that what we hear noises in the dead of night, my wif never offers to go downstairs to check on it...
Until that dildo needs new batteries
Modern ones certainly have batteries charged with a cell phone cable.
...and at 30, they hit the wall...
Men discovered that there is no upside to getting married - only arguments and financial ruin after she filed for divorce because she got bored. Today, only a moron would date a "modern Western woman". Hence, passports and a quick trip to Russia or Asia... anything other than a loud Western woke bit*ch...
BTW, 80% of divorces are initiated by women. "He abused me" is a lie made unnecessary after no-fault divorce became the norm.
That's what women wanted so that is what they got - and no men willing to take the bait...
Men discovered that there is no upside to getting married - only arguments and financial ruin after she filed for divorce because she got bored. Today, only a moron would date a "modern Western woman". Hence, passports and a quick trip to Russia or Asia... anything other than a loud Western woke bit*ch...
BTW, 80% of divorces are initiated by women. "He abused me" is a lie made unnecessary after no-fault divorce became the norm.
That's what women wanted so that is what they got - and no men willing to take the bait...
80% of divorces are initiated by women
Which shows they are not that crazy about the marriage thing either.
No. They divorce to look for a better deal or because they already found it ....They call them "high-value men".
What they overlook is that only 1% of men meet their specs and that they are already taken.
If still available, the last thing these men want is a 35-year-old woman with two or three kids and custody issues.
I am a crime show addict. Women lie about "abuse" all the time. Actually, women are more often violent with their husbands than the other way...It's just that men don't report it...
Also, women never apologize, never admit fault, never say sorry, and always want to have the last word.
What they overlook is that only 1% of men meet their specs and that they are already taken.
If still available, the last thing these men want is a 35-year-old woman with two or three kids and custody issues.
I am a crime show addict. Women lie about "abuse" all the time. Actually, women are more often violent with their husbands than the other way...It's just that men don't report it...
Also, women never apologize, never admit fault, never say sorry, and always want to have the last word.
You stay too long out of Poland to be able to witness all those things you write about in the forum. That is why you depend too much on what you experienced decades ago.
Well, he is British and times have changed. He is a Brexit nomad and legally required to be constantly on the move.
Stay Limits within the Schengen Area: Counting the 90 Days
With the UK's exit from the EU, UK nationals' freedom of movement within the EU came to an end as well. As such, UK citizens are now subject to the Schengen Area's visa-waiver stay limitation of 90 days within any 180 days throughout the entire zone. The count begins as soon as a traveller enters the Schengen Area until the day they depart. For example:
- If a traveller entered Germany (in the Schengen Area) from the UK (not in the Schengen Area) and spent 10 days in Germany, then took a train to Poland (in the Schengen Area) for a stay of 7 days, and then flew back to the UK, they would have stayed 17 total days in the Schengen Area.
- Even if the traveller briefly departed the Schengen Area, their stay calculation would still be based on the time spent in the zone. For example, if the traveller were to enter Germany from the UK and spend 10 days in Germany, departed back to the UK for 5 days, flew to Poland for a 7-day stay, and then returned to the UK again, they would still have stayed 17 total days in the Schengen Area.
UK nationals
Did you think that U.K. nationals can only be citizens of one country?
Do you think some might be citizens of somewhere else that they've lived for a long long time.
You seem to have a fixation with The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Crown Dependencies, Overseas Territories and His Majesty's Other Commonwealth Realms as well as its people. Never mind, no matter how hard you try, you'll never win the lottery of life in terms of privilege and be a WASP.