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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

2 May 2016   #151
So sad it's such a shame I feel sorry for them
Marsupial  - | 871
3 May 2016   #152
@artmin44....dream on buddy nobody here wants to be with mother england and its nothing to do with turning ones back. Even there mention of a award bestowed on a pom causes havoc and furore last year. We don't need your mothering or stupid out of date traditions. There are some older folks who still identify that way but they are on their way out. The europeans are your neighbors and allies. Not us, 1956 is over.
yellow dancer
20 May 2016   #153
Polish workers in the UK do have a very bad attitude. They come across as being rude, arrogant and manner-less and as having no desire to integrate into British society or even learn our language. I work on a supermarket checkout and I have to say that most Polish people are really very rude. Other Eastern Europeans are mostly quite friendly and make an effort to speak but Poles struggle with 'hello', 'please' and especially 'thank you'. I don't like to sound snobbish but the bulk of the Polish people who are here seem just like peasants and certainly act like them. As for Polish women they dress like street walkers but with a little less class and even their heavy make-up fails to enhance their very plain looking faces.
20 May 2016   #154
Its seams to me they want our hospitality and the money they get from working here but they do not like us. It feels really very disrespectful

The English take pride in their xenophobia, and yet they want to be liked by everyone. What you sow is what you reap.
yellow dancer
22 May 2016   #155
English (British) people are not xenophobic. As a matter of fact Poland is reckoned to be the most racist country in Europe. Are there any black or Asian members of the Polish parliament? They live and work in the UK claiming all the benefits of a welfare structure that was built up over the years after the end of WW2. Rightfully so, it may be argued, if they are paying tax and NI but there remains the question of why do they have to be so rude about it? After all, it isn't that hard to learn a few basic polite words and phrases of someone else's language before you visit their country. They don't even want our food. In the supermarket (which stocks much Polish produce) they buy Polish first and only British when they have to and I'm still waiting to hear a 'thank you' from one of them.
mafketis  38 | 11263
22 May 2016   #156
Are there any black or Asian members of the Polish parliament?

There have been at least two black members of the Polish parliament. Both were naturalized citizens.
Mr Wiech
22 May 2016   #157
I'm still waiting to hear a 'thank you' from one of them.

Given your attitute you're going to wairt for a very long time being a dick and all.

end of WW2

Don't even start about that, ingorance is a blessing in disgiuse.

Poland is reckoned to be the most racist country in Europe

Rubbish. The most racist countries in Europe have enough money and know how to buy their good staning. Few token black MP's are but a screen to hide and the ugly truth.
23 May 2016   #158
Because they know that we are degenerate and weak and going extinct. They have come to take our land and everything on it and we can only watch helplessly
16 Jun 2016   #159
I have polish neighbours they are mad .she does nothing but rant and he and her just us the word **** off. when you complain about dogs waking me up at 5 oclock in the morning.

they are fine if they get there own way.they have done lots of un normal things eg if they heard me moan about dogs howling and barking when

n they go out they go in the garden and start making stupid dog noises .
they are not normal they are not right in the I am depressed because of them and they don't least I care about other people they don't and I hate them for what they have done to me
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
16 Jun 2016   #160
Lindo you can contact your local council for noise abatement or nuisance behaviour.
Start by keeping a diary of any incidents.
16 Jun 2016   #161

Provincial Britain is probably one of the most depressing places on earth... the towns, with their pedestrian precincts and the endless parade of charity shops and estate agents... There is nothing you want to see. Nothing you want to do. You wade knee-deep through a sea of discarded styrofoam trays smeared with bits of last night's horseburger... for the most part urban Britain is utterly devoid of any redeeming feature whatsoever.

Do you know who said these words?
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Jun 2016   #162
Do you know who said these words?

An unpleasant man (incredibly popular in Poland - his books sell like hot cakes here) from my home town, as provincial as it gets. But not quite as bad as that. Actually an OK town. Thousands of Poles have made it their home since 2004 - a notably large Polish migrant community, even by the standards of that region and everyone gets on well without trouble.
Ironside  51 | 13087
16 Jun 2016   #163

where cretins like that are coming from? geez, before the internet people were more optimistic as to the state of humanity. Too much chemical's in the water ....
16 Jun 2016   #164

Doncaster, you mean?
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Jun 2016   #165
Yes. He's actually from Adwick-le-street, just outside town. Not many Poles there, but plenty down the road in Bentley and I'm always amazed when I visit the actual town centre how many Poles I see and hear. Certainly hasn't done any bad there and as far as I know relations are very good. None of the disrespect suggested in the thread title.
16 Jun 2016   #166
None of the disrespect suggested in the thread title

Why then the polishforum is the outlet of these kinds of emotions?
jon357  72 | 23654
16 Jun 2016   #167
It's the internet. It's like that. Any open forum, any facebook page, wherever. Even closed support groups have to be moderated. You'll notice that the original post was just a non-specific moan by some guest poster who commented once and never returned (under that name, anyway...) - sounds like a Brexiter or Ukipper or even worse today, a Britain Firster - and then people share their experiences both good and bad.

Yes, there are some people here in Poland who are disrespectful towards the English (odd the OP says English not British - perhaps he's forgotten Scotland, Wales and NI) and yes, those of us who live here have a right to discuss that, just as others have the right to say the opposite.

In the past 20 years here in Poland I've heard some people say pretty awful things about Britain, a country which few have visited but all have seen in film and TV. Some sort of inferiority complex possibly.
16 Jun 2016   #168
Changing the subject. Would you can Mr Clarkson, using a Polish word, a pajac for being disrespecful to his native town?
Once I heard someone calling him by such a name?
21 Jun 2016   #169
I met a lovely polish girl up at the school, my daughter was kind to her daughter and she was grateful. I never had a problem with them then a polish scum bag family moved in and attacked my family for doing the front garden, he ripped up my plants from the ground and then assaulted my young son. Told me to turn my English music off, it was a battery operated radio, they have threatend to slit my young daughters throat because we had a family bbq 2children and myself and he didn't like it, her husband has stood at the bottom of my driveway staring at our CCTV, police know, seen the attack and &the other stuff they do."nothing" They don't work they use there disabled child to get money and the new house and new car, they then abuse the child and lock her away school knows about it. They tell me what I can and can't do in my country. There the cruelest people I've ever came across,rude and heartless, there friend put a new born baby a Baby carrier on a trampoline in a heat wave and left the child and sat down. Horrible people
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
22 Jun 2016   #170
they have threatend to slit my young daughters throat


Horrible people

Yeah, sure. I'm guilty of feeding the troll, but be gone with you.

Go Cameron and Remain! Against such sick racists.
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Jun 2016   #171
Told me to turn my English music off, it was a battery operated radio, they have threatend to slit my young daughters throat

I don't believe you.
22 Jun 2016   #172
A British Firster !!

And yet two black men killed a white man in cold blood in broad day light but not because he is white, no because they are Islamic and Muslims.

Four black men blow up buses and tubes in London in the name is Islam because they're Muslims.

But Islam and Muslims are not dangerous.
24 Jun 2016   #173
You disrespect us!!!!
1 Feb 2017   #174
Um maybe cause you're so arrogant and think everyone hates you, and second thing, the polish people dont want your money or jobs! If you find out polish people 'steal' your job maybe you should try harder with learning and not just sit around and then have a problem when well taught people take your job.

Not just polish people are rude but english as well and other countries. Most english people are rude and racist towards them cause they always think polish people are talking about them when they're not. Honestly england is the most rude country that doesn't 'welcome' polish but they are completely racist to them. I still have no idea why english hate polish people. At least we actually learn in school not just mess around and then regret we did that, fail our classes,

Never be anything in life and sit on benefits all our life. Maybe you shouldn't just think that every polish person is being 'rude' to you. As also i agree, some polish people are rude, not all of them are perfect but honestly england is horrible, it's completly disgusting, kids scream on the roads, hang out at night (13+) and their parents don't give 2 ***** cause they know those kids are gonna grow up like them; benefits all life.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
1 Feb 2017   #175
but honestly england is horrible, it's completly disgusting, kids scream on the roads, hang out at night (13+) and their parents don't give 2 ***** cause they know those kids are gonna grow up like them; benefits all life.

That is exactly England outside of London. In small towns the English live like gypsies. Obscure houses, filth, booze and pot. When I lived in Northamptonshire i had at least 3 marijuana dealers in 500 meter radius.

Back on topic please
Kickthepolishou t
3 Dec 2017   #176
This is a load of crap.
Polish people are a waste of human life.
Why do polish men ya g around park benches getting drunk?
Why do polish men walk around talking to themselves and insulting people on the streets picking fights?
And then they start uttering a bunch of nonsense in there language; I can't tell if they want me to stab them in there throats and sacrifice them like the swine they are or if they have mental health issues.

EU countries should close there borders to these type of individuals MAYBE there are SOME civilized Polish people but te ones I have encountered are scum.

And I ain't even English Incase anyone wishes to argue here point.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Dec 2017   #177
And I ain't even English

HaHa that explains your ranting here a point.

Polish and English people get on just fine.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
3 Dec 2017   #178
And I ain't even English Incase anyone wishes to argue here point.

well then what are you moaning about?

I live in a town with a lot of immigrants from Poland Romania and Bulgaria, and the Polish are fine.
Joker  2 | 2447
3 Dec 2017   #179
Because they know that we are degenerate and weak and going extinct.

A Brit that speaks the truth! Its a good first step realizing your dire situation.

Only if your fellow counrtymen could grow a pair instead of being cowards and PC all the time. Perhaps, its not too late for Europe, if you stand your ground.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
4 Dec 2017   #180
@Kickthepolishou t.
... jeez. either work on your spelling, or don't drink and type.

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