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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

Alien  23 | 5540
2 Feb 2022   #361
Keep Tanya1 out.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #362
don't make England so damnably attractive

What do you mean attractive? Its a sht..hole!The sad part is some people can make a better living there than in Poland. I wish they would come back.

Ah Lots of people are trash and ***** like that Tanya lol and her 'manners;!?
I have spend a year in that country as a GP and it was so long only becasue I had a contract. Money are better but not that better to make me stay. Never again.

Yes, there some great and nice people but if you have 20% trash 30% ***** and 10% a..holes with superiority complex 40% of nice people doesn't really cut it.

Poles are much kinder, nicer and open, England is saved by rules, custums and laws.
2 Feb 2022   #363
Fyi the terms 'racist' 'xenophobic' etc are way too overused when they should only be reserved for real cases of such. When we express a dislike for people based on their habits, be it cultural, religious - it is the behaviour we don't like, lack of manners and fundamentally go against our values, culture, that dislike is not racist, but a dislike based on behaviours exhibited by certain country origin people such as pakistanis, muslims, polish and eastern europeans. If somebody is racist, there is no reason to hate those they hate and is not based on behaviour. In most cases, the hate is based on their behaviour, pack of manners, character and lack of compatibility with our values. It's like some people can't handle that they behaviour is hated, they can't accept it so make themselves feel better by playing the race card. They need to change themselves and their behaviour instead of finding unreasonable excuses, which is denial. I have seen so many aggressive, rude, argumentative eastern european guys and girls behave in a totally unacceptable way and pakistanis and muslims - whose 1400 year cult is incompatible with non muslims and with reality. Putting our country, culture, religion and values first is patriotic and our duty to protect that.

@Alien hahaha frustrated porkistani, muslim or frustrated polish eastern european? Either way, keep both of you OUT. This is my country, not the s******e you left.

@Novichok thanks! The truth hurts them bad.
Atch  21 | 4149
2 Feb 2022   #364
uneducated, illiterate, rude, aggressive swines that don't even have basic common courtesy.

Bit like English chavs then :)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Feb 2022   #365
I have seen so many aggressive, rude, argumentative eastern european guys and girls

And you have never seen any English people who fit that description?

I see them every day.........
2 Feb 2022   #366
@Cojestdocholery yeah you don't have any manners, seen y'all starting arguments on streets, with strangers, frustrated with your life much, miserable morons that are basically in the same group as porkistanis and muslims. Shame on you for looking to blame others that too the people whose country it is that you came to, instead of looking at yourselves and CHANGING. Living in denial is silly. The fact is eastern europeans and muslims need to be kept OUT if you want your country to be educated, progressive, polite, good manners, clean and safe. Call it racist or xenophobic whatever, don't bother me! Facts are facts. Fyi the 40% nice you're referring to with your fantasy stats is made up of non muslims and non eastern europeans. Fact. Deal with it. Not anybody's problem but yours.

No, but maybe they're with you, if you're rude, aggressive with no manners, that's how you represent your country so when you get rudeness back, you brought it on yourselves. We are not rude to start with, but if we see you're rude, aggressive then we don't hold back either. You get what you give.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #367
Putting our country, culture, religion and values first is patriotic and our duty to protect that.

How about that...Patriotism - the word that drives globalist "all races are equal" morons nuts.

Another great post and it's only 8:25 in the morning.
Oathbreaker  4 | 347
2 Feb 2022   #368
if you want your country to be educated, progressive

Why would anyone want that? Except for inferiority complexed arrogant teachers who gaslight an female audience to increase their chance of spreading their DNA without any regard for society and it's health?

Just check out Karl Marx's bio and you will understand it better.

Self-destructive patterns for the U.K? Why should I stop you?
Atch  21 | 4149
2 Feb 2022   #369
We are not rude to start with

Maybe you're not - though judging by your behaviour on this forum so far, that's a moot point - but plenty of Brits are as rough as old bags and common as muck and well you know it :)
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
2 Feb 2022   #370
if you're rude, aggressive with no manners

You think I am that?
Only because of my Polish name.
I have Polish blood but was born and have lived all my life in England.
You shouldn't make assmptions and generalise about people.

Also, the only guy agreeing with you on here is Novichok, who was born in Poland and lived there till his early twenties.

Poor confused Tanya1...........
2 Feb 2022   #371
Thanks and likewise!

@Miloslaw haha fyi facts don't care for how many people agree, facts are facts even if 1 person knows it. Numbers don't prove credibility. But, unfortunately for you lot, everybody agrees with me except your communities *shock* and we don't expect you to have the capacity to understand that we're NOT bothered about whether you agree or not. Lol you're the confused peeps, you think people that hate you are racist, poor you lot, can't even figure out the basics.

Haha according to the muck that say that! Irrelevant. But if you think that, you can go back to where you came from no?

@Atch calling others rude, rich coming from you lot are renowned for your bad manners, aggressiveness and no decency. Look in the mirror. Like I said, if we're rude to you, it's because you deserve it. Not that we care what you think when we don't find you relevant and you're in our country.
Atch  21 | 4149
2 Feb 2022   #372
Tanya, you're not imbibing alcohol as you write by any chance, are you? You sound a bit ossified.

seen y'all

Are you sure you're English?? Y'all sound more like a good ole boy from down south.
2 Feb 2022   #373
@Oathbreaker by progressive I mean moving forward as a country not the leftist hijacked misinterpretation. Either way, the highlight of my comment is who NOT to have in a country if it wants to be successful and that is the rejection of the said communities.

@Atch silly pole!
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #374
you think people that hate you are racist,

Hate is as natural as love. The woke idiots would like to make natural feelings illegal and must be looking lovingly at the Chinese re-education camps. Good luck with that, a-holes.

There is nothing wrong with racism, either, is "racism" is based on behavior and crime statistics. I have no other reasons to avoid darker skin pigment.

Poor confused Tanya1...........

I didn't detect any confusion in her. Straight as an arrow and clear like a bell.

...who NOT to have in a country if it wants to be successful

...or in your house. The problem with the woke open borders morons is that they treat their countries as garbage recepticles for the world's surplus people while at the same time living in guarded and fenced communities.
Atch  21 | 4149
2 Feb 2022   #375
@Atch silly pole!

Wow! Tanya, that's razor sharp wit there - worthy of Stephen Fry. You're not Stephen Fry by any chance are you? Wasted wit though. You're not Stephen Fry and I'm not Polish :)
2 Feb 2022   #376
@Novichok patriots are the right people to drive the country forward, that is the duty of the country. F the globalists ponces. Funny thing is the leftists have joined with islamics even though they're completely incompatible with each other and the biggest racists are muslims and eastern europeans. Then look at the double standards, muslims support islamic jihadis fascist dictators in muslim failed states like porkistan, iran, uae ad bangladesh, yet want non muslim countries to be left/liberal. They need to be treated how they treat others. They're shameless to even cry racism when they need to look in the mirror.

@Atch sitting in your little room, by yourself you're clearly unemployable, you say you're not pole. I don't care where you're from, with a lack of brain cells like you are, it's obvious what you are. Irrelevant.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #377
They need to be treated how they treat others.

Spot on. You want a mosque here? Fine. After we build a church in Mecca.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #378
but yours.

Yeah and you are all squeaky clean, nice, respectful and with great manners. Live in your fantasy land. I have zero interest that country. I tell evryone to stay away or move away if they can. Binge drinking, drug using people clogging hospitals on weekends. Mostly they are disrespectful trash with shyty manners.

Your street would be full of half naked drunk people begging or robbing people if not for the state that keeps them away.

if you're rude, aggressive with no manners, t

lol! A fact you are doing it in backalley, pubs and behind close doors on the sly doesn't mean you are edcuated and progressive.

Anyway you sound like a troll not a real person from England.
On that note - go away now.
2 Feb 2022   #379
@Novichok well said! Great post. We are the right thinkers, hence the woke brigade are threatened. Exactly crime rates and their behaviour says it all, it's linked to them and when the rate is high amongst certain colours, religions and backgrounds, it is natural and right to avoid them. Based on stats. Stupid to ignore that and deny the issue or relate it to 'racism.' When particular communities have replicated behaviour, their way of life, no values and genocidal ways is evident, the sensible thing is not to turn a blind eye to it. The country should be treated as your home, the wokes don't understand dnq can't be changed with 'education' when their intentions are genocide and taking over. Have to target them in a language they understand.
Atch  21 | 4149
2 Feb 2022   #380
with a lack of brain cells like you are,

I think you'll find that you wanted to say 'like you have' - although 'such as you have' would sound more elegant :)

Now, time is pressing on. Shouldn't you be " gerrin' uz tea" or whatever it is you do 'oop north' which is probably where you come from. Off you go now Missus to the chippy and get yourself a few deep fried Mars bars and a couple of barm cakes. I, not being 'Northern', am about to enjoy some delicious freshly baked trout with lemon, onion and herbs. I might catch you later.

Y'all come back now, ya hear? :))
2 Feb 2022   #381
@Cojestdocholery that sounds like poland or pakistan. Well you're clearly an eastern european or a muslim. Both irrelevant pathetic dirty breeds. Keep telling yourselves lies, the truth is far too hurtful for you. Now you go away, away from our country too.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #382
Both irrelevant pathetic dirty breeds.

listen troll scum if you want to address me start with Sir.
Anything else won't do, and the only irrelevant and dirty mut here is you. On that note go away now. Troll somewhere else. I'm done with you.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #383
Anyway you sound like a troll not a real person from England.

You sound like an idiot. How about commenting only on what she posts. Too radical?
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #384
You sound like an idiot.

I might sound like an idiot but the fact is you are an idiot. If you think about it - its sad.
Comment on what? If that poster is not a troll, it is just a body, if it were to vanish the world would be a better place. Same goes for you.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #385
when their intentions are genocide and taking over

...the slow way by a million cuts to prevent a reaction. To the woke idiots, conquest is only if the enemy carries a rifle. Guess what, morons, a woman with six kids is a lot more dangerous because nobody in his right mind will shoot her. A guy with a rifle? Nothing to it. Boom. Case closed.

BTW, that woman with six kids will cost you millions. Then they will become "British" terrorists.

If that poster is not a troll, it is just a body,

If you had brains, you would argue on points she raised.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #386
you would argue on points she raised.

'she' didn't rise any points. That is the point. I have no interest in that country at all. I have been there 6 years ago for a year and I wasn't impressed by it. However I don't go about dissing it or its people, althought I could go about it for hours. I rather keep silent than talk bad about people.

Now I'll take a trip to same sunny country. I'm torn between California and Argentina.
Novichok  4 | 7809
2 Feb 2022   #387
I'm torn between California and Argentina.

Go to Argentina.

'she' didn't rise any points. That is the point.

You are so right. "She" said nothing so far.
Would you like the number to Mr. Clinton? You two could debate the meaning of "points".
Lyzko  41 | 9563
2 Feb 2022   #388
It's apparent you've never been to Torquay, nor have you visited Devon, Bornemouth or much of the North Country, or you wouldn't make such idiotic remarks!

Zakopane or Tatry have their own special beauty, but surely to poor foreigners especially, England offers material comforts probably unknown in Third World nations:-)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #389
Go to Argentina.

I think I will.

She" said nothing so far.

Right, 'she' only ranted or trolled.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
2 Feb 2022   #390
It's apparent you've never been to

I have seen some places that are so called a nature beauty spots. Some spots there are nice. Same people that were nice.
It doesn't change my view. Do I have to like it?

you wouldn't make such idiotic remarks!

Look are you back with your patronising nosensne? I stated facts, that is the other side of England. Maybe it is you who know very little.

offers material comforts probably unknown in Third World nations:-

Whenever you are if you are rich you have a good life. You seem to be of rather humble means if you have to make yourself feel better by comparing with the third world nations. I feel for you.

Home / UK, Ireland / Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

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