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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

Miloslaw  22 | 5208
1 Jun 2020   #301
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Interesting post.
As a British born person with Polish parents I do see where you are coming from.
But I do think that you denigrate Poles somewhat.
I know many intelligent Poles with a sense of humour that are capable of charming the ar$e off many English women....
jon357  72 | 23654
1 Jun 2020   #302
Yes there are some interesting Points, although yes again, he's being hard on Poles.

And I did think that the idea of an English lady being defrosted from before WWII doesn't quite chime with what you might expect to meet on a Friday night in a pub in Doncaster.
3 Jun 2020   #303
Maybe they're fed up with Anglo culture being shoved their throats?

Imo Poland should ask for a tiny strip of land from Ukraine around Slovakia and make a union with Hungary (sort of like a union of two autonomous states). And make Krakow the capital. Or Trojmiasto (it's a port). Warsaw's too isolated there and kinda too close to Russia and Belarus. And looks too soulless for a capital
kaprys  3 | 2076
3 Jun 2020   #304
Warsaw paid its share in the nation's history.
A city rebuilt from ashes by its people who chose to live there even when there were no conditions to live.
How do you ask a country for a tiny strip of land? :)
And I doubt people of Kraków would like to have all the politicians there. There's even a song whose title roughly translates to English as don't move the capital to Kraków.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Jun 2020   #305
Anglo culture being shoved their throats?

By whom?

How do you ask a country for a tiny strip of land?

Indeed. It isn't exactly vacant territory.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
3 Jun 2020   #306

Mate, you are talking crap.....or are you just trolling?

Warsaw paid its share in the nation's history.

It certainly did and deserves to be Poland's capital.
jon357  72 | 23654
3 Jun 2020   #307
It certainly did and deserves to be Poland's capital.

I don't see that ever changing. Or anybody wanting it to.
4 Jun 2020   #308
The media is shoving Anglo (mostly American) culture (if you can call it culture). Hopefully the evil US empire is falling.
Crow  155 | 9700
4 Jun 2020   #309
Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

Its maybe time Poles to reconsider that one about English. See, English moved out of the EU. They aren`t that stupid. And they have backbone, sure and USA behind them and USA have them. And brat Boris is smart and have good immunity.
4 Jun 2020   #310
Yeah as if being a slave puppet to the US is good. Unfortunately Poland has traded slavery to Russia to one to the Americans. I hope the power will shift to Scandinavia and Central Europe (excluding Germany) or Australia. Too bad it's Russia or China that would like to be the next world police. Anyway Poles better increase the ties with Scandinavia.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Jun 2020   #311
The media is shoving Anglo (mostly American) culture

Are they?

How exactly?
Crow  155 | 9700
4 Jun 2020   #312
Anyway Poles better increase the ties with Scandinavia.

Kashubs increasing ties with Serbia. Joining to Lusatians in that sense. I hope others will follow. Then we together liberate Scandinavia from Arabs.

Unfortunately Poland has traded slavery to Russia to one to the Americans.

In my country we have perception of Poland being puppet to Germany, while Polonia of US doing patriotic role.
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Jun 2020   #313
A Polish guy is a ruffty-tuffty, straight-up, resourceful guy, ready to climb into the flat through the window - kind of guy,

hmm, I didn`t know this British proverb/saying/idiom about entering the house through the window. What does it mean exactly? I imagine it suggests getting to your female lover whose room is upstairs and you need to climb up to avoid meeting the husband. Correct?
16 May 2021   #314
Honestly just saying what you've said is ******* rude... More a less every pole in England and especially where I'm from is disrespectful and rude. They take off our hard working country and bleed it dry, meanwhile we try and keeps our heads above water. They work for pennies which outdos our own(we have morals). You take our homes and take our taxes... You send every penny bk to your homeland and **** the country that gives you a life and a home. You all Swan around like its your god given right... You disrespect our elderly, our homes and especially our language... **** every single last one of you... At least we can hold our head up high and know weve fed you and your family and your long lost family forever... You have because we gave... That will doodle dooo

The Honest Truth ha
pawian  226 | 27817
16 May 2021   #315
bleed it dry meanwhile we try and keeps our heads above water.

Yes, and you even have to emigrate to distant countries. e.g,., Harry and Megan - coz Poles took their jobs. It is really outrageous, I fully understand your fury.

You send every penny bk to your homeland

Forcing the Bank of Negland to print new notes and mint new coins every day. It is scandalous!

You disrespect our language

How dare they! Speaking their lousy English in Shaggspeer`s fatherland! It is execrable!

At least we can hold our head up high

Yes, but be careful not to hit the ceiling.
Ironside  51 | 13087
16 May 2021   #316
The Honest Truth ha

OK inbreed enough of chav rubbish. Bzibzioh no longer post in here.
Honesty reading that retreaded post what to respect?
20 Nov 2021   #317
I agree 100-percent +. I've had to work alongside polish women in the past unfortunately and they were all not nice people, to put it very mildly. For the past 8 years or so we have had to tolerate a polish woman and her badly behaved.son living next door to us in a semi-detached house. No baby is born badly behaved, it's what the parents make them into.

The polish woman is a selfish, bad mannered inconsiderate, self centred, rude and every other similar adjectives there are woman. She allows her uncontrollable badly behaved son to stomp, thump, crash and bang around their adjoining house for hours on end while her English husband's at work, the kid is about 10 years old. It's that bad that it sounds like he's demolishing the house. I've had to move my glass cabinets with precious ornaments on away from the ad joining wall as they rattled every time he thumped and banged around. I have knocked on this woman's door and told her about it but unfortunately her husband instantly jumped to her defence taking over the conversation and called me a liar. The polish woman scuttled off like a ferret down a rabbit hole without saying a word. Her husband shouted and verbally abused me while he defended his son. My husband and I are both OAP's in poor health, we can't tolerate this racket day in and day out as soon as the kid comes in from school. We have lived in our home for almost 40 years and in that time have had three different next door neighbours, not including the neighbours from hell who are there now, and they have all been nice people just making normal everyday living noise now and again, such as vacuum cleaners, washing machine and TV etc.

If it wasn't illegal I would quite happily strangle this woman and teach her son some discipline and manners.
No one has the God given right to make anybody else's life a misery like they are with ours. We know the kid is capable of being quieter as he is when his father's there, he wouldn't dare thump and bang around the house then. We're both really stressed and at our wits end. After I'd complained to her and her husband she allowed her son to run and thump around the house even more, including thumping on the walls with his fist.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Nov 2021   #318
It's that bad that it sounds like he's demolishing the house.

Yes, coz he is learning the job of a construction worker. First he demolishes, then rebuilds. Check if Bob the Builder is his favourite cartoon.
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Nov 2021   #319
instantly jumped to her defence taking over the conversation and called me a liar.

Kids do bang around, and it sounds like you're maybe complaining too much.

Put the radio on so you've something to listen to and occupy your mind. Semis can be noisy; it's never great if the party wall is between the living rooms.
pawian  226 | 27817
21 Nov 2021   #320
Kids do bang around,

yes, especially when they imitate their parents who cope with home repairs/maintanance.

  • istockphoto84734960.jpg
Alien  26 | 6528
21 Nov 2021   #321
"Bob the Builder" is a hero of all English kids...or not?
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #322
hero of all English kids.

And this Polish boy wants to integrate as soon as possible.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #323
I have to admit that some of the Poles in London today are what we Brits would call Chavs.
The women have bleached blonde hair and tatoos.
They shout loudly on the phone in the street and have no control over their feral kids.
But they are in the minority.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #324
some of the Poles in London today are what we Brits would call Chavs.

Exactly, And I said it a few times that I am deeply grateful to Brits for taking them from Poland and freeing us of their company. God bless the Queen and the UK. hahaha
jon357  72 | 23654
22 Nov 2021   #325
But they are in the minority.

You should see Scunthorpe...

grateful to Brits for taking them from Poland and freeing us of their company

I was going to say that the local dealers probably aren't, then realised where the local dealers went...
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #326
I am deeply grateful to Brits for taking them

Sorry to disappoint you but these are the Poles that will return to Poland, once they have saved enough to build a house.
The more intelligent and better educated ones will remain.
We keep the creme de la creme.
Rubbish always returns home.
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #327
**** always returns home.

You still need to prove it coz I haven`t heard of such a phenomenon. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #328

I don't need to prove anything to a useless scumbag like you because you will see it with your own eyes in a village near you very soon.....
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #329
to a useless scumbag like you

hahaha it seems you are Chav yourself, like those people you just mentioned. Funny. :):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #330
Yet another idiotic response designed I Halton debate.

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