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When are the Polish going to stop extorting money from UK businesses

4 Aug 2022   #1
I run a workshop and am appalled by how eastern Europeans mostly Polish come over here ripping the motor trade off by not paying for repairs to their vehicles or demanding refunds after the work has been completed. They might negotiate a price over in Poland before work is done but come on people you cant expect to negotiate a price for repairs when you have been given an estimate and agreed its a fair price, then refuse to pay as now you say its too expensive. The word extortion comes to mind. There's many Polish workshops and garages over in the UK who wont entertain Polish customers because they know how they operate. My policy now is don't entertain them or your business will go under with these cretins not paying and running away. When I served over in Germany in the forces the Germans could not tolerate the Polish coming over the border and stealing their cars on a regular basis its just not on. The Polish have a bad reputation in Europe for being Thieves & fraudsters. If you want to leave Poland behind and live in another European country, have the respect to learn the language and respect the culture pay your bills.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Aug 2022   #2
how eastern Europeans mostly Polish

You were misled. They are not Polish but Russian. They only say they are Polish so that the negative opinion didn`t stick to RuSSians. Simple.
Veles  - | 197
4 Aug 2022   #3
If you're a victim of a crime, report it to the police.
jon357  72 | 23654
9 Aug 2022   #4
and am appalled

Why tell us here? We don't care and already have entrenched pro or anti views about Poland that your pathetic little UKIP style whinge won't change.

report it to the police.

There's probably a dozen reasons that he'd be terrified of them turning up at his "workshop".

I served over in Germany in the forces

Wermacht or SS?
Sylvio  19 | 154
14 Aug 2022   #5
As a Pole returning to Poland after many decades abroad it weighs down on my mind that we still cultivate the atrocious idea that the best path to financial success is to let go of rules of ethics. This is very selfdestructive. And who knows if it will ever change. In the so called West whenever something I had bought broke, which it did not often, and I took it back, it is so wonderful to get an apolgy, and a prompt refund with no questions asked. Here, where goods are mostly dreadful quality, I often get treated with suspicion, or straight up accused of breaking it through being 'not very bright', not knowing how to use it. But on the other hand, when I talk to shop keepers privately, I hear of horror stories of customers asking to return goods which later turn out for example to have some inner parts removed. How can people be so shortsighted to think that multiplying fraud left right and center will give them an advantage in the long term? Not getting a proper quote for any kind of work, and then being expected to haggle over the final price is something I have grown used to. But is also pretty aweful for the client. Because you can rarely calculate who will be cheaper ahead of time.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Aug 2022   #6
where goods are mostly dreadful quality,

False. Most goods I acquire in Poland are good quality and I don`t mean the highest standard.

with no questions asked.

Another falsity. Questions are always asked, in Poland and elsewhere, coz assistants have to establish if a refund is due, it is their duty.
Novichok  4 | 8682
14 Aug 2022   #7
You just explained why Poles do not register well on the welcome scale and that is why I never admit I was one of them unless I absolutely have to. There is no upside to it.

When I came to the US in the summer of 1967, I would say I am Russian. I got me a free pass to the beach in Glenco that day.

Sylvio, you are correct. My wife and I have been returning things to Best Buy, Amazon, and other stores. Never were we asked to justify the return if within the grace period.

The most they would ask is if it's broken. Probably to know how to dispose of it.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Aug 2022   #8
I would say I am Russian. I got me a free pass

Yes, and you have stuck to it till today. :):):) But don`t count it will get you another free pass in the PF - on the contrary! :):):)

As a Pole returning to Poland

No, you aren`t really Polish. We established it long ago when you started posting here. Stop spreading falsities.
Funny, I read only half of your post and counted three falsities.
Paulina  19 | 4558
14 Aug 2022   #9
I don't recall having to return to shop anything I bought in Poland, besides one pair of elegant winter boots that I bought at CCC quite a few years ago. It was a Polish brand - Lasocki and they weren't cheap for me, so I decided to return them and they repaired them without any questions or problems whatsoever.

My mother, who is pathologically stingy, keeps buying very cheap shoes at those "Chinese" shops and she says they fall apart pretty quickly and my father has to glue them up. I don't know if this cheap, Chinese stuff has any warranty though.

Also, if you're buying something in Poland from an internet shop, you can return it within some period of time (usually two weeks) without giving any reason.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Aug 2022   #10
I don't recall having to return to shop anything I bought in Poland

Exactly. That poster is just another foreign liar who pretends to be Polish.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
14 Aug 2022   #11

You are righr.


You are wrong.
Sylvio  19 | 154
15 Aug 2022   #12
It's fair to say that slowly but surely things are improving in Polish character... I hope. Some negative traits presist, though. Because any improvement requires effort...something most are pretty averse to, including at work. My other point is Poles love solving every problem by punishing people. Including vocaly blaming people they think should be corrected. Even to their face! Dishing out advice to total strangers in stores. Without any thought to dress it up in humor. And good luck trying to find anyone responsible for anything in a store, school, church, hospital, or especially a governmnent office.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Aug 2022   #13
Dishing out advice to total strangers in stores

That proves compassion and empathy which you denied in another thread. :):)

Without any thought to dress it up in humor

We don`t have keep smiling policy like in the US. :):)

trying to find anyone responsible for anything in a store, school, church,

Stop lying. The person responsible for things in school is the head teacher. In the church - the parish priest. In a store - the manager. etc etc They are always present in working hours.

especially a governmnent office.

How often do you visit such offices to have a problem solved? When was the last time and what did you try to sort out????

Apart from keep smiling, do you also follow the policy of keep lying???? :):):)

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