4 Aug 2022 #1
I run a workshop and am appalled by how eastern Europeans mostly Polish come over here ripping the motor trade off by not paying for repairs to their vehicles or demanding refunds after the work has been completed. They might negotiate a price over in Poland before work is done but come on people you cant expect to negotiate a price for repairs when you have been given an estimate and agreed its a fair price, then refuse to pay as now you say its too expensive. The word extortion comes to mind. There's many Polish workshops and garages over in the UK who wont entertain Polish customers because they know how they operate. My policy now is don't entertain them or your business will go under with these cretins not paying and running away. When I served over in Germany in the forces the Germans could not tolerate the Polish coming over the border and stealing their cars on a regular basis its just not on. The Polish have a bad reputation in Europe for being Thieves & fraudsters. If you want to leave Poland behind and live in another European country, have the respect to learn the language and respect the culture pay your bills.