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Why Polish girls working in UK as escort more than other Eastern European girls

20 Jan 2015   #1
I am punting in London and seen many girls in last 10 years , I was always wondering why why polish girls working in Uk as escort more than other Eastern European girls

Maybe Polish people don't like my first post here but I am sure will nice to open the conversation and see while polish girls are wonderful girls become escort and make money to be a prostitute
WielkiPolak  54 | 988
20 Jan 2015   #2
What the heck is punting? Does it mean looking for prostitutes?
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
20 Jan 2015   #3
I will tell you if tell me why so many Brits live in such low housing standards. Deal? ;)
Less777  - | 48
20 Jan 2015   #4
I will tell you if tell me why so many Brits

He is not British.
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Jan 2015   #5
Polish girls are not Eastern European girls, they are Central European girls.
OP aboyinlondon
20 Jan 2015   #6
still no one answered my Q
look at list of polish prostitute in London only in one Website (
20 Jan 2015   #7
I was always wondering why why polish girls working in Uk as escort more than other Eastern European girls

That would be because there are far more people from Poland than any of the other nine CEE countries which joined the EU in 2004. Some 75 million people became EU citizens then the ten new Member States joined the EU that year: more than half of those people were Poles.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
20 Jan 2015   #8
still no one answered my Q

Why do you think that is?

Perhaps because hardly (if anyone) on this forum works in this field and knows why the girls choose the UK?

However, you must be pretty naive (or blind) if you think that only because Polish girls are actually listed on those websites, that they make up the majority of central / eastern European girls working as prostitutes in the UK.

There is a good chance that Moldovan and Ukrainian girls would make up a much larger number. In most cases, you just would not see it, not even the authorities do.

But surely, such a great "punter" as you does not pay interest to that........
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Jan 2015   #9
I will tell you if tell me why so many Brits live in such low housing standards.

definitely not a Brit Peter, please!!
Levi_BR  6 | 219
20 Jan 2015   #10
I am punting in London and seen many girls

Definetely not british. Probably Pakistani or Indian.

(I Commented that before. But i don't know why the moderators erased my comment. Political Correctness troops even on a polish forum now? Soon the asian trolls will dominate here with this kind of one-hand only censorship)

And for the author of the topic:

I made the same question for you:

Why so many pakistanis girls go to London to work as prostitutes? You can see a lot of examples on the link below, from the SAME site that you posted.
20 Jan 2015   #11
There is a good chance that Moldovan and Ukrainian girls would make up a much larger number

Unlikely; for a start they need visas.
Although one can easily see why ladies of negotiable affection from those countries might advertise themselves as being Polish.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Jan 2015   #12
ladies of negotiable affection

JollyRomek  6 | 457
20 Jan 2015   #13
Unlikely; for a start they need visas.

That is why i wrote "not even the authorities".
20 Jan 2015   #14
My point was that they need visas to get into the country and thus cannot come and go as freely as Poles can.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
20 Jan 2015   #15
Exactly. That is what i mean when i said that it is naiv to think that Polish Girls would make up the majority of working girls in the UK. Just because they are "advertised" as Polish does not necessarily mean that they are from Poland.
OP aboyinlondon
20 Jan 2015   #16
Still no one Answer my Q :)

I am not from Pakistan and any countries in Asia or middle east
I am so glad to live in London with great business and can enjoy my life . well .. .sex life is one of the important subject for anyone in my age which still far from 30 .

I have seen many girls from different countries but Polish girls are number 1 to be honest , good price and perfect service :)

General Observations about Polish escorts :

Generally genuine pics and infrequent bait and switch
Facially cute to pretty with the occasional beautiful
Body-wise fairly slim (size 8 to '11') although the majority do not have toned/fit bodies and many do not have flat tummies (rare to find size 6-'7' Poles)

Functional to excellent service usually including FK of some form varying from lip locking to light FK to proper FK to deep FK (nonetheless only 2% of Poles do not kiss at all or offer only travesty pecks on the lip)

OKish premises for the purpose
Fairly reliable comms although many times fairly difficult to book
Conversational English
Priced between £80-£140ph with mode range being £100-£120ph
Most profiles do not show face pics or at least not clear face shots (although some WGs show their face in the PG).
Decent punts overall although in 90% of the cases nothing mind-blowing either in service or physical appearance or both. Punting Polish girls feels in most cases like buying a Volkswagen or Honda. Good VFM but not a Ferrari or Lamborghini.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
20 Jan 2015   #17
oh get lost needle dick perve u are on the wrong forum
Roger5  1 | 1432
20 Jan 2015   #18
Polish girls are number 1 to be honest , good price and perfect service :)

You sound like a real charmer. Look, pal, this is not a forum where w@nkers pass on information about prostitutes. F^ck off.
OP aboyinlondon
20 Jan 2015   #19
no worry

I have found my answer in your forum (polishforums)

best answer was : " I think the majority are not forced these days mate, they are free willing independent women from Eastern Europe who are lazy to work cause they like easy cash "
jon357  72 | 23654
20 Jan 2015   #20
"free willing independent women" who just dream of spending their lives having to have bad sex all day with a succession of random fat ugly losers and 'freely', 'willingly' and 'independently' hand over most of the grubby money they get for it to a pimp.
Englishman  2 | 276
20 Jan 2015   #21
Punting Polish girls feels in most cases like buying a Volkswagen or Honda. Good VFM but not a Ferrari or Lamborghini.

Sorry but I think you are disgusting. This is a terrible way to talk about women, especially ones from a country with a Catholic heritage who almost certainly feel bad about having to sell themselves in this way.

Rather than asking why Polish women represent a high proportion of Central/East European escorts (which someone has answered - it's because more Poles have moved to the UK than other EU accession nationalities), I think you should think about what nationalities and types of men buy sex, and what that says about them.

Maybe if you respected and liked women, rather than treating them like commodities, you'd find one who wanted to have sex with you because she loves you, not because she needs your money. And that woman might also stick around to make your life as a whole enjoyable, not just the odd few minutes of physical release.
JollyRomek  6 | 457
21 Jan 2015   #22
While I don't necessarily agree with the OP, i must admit that i found your speech to be quite theatrical. I am not sure when you have been to Poland last, but unless the girls that I meet in bars and clubs around the country are on a church evening out, I think that their catholic way of life does not reach beyond the borders of the Easter or Christmas holidays (which i do not mind at all).

I think you should think about what nationalities and types of men buy sex, and what that says about them.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with it (as long as the women are not being physically forced). It is not my cup of tea, but coming from a rather "open minded" country, I can not see how going to a working girl would say anything about a man himself. What i don't like however are men who preach about morals and then act against their words when nobody is watching.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
21 Jan 2015   #23
I can not see how going to a working girl would say anything about a man himself

Just say that the guy lack any oher tools to attract girls, like some middle easterners have the communication ability of a potato so them they need to use those "services".

Fortunately i never needed . :)
JollyRomek  6 | 457
21 Jan 2015   #24
I find that to be quite racist and unless you can actually proof that the majority of punters in the UK (or anywhere else for that matter) are from the Middle East, I would be careful with such statements. At the end it only makes you look like some bitter bigot holding a personal grudge against people from a specific region or religion.
ryszardsys  - | 7
21 Jan 2015   #25
I'm not sure if there is something wrong with aboyinlondon or not but he has at least clearly issues developing normal relationships with women - perhaps he was abused as a child.

And quite why we are discussing this here is beyond me.

As for JollyRomek - I can't give you direct proof but if you search google for "Pakistan tops the list of most pürn searching nations" you will see an article in the Times of India which shows that 6 of the 8 top púrn searching countries are Muslim countries. Interesting that they top the poll on animal related púrn !
JollyRomek  6 | 457
21 Jan 2015   #26
From what i understand, going to a working girl and watching púrn are two different things.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
21 Jan 2015   #27
(as long as the women are not being physically forced)

people like a boyinlondon feed the sex trade in which there are plenty of women who are being 'forced' physically or psychologically , or with enforced addiction, to make money for their disgusting pimps. Who are probably people similar to the OP lets face it.

If a group of women were running their own house it wouldnt be so bad. Like a womens collective lol.
ryszardsys  - | 7
21 Jan 2015   #28
Undoubtedly they are. Interesting though that the religion of peace, tolerance and equality isn't quite that. And if you are needing to get your kicks from the internet, then I suppose logic would suggest you are also more likely to want to visit these girls.
21 Jan 2015   #29

I think your posts are BS. I suspect you work for the escort agency and this is your way to promote the "business."

Let's pretend that what you wrote about yourself is true..

In your posts, you write that you have

seen many girls in last 10 years

, and then you write,

important subject for anyone in my age which still far from 30...

So, are you saying that you are still in your 20's?! If you are in your 20's and need to pay women often to be with you, you have problems, dude. If you are in your 20's and you are not a pimp, and you said that you've been using escorts for 10 years, when did you start?! When you were in high-school?! This just reflects really badly on you that you need to you use escort services so often, because you can't meet women who want to be with you. Are your looks the problem? Or is it your personality? There are always ways you could improve yourself.

Based on the poor grammar of your posts (although I know that anyone can make typos, including myself), English is not your mother language. I noticed you have lots of run-on sentences and it appears you don't use definite/indefinite articles enough. I noticed you also make mistakes with plurals. I think you could actually speak an East European language or maybe even Chinese.
ryszardsys  - | 7
21 Jan 2015   #30
Couple of things....being critical about a religion is not racist. I am anti-theist, yet my mother and father are catholic. We are the same race. So when I take the p*** out of the catholic faith, I am not being racist. And so this (new) trend that if you dare question islam, you are labelled a racist - not so - I am still anti-theist and whatever race these people are from is irrelevant.

Now....aboyinlondon....what can we say. You're in you 20's and have been using the services of ****** for some 10 years. And you have a preference for the Polish ******. Was it you who mentioned that you have even gone to the lengths of producing a scientific study of how and if they kiss.

There is no doubt you have problems. Why not save your money and visit some sort of psychiatrist or psychologist? They may be able to uncover what has caused you to be this way. I don't know. Maybe your mother didn't breast feed you. Maybe you were "touched" inappropriately by an uncle. These people can help. You're not normal.

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