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Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK

PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #151
Here is another one who has got some problems with my profession

Looks like some men are intimidated by a woman in power and with a brain ;)
27 Jun 2011   #152
I guess that it is so hard for them to accept that polish women are not sluts :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
27 Jun 2011   #153
If they were people wouldn't be on this site complaining. I never heard a guy complain about too many girls sleeping with him.
27 Jun 2011   #154
Here is another one who has got some problems with my profession , why are you hidding , come on , say your real nickname

I'm not a member nor do I have an issue with you or your profession. I quite enjoy reading your perspective on subjects,tttt.

Can't say I understand why some men shag ho's. Googling
1. There are people who are driven by a compulsive need for sex. This can be true for men or women. In this case, the men driven by this compulsion can never get enough and frequent prostitutes in an attempt to get as much sex as they can.

2. Related to number one in this list, there are men driven by an insatiable need for sexual pleasure. Without it they are in a perpetual state of frustration.

3. There are men who find real relationships too risky for a variety of reasons including the fear of real intimacy.
27 Jun 2011   #155
hard for them to accept that polish women are not sluts :)

Hahaha good joke.
27 Jun 2011   #156
I quite agree with you .

I'm not a member nor do I have an issue with you or your profession

Thank you for explaining , I was wondering where you knew it from if I didn`t mention here on this thread , I guessed that you were fighting with me in some other thread .

Some people here don`t like me but , can`t still figure out why .

I quite agree with you .

I agree with PimpersParade , of course .

good joke.

You were probably rejected by some Polish girl and that`s why you are so bitter .
PolishNutjob  1 | 74
27 Jun 2011   #157
... I've noticed that women from Slavic-speaking countries are very slutty. Slavic immigrants make up the highest percentage of prostitutes and strippers in Germany. What is the reason for this?

They imitate the behavior of their mothers. Unwittingly, somewhere down the line, one of their patrons slips them some money - generally an act of pity or out of genuine, heartfelt concern for the Slavic slut's medical bills.
guesswho  4 | 1272
27 Jun 2011   #158
I guess that it is so hard for them to accept that polish women are not sluts :)

Of course not all Polish women are sluts (as you named it) but to say that none of them are is simply not true:

"Die meisten stammen aus Rumänien, Bulgarien, Polen, Tschechien und Weißrussland. Aber auch Ungarn, Moldawien, Russland, Kasachstan und Usbekistan sind Herkunftsländer von in Deutschland arbeitenden Prostituierten."

Free translation: Most of them are coming from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Czech Rep. and Belarus. Also Hungary, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are the countries where in Germany working prostitutes are coming from.
27 Jun 2011   #159
Some people here don`t like me but , can`t still figure out why

Possibly they fall into No.2 on my list.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
27 Jun 2011   #160
Bangkok is a world capital of paid sex , and all prostitutes are Thai women .

Wrong, again and again but that's just Moania talking out of her .... whatever.
Anyways, Thailand is awash with Russian/Ukrainian prostitutes from all over the former Soviet Union, their numbers are staggering. It's mainly Thai and Indian (yep these guys are obsessed with having a white girl) customers seeking their 'favors'.
27 Jun 2011   #161
You were probably rejected by some Polish girl and that`s why you are so bitter .

This is such a classic response that people make when they're butt hurt over the fact that eastern European women are sluttier than other European women.
27 Jun 2011   #162
Thailand is awash with Russian/Ukrainian prostitutes from all over the former Soviet Union, their numbers are staggering. It's mainly Thai and Indian (yep these guys are obsessed with having a white girl) customers seeking their 'favors'.

Well it would be a wasted journey to flit from Europe to Thailand to sample what you can get in your own home town.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649
27 Jun 2011   #163
I don't mean to offend anyone but I've noticed that women from Slavic-speaking countries are very slutty. Slavic immigrants make up the highest percentage of prostitutes and strippers in Germany. What is the reason for this?

The still prevailing economic disparity between these two parts of the world and you don’t need PhD to figure it out. Why don’t you start a thread: ”I’ve noticed that the sun rises in the east. What is the reason for this?” But I guess that wouldn’t be contentious enough to suit your twatness.
z_darius  14 | 3960
27 Jun 2011   #164
I'm not sure why people talk about prostitutes in a thread about sluts.
Urban dictionaries or not, the distinction is simple:

slut is a state of mind
prostitute is a profession
freebird  3 | 532
27 Jun 2011   #165
slut is a state of mind
prostitute is a profession

well, not every slut is a prostitute but every prostitute is a slut (this way or another).
z_darius  14 | 3960
27 Jun 2011   #166
Do you know every prostitute?
27 Jun 2011   #167
freebird too much to explain why you are wrong on the Pros/slut. If you are a reader try McMafia by Misha Glenny.
freebird  3 | 532
27 Jun 2011   #168
Do you know every prostitute?

Unless forced to prostitution, how else will you explain what they do? I can't imagine any self respecting female sleeping with random guys just for money without having some fun too. Maybe not always but at least often enough to pursue this profession. Of course I'm not an expert, to me it's just a common sense, that's it. The way you responded, you sound like someone who's well informed when it comes to prostitution. I'll be happy to hear from you how it works.

freebird too much to explain why you are wrong on the Pros/slut

please explain and take your time, I ain't going nowhere.
z_darius  14 | 3960
27 Jun 2011   #169
Unless forced to prostitution, how else will you explain what they do? I can't imagine any self respecting female sleeping with random guys just for money without having some fun too. Maybe not always but at least often enough to pursue this profession.

So you agree that "not always". Hence, not every prostitute is a slut.

Of course I'm not an expert, to me it's just a common sense, that's it. The way you responded, you sound like someone who's well informed when it comes to prostitution. I'll be happy to hear from you how it works.

I see no common sense in what you wrote before. If common sense were to sufficient then we could easily extrapolate and say that not every person who planned, attempted or committed a homicide is a soldier, but every soldier in Iraq attempted, planned or committed homicide.

The definition given by the OP clearly does not apply to all prostitutes. As for my experience with prostitution, yes, I used to watch TV a lot and you just couldn't escape hearing about some Washington, DC politicians being clients of some high profile prostitutes. Some clearly not sluts. Just businesswomen working for VERY FEW select customers.
27 Jun 2011   #170
freebird too much to explain why you are wrong on the Pros/slut

please explain and take your time, I ain't going nowhere.

You can find a torrent download of the book if you want. It is as FlaglessPole said on the last page of an 'economic disparity' exploited by organised criminals to create countries that appear to churn out Prossies. A slut is someone who wants sex regardless of money, prostitutes are sometimes coerced, not always, but the book is about the methods used.

There's the movie 'Taken' with Liam Neeson fiction but is based on similar methods described in McMafia.
27 Jun 2011   #171
the fact that eastern European women are sluttier than other European women.

Comes from your own research done in your dreams .

Possibly they fall into No.2 on my list.

Yeah such thought also crossed my mind and it is the most possible explanation .
Ashleys mind  3 | 446
27 Jun 2011   #172
Why are women from Slavic-speaking countries more likely to be sluts/prostitutes?

Because they're broke and morally ambiguous...?

Because they're good at it silly! :D
Nathan  18 | 1349
27 Jun 2011   #173
What a retarded question is that? The circumstances make people go for drastic measures to earn the living, not their origin. Look at Paris or London 1750-1900 - they was full of prostitutes, more so than any Slavic-speaking country out there, or together taken. Once the conditions improved the women/men are more likely to engage in something else. Take away the jobs from the "Western-speaking" countries and you will see what will happen. We are people and we earn the way we can to support ourselves under given conditions.
sascha  1 | 824
27 Jun 2011   #174
Rebirth: Why are women from Slavic-speaking countries more likely to be sluts/prostitutes?
Because they're broke and morally ambiguous...?

this a very ugly thread with the sole pupose to degradate slavic women even though they are hotter, more beautiful than the yanki and germanic etc. pendant.

i really have no clue why that dude is opening this topic. obviously he did not land at any of the slavic beauties and the us/uk/germanic offer is too disgusting. ;) i am very aware that there are exceptions, but rare ones ;)
27 Jun 2011   #175
I'm not sure why people talk about prostitutes in a thread about sluts.

Maybe you didn't read the thread title?

i really have no clue why that dude is opening this topic. obviously he did not land at any of the slavic beauties and the us/uk/germanic offer is too disgusting. ;) i am very aware that there are exceptions, but rare ones ;)

Yes, you and Monia can keep telling yourselves that Slavic women are the "most beautiful." Typical Slavic supremacist garbage.

You've obviously never been to the US because there are beautiful women everywhere here.
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Jun 2011   #176
Sascha isn't Slavic, he's German. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Slavic women tend to be pretty self-respecting, maybe too much so ;0 ;)
sascha  1 | 824
27 Jun 2011   #177
Yes, you and Monia can keep telling yourselves that Slavic women are the "most beautiful." Typical Slavic supremacist garbage.

truth hurts. we know that. just look in the world of models. how many of them are slavic...

You've obviously never been to the US because there are beautiful women everywhere here.

i was there often enough to say that they are nothing special. i unfortunately missed a trip from us to cuba and brazil....
grubas  12 | 1382
27 Jun 2011   #178
I don't mean to offend anyone but I've noticed that women from Slavic-speaking countries are very slutty

Oh how classy "I don't mean to offend anyone..",well,you do.Where did you notice that anyway?I am asking because I've noticed something quite opposite.Visited couple of prn pages last night and sure as hell 90% of models there were "western " women.I can send you links if you want to.

this a very ugly thread with the sole purpose to degradate Slavic women even though they are hotter, more beautiful than the yanki and Germanic etc. pendant.

Regardless whether "Slavic" women are hotter or not, I agree with you this is an ugly thread.Threads like this really put off of this forum
27 Jun 2011   #179
truth hurts. we know that. just look in the world of models. how many of them are slavic...

We can argue about tastes all day but the fact still remains Slavic women are sluts usually.

Also, one reason why Slavic women tend to try to get jobs in modeling is because they are less educated than western European women and so they're more likely to go for jobs that use their body and not their mind (i.e. prostitution, stripping, pûrnography, etc.).
27 Jun 2011   #180
I agree with you this is an ugly thread. Threads like this really put off of this forum


Can you imagine, for example, a big, international Jewish forum with plethora of threads
about "Jewish wom*n being sluts/prostitutes", Jewish girls being easy etc. etc.

A couple of days ago some twat from Egypt (or a troll pretending to be a twat from Egypt)
started a similar idiotic thread, but for some reason mods/admin see nothing wrong with threads
that insult Polish women in general.

Threads like that should be deleted right away and half-wits like the OP banned permanently.

the fact still remains Slavic women are sluts usually.

Your mother must be Slavic to the bone then - I have to say she sucks might
dick and only charges $5 for it :-)

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