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Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

Atch  22 | 4299
23 Jul 2021   #91
He should be charged with manslaughter. It should really be murder because when you drive at that speed there is a pre-meditated and deliberate disregard for human life, but it might be hard to get a conviction, so if I were the public prosecutor I would go for the manslaughter charge. I see he's pleading not guilty to the two minor charges he's facing. What a disgusting, dishonourable coward.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Jul 2021   #92
Just not manslaughter but, speeding, careless driving leading to homicide, driving without license, negligent use of a deadly weapon (car),endangering public lives, safety negligence and plenty more and I'm not even a lawyer. With polish laws might even get 5/10 years suspended sentence with 5/10 k pln fine with no compensation to the victims family.

Now that's how connections still work in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8827
23 Jul 2021   #93
there is a pre-meditated and deliberate

Premeditated actions have premeditated consequences. Any death that results from premeditated reckless behavior is also premeditated. To me, the fact that the driver didn't target a specific person is irrelevant.
Ironside  51 | 13132
24 Jul 2021   #94
no compensation to the victims family.

He should get at least ten years behind the bars, loose his car and to pay a substantial compensation to the family of the victim...Those who used connection to shield him should be exposed and if they hold any public offie they should be kicked out immediately.

how connections still work in Poland.

Hey but EU claims that courts in Poland are just fine as they are no need to improve them...
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
26 Jul 2021   #95
should be kicked ou

Not in Poland for another 15/20 years.I can bet he will just get a slap on the wrist.
BTW the victim was homeless and Derr is well connected and on google is in his early 20s with net worth of 250kUSD which is a lot by Polish standards.(I think his folks bought him his flat and thats why his networth is 250K)
jon357  72 | 23712
26 Jul 2021   #96
Those who used connection to shield him should be exposed and if they hold any public offie they should be kicked out immediately.

They should, however they will more likely be quietly forgotten.
Paulina  19 | 4564
17 Aug 2021   #97
There's been a tragedy in my region - a drunk driver in Daleszyce drove into a family taking a walk on the sidewalk. Only the husband and 7-year-old son survived, his wife and 4-year-old daughter were killed:

The husband is in such a bad mental state that the police officers from Kielce were unable to question him as a witness.
There were three men in that car - all of them drunk. The police couldn't question them either - not because they were in such a shock, but because they were too drunk...

And, surprise, surprise - the driver had his driving licence taken away before already for drunk driving...

It looks like some people simply shouldn't be allowed to drive.
Lenka  5 | 3552
17 Aug 2021   #98
I can't imagine the trauma the father suffered...
Paulina  19 | 4564
17 Aug 2021   #99
Me neither, Lenka... Me neither...

" Ten mężczyzna, mąż potrąconej kobiety i dziecka, bardzo płakał. Klęczał nad córką, bił głową o asfalt i wołał: "córeczko"."

My translation (the witness described what happened):

"That man, the husband of the woman and child who were hit by a car, was crying really hard. He was kneeling over her daughter, hitting his head against the surface of the road and yelling: 'my little daughter'."

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

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