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Being Transgender and visiting Wroclaw

Novichok  4 | 8826
20 Aug 2023   #301
By whom???? Who would had said something???

I don't know what this idiot posts other than what you quoted.

Delegating the task of sorting transgender crap out to "sports organizations" is like letting pimps decide if prostitution is bad for society. What a moron...
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #302
Well...I'm convinced they could stop alot of this online hatred

No you aren't 'convinced' at all. A certain type of people have hated anything different from them since time immemorial.

Your comment is victim blaming of a type so classic it should be put in a dictionary as an example.

Are you also 'convinced, that if women didn't wear nice clothes they could 'stop a lot of this' rape?

once they are seen safeguarding actively

It's not their role, however yes, it's obviously important that trans men have a voice in men's issues and trans women have a voice in women's issues however conservatives scream the place down when they do.

Maybe the trans community is underestimating the effect these cases have with the "normal" people....

Maybe the Polish community in America 'is underestimating the effect these cases' of stupid ones causing the 'normal' people to regard them all as daft.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
20 Aug 2023   #303
Your comment is victim blaming

So....Lia Thomas is a victim in your eyes?

It's not their role,

Nun ja.....but someone has to do it....that's why the women need the trans-hater to stick up for them. And till the trans community accepts that and acts like that and takes over searching for a fair compromise, I guess the hate against trans will only grow....with the number of such unfair cases!

Your hope that people just will "get used to it" is futile...and has nothing to do with "fighting against change, future and new things"'s just hugely unfair! And that won't get any better with time.
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #304
So....Lia Thomas is a victim in your eyes?

Who said that? Don't put words into people's mouths and don't stupidly try to pretend you don't understand the concept of victim blaming that was spelt out very clearly in that sentence.

that's why the women need the trans-hater to stick up for them

That's perhaps the daftest thing I've read here. No, in fact it's just one of the daftest.

it's just hugely unfair!

Life's a b1tch, isn't least you've grasped what minorities have had to put up with for ever and I'm sure you can not only wallow in the 'unfairness' but also now empathise a bit.
Novichok  4 | 8826
20 Aug 2023   #305
It's actually very simple. We need a law that says:

For all purposes, there are two legally recognized genders - men and women. Any misrepresentation to obtain a benefit will be prosecuted as an attempt to defraud by deceit.

There...End of the story. Me, PF legal genius and his brilliance...
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #306
End of the story


We need a law

Make one on your non-existent Haters' Island.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974
20 Aug 2023   #307
No, in fact it's just one of the daftest.

....and still, it's true!

The loudest advocats for women-rights right now are trans-hater....fact! Even many women who would call themselves feminists are often enough astoundingly quiet when it comes to defend other women against biological men.

Life's a b1tch,

Well...if that's your answer stop crying about trans-hate!

'Night :)
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #308
....and still, it's true

It isn't though is it. Not least because you were pretending to misunderstand a simple concept and put words into people's mouths. That doesn't work except with drunks or the stupid.

stop crying

Who's crying?

I fight, others cry.
Luke1410  - | 146
20 Aug 2023   #309
Transgenderism is just a lie built on top of another lie, homosexuality which is ultimately just an expression of the emptiness and misery of sex addiction.
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #310
Transgenderism is just

You haven't actually added anything to he naive here.

misery of sex addiction

Are you celibate?
Luke1410  - | 146
20 Aug 2023   #311
No I'm a sufferer myself
20 Aug 2023   #312
The stats show that the U.K. is a very safe country.

The stats show that "In 2022/23, there were approximately 6.74 million knife crime offences across England and Wales, compared with just over four million ten years earlier." (Statista). The stats also show that "Knife crime rises 90% in a decade in Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire" (BBC News). The stats also show that "on police recorded crime involving a knife or sharp instrument, the numbers were 9% higher than in 2020/21 and 34% higher than in 2010/11." (House of Commons Library, Knife Crime Statistic, released 1/2023).

Knife crime is much more civilized, I know.

No they didn't. Don't lie.

Something disgusting like this can never possibly happen in your community because you are all infallable by default, right? But it actually did. Close to the entrance of the Cologne Cathedral on the right hand side of the big square where the small shops are. The two guys were making out in a shop entrance while families with kids walked by. Don't care if you believe that or not. It's fruitless to talk to you about LGBT anyway.
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #313
6.74 million knife crime offences

Most of them for possessing a pocket knife or other bladed article in a public place or vehicle so your googling has been wasted.

Good that possession of bladed articles is being taken more seriously by the police and courts.

90% in a decade in Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire

Do you know why? I do, and the answer would surprise you...

The two guys were making out in a shop entrance while families with kids walked by. Don't care if you believe that or not

Since you pretended previously that you'd watched people mutually masturbating in front of children then no, I don't believe you.

And neither of those two rather pointless things relate to trans men or women, and certainly not to Poland.
20 Aug 2023   #314
I don't believe you

As I said, I don't give a sh*it if you believe me or not. You are unable to accept anything that is even remotely critical of the LGBT community. Almost cult-like, like the MAGATs over here.
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #315
As I said, I don't give a sh*it if you believe me or not

I don't believe you, and for someone who doesn't 'give a sh1t' you're certainly repeating your boring fantasies ad nauseam.

LGBT community

No such thing.

There are however people who are trans and we're talking here about whether that would be a problem if someone trans visited Wrocław. The answer is no.
Novichok  4 | 8826
20 Aug 2023   #316
Transgenderism is just a lie built on top of another lie

Transgenderism is an assault on dictionaries and words. If facts were on their side they would use facts.

Almost cult-like,

It is a cult. No, I will never bow to these sick mother fu*ckers. "He" will never become "she".
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Aug 2023   #317
Cry more. Maybe play some country music, really crankup the waterworks.

If the fact that trans people are winning every battle they face makes your day measurably worse...


Novichok  4 | 8826
20 Aug 2023   #318
When you are too stupid to say anythig smart go for Hitler and Nazis...Or when you are a sick transgender moron...

"When I was a little girl..." Then I ran into a bunch of woke morons who killed it all for me...
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Aug 2023   #319
When you are too stupid to say anythig smart

So don't. It's a bore.

As are nutty and toxic YouTube rants.

go for Hitler and Nazis

Some of your posts in this thread suggest you'd be happy with that sort of society. Whether or not they'd be happy with you is another kettle of fish.
Novichok  4 | 8826
21 Aug 2023   #320

Worcester Bishop Robert McManus issues blanket ban on bending school rules for trans students and will force them to wear a uniform, use bathrooms and play sports based on biological sex

Worcester Bishop Robert J. McManus approved it in June and it bans students from expressing, celebrating, or advocating for 'same-sex attraction'.
It affects 21 schools in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester with more than 5,260 students. It will come into effect in the coming academic year.

Bravo!!! The train is finally on the way to Sanity. Still way to go but we will get there. In the meantime, eat sh*it, aholes...
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Aug 2023   #321
You forgot to mention that it isn't in Worcester at all. Worcester doesn't have an RC diocese. It is part of Birmingham Archdiocese which certainly doesn't engage in dog-whistling to reactionaries. Nor do they have the ability to determine school policy.

That (found online whilst aimlessly trawling for trash) thing relates to somewhere in another country, probably the US and if that is the case, banning 'expressing, celebrating or advocating for' something may well be against their constitution which guarantees free speech.

We can therefore expect lawsuits.
Novichok  4 | 8826
21 Aug 2023   #322
Sex is not "assigned" at birth.
Novichok  4 | 8826
21 Aug 2023   #323
Quoting from

Studies of transgender surgery regret get results as astonishing as Saddam Hussein-era elections in Iraq. And for the same reason.

First of all, you better not even let yourself hear any regrets about the horror of what you've done to yourself, and it helps that you have a cheerleading section telling you you're the greatest person who ever lived.

Second of all, if you regret your "transition" surgery then you were never "really" trans to begin with, were you? So by definition all true trans people are thrilled.

If they're not, they're not trans anyway.

Machiavelli would be proud.

I want trans activists dead from the slow and painful cancer they are.
mafketis  38 | 11288
21 Aug 2023   #324
Meanwhile, in the UK... Sarah Jane Baker as trans-identified man who's spent decades in prison for psychotic violent attacks broke the conditions of his early release but is not.... pleased that he's being housed in a male prison and has gone on a hunger strike to be sent to a women's prison where he has lots of captive targets....

And... some horribly misguided fools are supporting her....

Meanwhile another beautiful message of trans joy....
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Aug 2023   #325

You'd complain if she was in a female jail and since she's not (which is presumably what you want) you're complaining that someone online disagrees with you.

If someone on twitter with an alternative view triggers you so much, you must literally spend literally all day clutching pearls.

And no, a male prison wing isn't the best place for someone with a pair of titties either, one reason why there are increasingly special facilities

But of course since for you, someone trans can't do wrong for doing right and no response by society that doesn't lead to if not their painful and gruesome deaths burnt as witches at the stake then at least them being cast out for permanent exclusion (reported in tabloids and cackled about by menopausal terfs on twitter), I doubt anything would satisfy you except going back in time to a period when there were so few people outside the gender binary that you'd have to find something else to moan about.

And you or someone else will probably mean about the cost of a special unit, despite the coast probably being a fraction of the ad revenue from the clickbait articles about difficult prisoners and the issues of housing them with8n the prison service estate.

and has gone on a hunger strike

Prisoners want all sorts of things, yet 99.999% of their personal elands don't end up online. They are by nature often very difficult people, regardless of gender.

At least nobody's mentioned that exhibitionist from Ireland and his grandstanding. Doubtless someone will find it in their internet hate searching.

has lots of captive targets....

Extremely violent criminals are rarely nice and the level of violence among inmates can be shockingly high including prison rapes and in women's prisons, other sexual assaults. You prefer though to fixate on potential crimes since I'm not aware of any suggestion that the prisoner you mentioned has committed any crimes whilst inside.

Perhaps you should trust the prison service (in a country which like 'novichok, you've never been in yet never fail to scour the internet for articles about) to do their job, which right now you don't seem happy they're doing in a way which one would think you'd actually approve of.
mafketis  38 | 11288
21 Aug 2023   #326
You'd complain if she was in a female jail

cause.... he's not a female....

of course since for you, ....or permanent exclusion

I do not understand that word salad.... I have no problem with most trans adults.... I have problems with

trans 'care' extended to minors.... like puberty blockers (dangerous and not reversible) and invasive procedures like cutting off healthy breasts or castrating adolescent males in the name of 'healthcare'... it's worse than voodoo...

males competing in female categories (like "Lia" Thomas)

people thinking it's actually possible to change sex (rather than just mimic the other sex)

AGP's trying to horn their ways into female only spaces.... (and/or trying to guilt women into dating them).

I think things were better for trans people before a bunch of hack 'surgeons' began harming them with dysfunctional "medical" interventions...

never fail to scour the internet

It's an ongoing story that I follow (one of about a dozen or so). It's significant because it's harming children now and based on magical thinking and being pushed by corporations for reasons that don't make much sense to me....
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Aug 2023   #327
he's not a female....

She's a woman however since she's not actually in a female prison wing, what are you maunging about?

Anyway, we have mixed prisons. I bet you'd grumble if she was in one of those too.

being pushed by corporations

Not in Europe. Though I somehow suspect you'd pretend that accepting, providing facilities for or even not condemning is 'pushing'.

Hard to think of any corporation that is 'pushing' anything on you.
mafketis  38 | 11288
21 Aug 2023   #328
She's a woman

Born male, impossible to change through surgery.... listening to trans ideology is like listening to Lysenkoism or Creationism... (and I'm not a believer in any of the three).

Separate facilities for trans-identifying males is a perfectly acceptable solution (along with a division in sports open / female (born)

I'm extremely reasonable.... but I have very firm boundaries around ideas like 'consenting adults' so.... minors cannot legally consent to invasive, elective surgery.
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Aug 2023   #329
Born male, impossible to change through surgery

You're confusing sex and gender, perhaps deliberately.

Separate facilities for .... is a perfectly acceptable solution

Yes, and that's what we do for women who were assigned male and men who were assigned female at birth, should ther require housing on the HM Prison Estate.You still grumble though.

minors cannot legally consent to invasive, elective surgery.

One more thing (among many many issues regarding medical treatment in general) for medical ethics specialists to assess. Daily Mail style moaning and maunging is however a characteristic of suburbanites who can change nothing.
mafketis  38 | 11288
21 Aug 2023   #330
confusing sex and gender

No. I'm recognizing sex as an organizing principle for society (male / female)

Gender is just culturally bound stereotypes about the sexes.... (which differ to some degree between cultures).

women who were assigned male and men who were assigned female at birth

I don't follow the gender religion. Men and Women are sex categories and not metaphysical identities.

You still grumble though.

I only grumble when violent psychotic men are to be housed (or want ot be housed) in female prisons.... that's not where they belong.

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