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Poland wildlife and similar wild life where you live.

szkotja2007  27 | 1497
2 Jan 2009   #31
So would you know the difference between a fresh water pearl and a salt water one?

Freshwater ones are harder than farmed saltwater ones. Its also said that they have more of a lustre.
Having said that,they come in all colours mostly white, brown and black.
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Jan 2009   #32
last try before i give up.....a Polish beetle...
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
2 Jan 2009   #33
Having said that,they come in all colours mostly white, brown and black.

And just out of curiosity how much would you get for one?.
I am thinking the answer might be the reason they are near extinction or would it be more environmental?
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Jan 2009   #34
Well i tried to post some of my one million pics of Polish wildlife , but i don,t seem to be able to shrink my pics down to a size the forum will sorry folks , you will just have to imagine all the deer , boars , insects and stuff running around my garden...maybe in the summer you can all come round and see em for yourself....
pawian  226 | 27567
2 Jan 2009   #35

Come on, better give up. There are too many of them.... Poland beetle

Check out Gwarek nightclub in Gliwice, plenty of wildlife there.

szkotja2007  27 | 1497
2 Jan 2009   #36
And just out of curiosity how much would you get for one

Couldn't say now as the trade is illegal, pearls come in all shapes and sizes, only a small amount are competely round. Scottish pearls are moe valuable due to their rarity.

They take 15 yrs to mature and can live for a century. Most have died out due to overfishing but in Europe it was mostly pollution and their dependance on migrating fish for regeneration ( apparently this was the cause in Silesia ).

Sometimes only 1 in 50 have pearls, once opened they die.

They might not be as impressive as a Golden Eagle but its good to see they are being protected.
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 Jan 2009   #37
Are you a pearl necklace collector, szkotja2007? ;) ;)

Have you picked up on a rarity?
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Jan 2009   #38
There are too many of them....

That last pic looks like the sucker that nearly took my eye out..!
scorpio  20 | 188
2 Jan 2009   #39
Nature's gift of a view behind (south) of my house. :-)

  • pan2.jpg
Krzysztof  2 | 971
2 Jan 2009   #40
You could open a free account on photobucket (or some similar site), upload all the files in the original resolution and post links here :)
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Jan 2009   #41
post links here

sounds like an idea....i am a bit of a muppet when it comes to computers...but i will give it a go...thanks...
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Jan 2009   #42

They are monsters, I have only seem bugs that big in Zimbabwe/Cambodia.

Scottish pearls are moe valuable due to their rarity.

Very interesting, How can you tell if they are Scottish?
ha ha ha, I am picturing them with a Scottish accent :)

i am a bit of a muppet when it comes to computers...but i will give it a go...thanks...

The reason I joined this forum was to learn more about computers and this tecnilogical age we live in, and trust me if I can do it anyone can :)

I would like very much to see your

the deer , boars , insects and stuff running around my garden...maybe in the summer you can all come round and see em for yourself....

And I might take you up on the open invitation and go over to you in summer.
I very much want to travel, so be warned when making invitations :)
wildrover  98 | 4430
3 Jan 2009   #43
I very much want to travel, so be warned when making invitations

no will be welcome...i have a place for a camp fire in the garden....a nearbye piwo shop...and a place to buy polish bread and sausage....what else do we need...?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #44
what else do we need...?

Can i pitch a tent?
When i read your posts about where you live it sounds like the perfect place for camping, is it?
And music, can you play any instruments Wildrover?
I can't any more but I am a great singer after a few beers, well at least I think so :)

What would be the chances of seeing what animals there?
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #45
I have a bit of land , and plenty of places under cover if it rains...its a bit basic my place , not a lot of repairs done since the second war , but its home...I can,t play anything myself , but i have a few friends who play guitar , in fact one or two with their own bands , rock and blues stuff...As for animals , if you creep about in the early morning , and at dusk when they are roaming about feeding there is every chance of seeing deer and wild boar...i have a friend near by that has a pet boar , and another with her own herd of deer......I should wait till it gets a bit warmer tho , its a wee bit cold in a tent right now....
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #46
This might be a silly question but is there any winter animals in Poland?.
I have noticed very brightly coloured orange breasted birds that I have never seen before.

I think it might be Stonechat (Saxicola torquata) but the breast is more orange.

A good site for birds in Poland is this Polish Birds Directory


I should wait till it gets a bit warmer tho , its a wee bit cold in a tent right now....

Ha ha ha, yeah an igloo more like.
Sure we will see when it comes to summer, thanks.
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #47
I don,t know of any animals that migrate to Poland just for the winter , but i imagine some must do...Of course most of the summer animals are still here , apart from the birds which have the option of flying somewhere warmer , not bird brained are they..? I keep meaning to set up a bird feeding place somewhere on the farm , so i can watch them from my window , its a matter of placing it somewhere where the birds can feed in peace without one of my ten cats biting their heads off....Does anyone know how common tree frogs are in Poland..? I get tons of the normal kind , but last year i found a bright green critter that i am sure was a tree frog , didn,t know they had em in Polska...
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #48
I keep meaning to set up a bird feeding place

Me too, There is information about feeding birds in Poland (if there is any difference?)

i found a bright green critter that i am sure was a tree frog , didn,t know they had em in Polska...

Like this fella?

Another thing I thought about is that there a lot of moles here in Poland.
I don't think ireland has any moles, I could be wrong but I googled it and a lot of people think so.
Ireland also has no snakes.
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #49
Like this fella?
European tree frog (Wiki)

Err similar i think..but my fella was much brighter green...kinda like a Kawasaki race team green if you know what that is....and he was all green , no black stripe.....Moles yep , got plenty of them in the garden , although the cats thin them down now and then....Mice are a bit scarce around the farm , but thankfully the cats don,t seem to catch any birds , i suppose the mice are easier to catch...
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #50
Moles yep , got plenty of them in the garden , although the cats thin them down now

Yeah, there are lots of mole hills round here, I try not to make mountains out of them (terrible joke, I know).
They are cute wee fellas.

I read a guy in Germany recently plugged his garden in to the mains electricity to electrocute the moles but he accidentally killed himself in the process.

Moles in the Polish language is kret

.but my fella was much brighter green

I can't find anything.

Frogs in Polish is żaba
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #51
my frog....hopefully a picture..?

  • Very_green_frog.jpg
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #52
my frog

wow he is luminous green.
Congratulations on posting your first photo :)
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #53
Thanks...been trying long enough...might have a go at some of my other wildlife pics now....
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #54
have a go at some of my other wildlife pics now

I put the photos down to 300 or 400 pixels, any higher and they don't work but I don't know how to do it properly, yet.
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #55
A toad.....maybe...

  • Wildlife5.jpg
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #56

How big is he?,
It is a trick of perspective I am sure but he looks as big as a car, ha ha ha
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #57
How big is he?,

Big enough to fill the palm of my hand....critters seem to grow bigger in it better food...or the effects of Chernobyl...?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #58
Maybe all the farms are a good supply of food and they'd have to fatten up for the long cold winters?.

Where do frogs go during the winter? ha ha ha, they probably hibernate? but where? Hhhmm...

Actually where do all the animals go for winter, some severe winters it can be as low as minus 30,
sure to be outside in that would mean death
and the ground is too hard to dig,
unless they do it during the warmer seasons. hhmmm...

Q. Where do frogs go in winter?
A. Different species have different stategies for surviving winter. Northern leopard frogs, for example, pass the winter at the bottom of deeper lakes, far beneath the ice. They settle quietly on the lake bottom in deep water. They stay concealed behind a log or other debris to escape predators. Other types of frogs may hibernate under leaf litter.

From Frequently asked questions about frogs
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Jan 2009   #59
Frogs and newts burrow in the ground i autumn
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781
4 Jan 2009   #60
I used to catch newts as a kid in Ireland, just for fun, we'd let them go unharmed after because there were not many around. The toothless guys used to pretend they could bite you. ha ha ha

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