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How welcoming is Poland for an American visitor? And great places to visit.

16 Jul 2011   #1
Hello, I am american and I plan to go visit Poland in the next year. I have been slightly concerned as many people say that people from Poland are hostile to foreigners and are not very welcoming to them. I am half polish but I doubt that would mean much as I only know a little polish and i am sure that what i do know probably sounds awful(which i hope to work on while I am there). So, basically my question is how welcoming are the polish to americans? Also, i am planning places to go. Are there any great places that would be considered "must see" sights in Poland.

Marcin Lewandowski
16 Jul 2011   #2
No one would be impolite unless you were impolite or someone can be rude if someone has a bad day. No special grudges against foreigners, on the contrary - do you really think that those 3 mlns of foreigner visitors in Cracow each year would go there if Poles were hostile to them?
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jul 2011   #3
Poles are generally indifferent unless you give them cause to be otherwise.
teflcat  5 | 1024
16 Jul 2011   #4
Absolutely right. It's one of the things I like about Poland. People generally mind their own business and let you get on with yours (I'm not talking about gossipy neighbours, who can be a pain). If you are interested in nature, I recommend Białowieża forest, the last pristine (some of it) lowland forest in Europe.
Seanus  15 | 19666
16 Jul 2011   #5
Only some of the huffy old bats will scowl at you but, then again, they scowl at the mirror too :)
Palivec  - | 379
16 Jul 2011   #6
If you' are interested in the country people will be helpful and friendly. If you wonder why people don't speak english and you always look for the next McDonalds... well, then not. But that's the same everywhere. Lean a few useful phrases, try some local food, be interested, and people like you.
Softsong  5 | 492
16 Jul 2011   #7
I've visited three times. In 2000, 2008 and last year and found people very welcoming.
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082
16 Jul 2011   #8
as many people say that people from Poland are hostile to foreigners and are not very welcoming to them.

We aren't hostile to foreigners we are hostile to anyone ;) To be serious we are more and more indifferent. We don't want go to USA, we haven't desire for visas abolition and we aren't jealousy as ten years ago. We think that Europe is the best place to live in the world. We are happy that our backwardness help us to avoid economical crisis. So you can feel free to visit Poland and you will be treated with the highest indifference unless you will try to park a car inside my housing estate ;)
valpomike  11 | 194
16 Jul 2011   #9
You will have the best trip of your life, and love Poland, and her great people, and may want to stay longer, or for good, I did, want to.

Ironside  51 | 13083
16 Jul 2011   #10
I have been slightly concerned as many people say that people from Poland are hostile to foreigners and are not very welcoming to them.

What people are saying that ?
That is a pure nonsense !
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
16 Jul 2011   #11
It's the Polish unknown propaganda, as Poland isn't much multi-kulti the "elite" or politicians wants it to stay that way. I guess that's why the state doesn't react even if I was wrong
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2011   #12
Americans are so gullible as a people, (“many people say….” Most likely ignorant Yanks as yourself) no wonder you as a people are so easily steered and manipulated by those who are tad brighter than yourself, most often than not, not in the right direction either, you prefer rumors to the truth. Looking up something on their own or drawing their own conclusion from what they’ve just read is just way too hard for them. What can I say; when you’re right, you’re right Lewandowski, I despise lazy and ignorant people. “I’ve heard……” indeed. Most of you don’t traval anyway and thouse who are brave enough to venture outside should remain put, most of the world hates Yanks or so I’ve heard.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
16 Jul 2011   #13
Mike, your experience was good, but you still ALWAYS keep your guard up. you prob went with
a group of people or a tour guide, so you werent exposed to their bad part of the country
but they have it same as we do, certain parts are not safe for anyone , not even their own
so dont kid yourself , I am sure those who actually dont read /watch tv about us Americans
dont have such a bad attitude as those who are ignorant about Americans and YANKS do.

Some think they know it all. I am sure they dont venture much either.

Hello, I am american and I plan to go visit Poland in the next year. I have been slightly concerned as many people say that people from Poland are hostile to foreigners and are not very welcoming to them.

bottom line is dont let your guard down.. theres arseheads in every country, good or bad
my cousin went, and yes, some act like we are stupid, if you know polish and you visit poland
you will hear unappreciative people say stupid things under their breath and try to suck money
out of you any way they can.. so dont pull your wallet out in some unknown place.. keep your
stuff in check thats all, nothing wrong with keeping your guard up. it would be the same for them
if they come to visit the U.S. certain places you need to carry protection..

The title should read, what are the safer places for tourists to visit in poland!
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
16 Jul 2011   #14
Are there any great places that would be considered "must see" sights in Poland.

I hope you will visit during the summer.

Good places to visit:

Krakow (the most popular city to visit in Poland) - Great atmosphere in the summer evenings in Old Town and Kazimierz.

The mountains are nice if you like nature (it rather close to Krakow)

"Tricity" (especially Gdansk and Sopot on the Baltic coast). Great atmosphere in Sopot in the summer. The area where the Solidarity revolution started.

Nice beaches around Tricity.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
16 Jul 2011   #15
Americans in general are open and welcoming decent people. This is a nation of immigrants it always has been. Only people here who dislike foreigners are ones who have nothing and see them as a threat (ex. white trash)
scottie1113  6 | 896
16 Jul 2011   #16
Gdansk and Sopot. I have lived in Gdansk for four years and I love this city. Sopot is worth two hours in the afternoon, or all night if you're into the club scene. I'm not.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
16 Jul 2011   #17
Americans in general are open and welcoming decent people. This is a nation of immigrants it always has been. Only people here who dislike foreigners are ones who have nothing and see them as a threat (ex. white trash)

he said we are gullible, and easily manipulated, its funny how general that statement was
cause I find it impossible to know my whole neighborhood let alone a whole nation of people.

MY GOD HE IS SO DAM SMART, never seen someone with that high IQ.

I want to be his friend. you like to tree hug?? I like to tree hug.
Lenka  5 | 3548
16 Jul 2011   #18
Are there any great places that would be considered "must see" sights in Poland.

Yes,the whole country :).But serious:
Aushwitz(Very sad but also very important.One can learn a lot.)
Puszcza Białowieska
And a lot more.Look also on this forum,many ppl recommend places they visited.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
16 Jul 2011   #19
Yes,the whole country

These are good. Malbork, Torun and (surprisingly Bydgoszcz) are good to visit.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2011   #20
Americans in general are open and welcoming decent people. This is a nation of immigrants it always has been. Only people here who dislike foreigners are ones who have nothing and see them as a threat (ex. white trash)

I’ve never claimed otherwise just stated how naïve you seem to be, having unsubstantiated rumors scare you away from life’s simple pleasures. Are you suggesting his circle of friends and acquaintances are nothing but white trash? I seriously doubt it.
freebird  3 | 532
16 Jul 2011   #21
Most of you don’t traval anyway and thouse who are brave enough to venture outside should remain put, most of the world hates Yanks or so I’ve heard.

By 310 mln people, even when "most of us don't travel", the amount of those of us who travel, comparing with many other nations, might be still pretty big, don't you think?

You say, you've heard that most of the world hates us. Watching your posts, something tells me that you're definitely one of that "most of the world". Well, I travel a lot and I can't confirm your opinion, actually it's quite the opposite.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2011   #22
he said we are gullible, and easily manipulated

What can I say, if the shoe fits…….. and so it does, in his the OP case at least.

its funny how general that statement was

Sarcasm is not your forte I see, it’s simply lost on your people. My statement is simply taken as a proof of big bad world in which everyone hates America. Go figure.

I want to be his friend. you like to tree hug?? I like to tree hug.

I’m not looking for new friends, not much into tree hugging either.

You say, you've heard that most of the world hates us. Watching your posts, something tells me that you're definitely one of that "most of the world".

See what I mean about sarcasm?
freebird  3 | 532
16 Jul 2011   #23
See what I mean about sarcasm?

look at your posts, don't you think you deserve it?
urszula  1 | 253
16 Jul 2011   #24
Poland is welcoming, but went you stride the sidewalk looking around like a tourist and stick out like a sore thumb there is a chance you might get mugged.

Be careful when in a crowded bus or tramway, they like to pickpocket. If you do rent a car, make sure it has anti theft installed. Driving is dangerous in Poland, many drunk drivers or they try to run you off the road forcing you onto the shoulder.

Just my observations from visiting Poland.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2011   #25
look at your posts, don't you think you deserve it?

Deserve what? If that’s what you think I could care less anyway. Comprehension of what you read goes a long way, if you feel insulted by my statement because you can’t see past the words used and what was actually meant by them you never will.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
16 Jul 2011   #26
they try to run you off the road forcing you onto the shoulder.

What shoulder is that ? It's usually a ditch once u get out of town.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
16 Jul 2011   #27
Go enjoy yourself, try the food and the drink and the endless beautiful buildings in the cities and the lovely countryside, Im English been 3 times and didnt find the people unwelcoming - slightly indifferent and possibly rude in Krakow but absolutely lovely in any country some cities will be nicer than others.

The Salt Mines are quite nice and Krakow is a beautiful city, Wraclow is also a lovely city with some fantastic places to eat and I hear that Poland has fab beaches.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679
16 Jul 2011   #28
. My statement is simply taken as a proof

your statement is as good as shyt.

because you can’t see past the words used and what was actually meant by them you never will.

some people know how to talk and some dont. maybe you shouldnt say anything if you dont
care, then dont talk. you offer nothing to the op other then sarcasim, so you got it back
now your boo hooing.

shaddap and shuttin up.

your normal is nothing anyone wants to hear anyways..

Go enjoy yourself, try the food and the drink and the endless beautiful buildings in the cities and the lovely countryside, Im English been 3 times and didnt find the people unwelcoming

This is what the OP wanted, plenty of nice posters in here.. who actually offer up some advice
based on their experience. we all know to be careful. thats what he wanted was re-assurance.

first time visiting, I think he has the right to ask..
Amathyst  19 | 2700
16 Jul 2011   #29
first time visiting, I think he has the right to ask..

Absolutely he's going to be a long way from home, I also forgot to tell the OP, that as a female, I actually felt safer in Poland than I do in the UK, it may be different for a man, but I dont think so if he's just an average guy who's not going to be loud and bring attention to himself when idiot drunks are about (I dont mean just Polish drunks either!).

I think he'll love it, I did, hence the reason I went 3 times :)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
16 Jul 2011   #30
your normal is nothing anyone wants to hear anyways..

Yet you bothered to read it and even made an effort to reply. Seems like my words are not as insignificant as you want them to be, too bad the meaning was lost on you and every other American that cared enough to comment. LOL

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