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What is the weather like in Poland where you are now?

3 Feb 2012   #61
Minus 29C at 0600 this morning. Minus 26 now in Podlasie.

Minus 21.2 at 6.30 this morning in central Warsaw.

One nil Poland A!

On a serious note, this polish company do some good inexpensive outdoor clothing

This one is very decent too:
teflcat  5 | 1024
3 Feb 2012   #62
So you are glad the Mrs bought you thermals for xmas lol

I only wear long-johns when it gets below -30, but my old Russian fur hat saw service for the first time this year yesterday. When it was bad a few years ago the missus wanted me to wear her tights, but I declined on the grounds that it was kinky and I might get to like it.

They reckon it'll get down to below thirty here tonight, and then improve over the next few days. Hope tf they're right.
Wedle  15 | 490
3 Feb 2012   #63
They reckon it'll get down to below thirty here tonight, and then improve over the next few days. Hope tf they're right.

Personally, I quite like the extreme cold and snow, of course it is very different living in a city at -30, than being out in the boonies.As long as you are wrapped up well and have a hip flask of 'Goralska herbata' life is good.

Its when it gets down to zero, slush and rain that depresses me,this is when I start checking airlines for cheap deals to warmer or colder places.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
3 Feb 2012   #64
The death toll is up to 37 now, since last week. The real figure is almost certainly higher.
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Feb 2012   #65
When it was bad a few years ago the missus wanted me to wear her tights, but I declined on the grounds that it was kinky and I might get to like it.

Yes , its a slippery slope... I started with the tights , then found i preferred stockings , got some knickers to match , the knickers came in a set with a bra.... well , it could only end one way....!

Anyways...bloody freezing where i am in wood for the fire , electricity cut off , no bottle of gas for the heater....

I shall be glad to see spring...fingers crossed...
gumishu  15 | 6228
4 Feb 2012   #66
Anyways...bloody freezing where i am in wood for the fire , electricity cut off , no bottle of gas for the heater....

oh, my - wildrover I would gladly help you with wood in the forest but I'm too far - there is no other way I can help you

how do you manage to survive actually
wildrover  98 | 4430
4 Feb 2012   #67
how do you manage to survive actually

Ha..i sometimes wonder that myself...

Don,t worry...i can hold out until spring...or until i get my documents for Russia , then i will be off to a warm flat with a hot woman...
OP pawian  226 | 27475
22 Jul 2012   #68
Let me remind you about this weather service. I hope it will be fine during our stay in Bieszczady.
2 Aug 2012   #69
Very good weather forecast service (imo the most verifiable) is, with English version too. The only drawback is that it shows forecast for only 2 following days (or 3 days if you choose "model COAMPS", but it is worse).
wildrover  98 | 4430
2 Aug 2012   #70
Hot and sunny today....35 degrees...

right now we are in the middle of an epic thunder storm... lovely...

we have some great storms here in the forest in Zachodniopomorskie...
OP pawian  226 | 27475
2 Aug 2012   #71
The only drawback is that it shows forecast for only 2 following days

Longer forecasts are a joke anyway. :):):)

right now we are in the middle of an epic thunder storm... lovely...

It is going to hit Krakow tomorrow.... I don`t care. We went to the lake for extensive swimming today and are going to have a rest tomorrow.
27 Oct 2012   #72
Too bad I can't post pictures but Poland is covered with snow now. We had a little blizzard today in here. To contrast just yesterday was a shiny, dry day and I was thinking about brooming the leafs... now I will need to snowplow instead, lol
john123  1 | 20
27 Oct 2012   #73
Lodz ... snowing for the last 18 hours. .Not here to stay though..
scottie1113  6 | 896
27 Oct 2012   #74
Gdansk.Rain with snow flurries earlier. Both have stopped.
28 Oct 2012   #75
But is it absolutely freezing?
pgtx  29 | 3094
28 Oct 2012   #76
Snow in Krakow?
imano  10 | 42
28 Oct 2012   #77
it's 1°C where i live now :D. snowy. i'm not a fan of snow btw ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781
28 Oct 2012   #78
Snow in Krakow today.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
29 Oct 2012   #80
Still snowing in Krakow.

Sunny in Krakow now, cold but sunny :)

The snow threw me off my game a bit.
g60edition  6 | 174
27 Dec 2012   #81
+5 and not a flake of snow to be seen.How ever there is a light covering on Babia gora
OP pawian  226 | 27475
22 Jan 2013   #82
For the last few days, every morning I have been woken bu the noise outside near my house. Caretakers or house owners remove ice and snow from sidewalks while drivers who leave their cars in the street or parking lots clean their windscreens. Winter causes problems, but it is still bearable, because Poland is used to such conditions, contrary to Western Europe where too much snow caused chaos again.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
11 Jun 2019   #83
The forum has become slow. Is it because of the heatwave? 32°C in Lesser Poland in the afternoon, fortunately it was windy. I am dead tired, I was working in the garden and field today, now it seems I need to take a rest for a few days.

I saw a few interesting posts to comment on but I simply can`t. Sorry.

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mafketis  38 | 11142
12 Jun 2019   #84
The forum has become slow

Because not enough people here follow what's actually happening in Poland (rather than listen to the voices screaming in their heads)

I wouldn't mind discussing the Falenta affair but I'm not going to start a thread just ot see it attached to something else with a misleading name...

in terms of the question - awful, hot and not enough wind
PolAmKrakow  2 | 872
12 Jun 2019   #85
In Krakow its certainly been hot. But, its definitely better than cold. Heading to Krynica Zdroj tomorrow and it is supposed to be a little cooler.
OP pawian  226 | 27475
12 Jun 2019   #86
But, its definitely better than cold.

Well, if you were born in southern States, then you are used to heat. I am a typical northerner who doesn`t mind cold and hates hot.

Heading to Krynica Zdroj tomorrow and it is supposed to be a little cooler.

Not yet. Tomorrow still above 30. Poland is hotter than southern Europe.

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OP pawian  226 | 27475
10 Jul 2019   #87
Rain at last. After 1.5 month.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
10 Jul 2019   #88
Great. Torrential rain non stop here in Tri City for 3 days until yesterday. It's apity the Soviets couldn't change the weather as they tried to do. Property prices here are a joke when the summer only lasts for 3 months and is interrupted by 14 degree spells.
mafketis  38 | 11142
10 Jul 2019   #89
Rain at last. After 1.5 month.

Some decent rain in Wielkopolska after a very long dry spell...

IME if it gets really hot in June then July (and sometimes August aren't so hot) that's the case so far this summer
OP pawian  226 | 27475
10 Jul 2019   #90
Torrential rain non stop here in Tri City for 3 days until yesterday.

You are lucky. Our rain in southern Poland was a medium shower that lasted for 10 minutes.

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