The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Videos of Travelling Throughout Poland

johnny reb  49 | 8003
3 Nov 2024   #1
I was shocked to see how beautiful and clean Poland really is.
Not at all like what I read here on the forum about bad roads .....they are great of what I saw in these video's.
And I didn't see any smog, just beautiful countryside and crowded beaches.
And can someone tell me what the Polish people were protesting in the one video.......
This starts out with 20 facts you didn't know about Poland and then continues with some really informative video's of travelling across Poland and some of the cities like Warsaw and Cracker.

1. The Most Famous Bakery Product Was Created by a Catholic Priest
2. The Country Is Home to Six Michelin-Star Restaurants
3. It's Home to the Biggest Castle in the World
5. Gniezno Is Considered the Birthplace of the Polish Nation
7. Poland Invented Vodka
10.It's Home to the Oldest Restaurant in Europe
11. Warsaw Was Rebuilt With the Help of a Painting Following WWII
12. You Can Find an Original Gutenberg Bible in Poland
13. Poland Shares a Border With Six Countries
15. Fahrenheit Was Polish
19. It Has a Long Coastline
20. It's Constitution Is the Second Oldest in the World

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Nov 2024   #2
I read here on the forum about bad roads

Don`t mind Atch who complained that roads in Poland are narrow. So are in her native Ireland. Moving to Europe she expected sth special but got disappointed. :):):)
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Nov 2024   #3
Atch got herself a big Polish guy to support her so thats pretty special.
It wasn't just Atch, all the girls here have commented on the bad roads so I got a vision of pot holed roads that were in need of repair.
The video showed quite modern roads that are well kept.
After seeing those video's, Poland is nothing like what I pictured it.
Hopefully someone will post more travel Poland video's.
So Pawn Dog, what were the Polish people protesting in the one video.
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Nov 2024   #4
Don`t mind Atch who complained that roads in Poland are narrow.

No, I never said any such thing. I complained about dangerous driving, not narrow roads.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Nov 2024   #5
Yes Ms. Atch, you are right.
Pay no attention to our immature Problematic Troll that make things up to start trouble here.
I was hoping someone could post some video's of those narrow roads.
I would like to see more video's of Poland period.
Those I posted in post #1 were the best I have seen on this forum in the ten years that I have been here by far.
Lazarus  3 | 364
4 Nov 2024   #6
Let's look at the first three of that "20" (although somebody might claim that the below are the first four, as he claims that 12 is 20. Hoot!):
1. The Most Famous Bakery Product Was Created by a Catholic Priest

Has anybody from outside Poznan even heard of a St. Martin's croissant? And who, other than somebody who knows nothing about Poland, would claim those are they more famous than Toruńskie pierniki? LOL! And they weren't invented by a Catholic priest either. Hoot!

2. The Country Is Home to Six Michelin-Star Restaurants

Actually, that one is correct! I had dinner at one of them last Saturday, it was superb. But very much out of the reach of most people here.

2. The Country Is Home to Six Michelin-Star Restaurants

Only an idiot would think that something built by enemies who occupied Poland is something Poland is proud of.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Nov 2024   #7
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

I take it that you didn't enjoy these video's of travelling throughout Poland.
Of course to a mentally challenge person such as yourself everyone is concidered a liar. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
4 Nov 2024   #8
10.It's Home to the Oldest Restaurant in Europe

I'm fascinated to learn that Salzburg is now in Poland. The oldest restaurant in Europe is certainly St. Peter Stiftskulinarium. There is an old restaurant in Wroclaw, but it's 470 years younger than St. Peter Stiftskulinarium and hasn't been in continuous operation anyway, it only recently reopened after being closed for several years. But Jimmy Poorhouse insists that the oldest restaurant in Europe is in Poland, so that must mean Salzburg is now in Poland. It's either that or a certain somebody knows nothing about Europe. Hoot!

19. It Has a Long Coastline

ROFL! Poland's coastline isn't even in the top 100 in the world! Estonia, tiny little Estonia, has a coastline nearly five times longer than that of Poland! LOL! Has a certain somebody ever looked at a map? Hoot!
mafketis  38 | 11263
4 Nov 2024   #9
Cracker is the slang name given to Krakow

By who? Kraków doesn't sound anything like GAE 'cracker' (neither vowel is close at all).

Cracker ranks with 'Poless' as one of the worst linguistic creations by anyone on the forum....
Lazarus  3 | 364
4 Nov 2024   #10
By who? Kraków doesn't sound anything like GAE 'cracker' (neither vowel is close at all).

Somebody who has never been to Poland (or Europe)? Somebody who has never spoken to a Pole? Somebody who thinks that Salzburg is in Poland? Somebody who thinks that one counts to 20 like this: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20?
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Nov 2024   #11
I complained about dangerous driving, not narrow roads.

AmaSSing how quickly you learn from Polish nationalists and Russophiles to live in denial. :):):)

Here is what you said: you complained about the style of driving and narrow narrow roads as well. Get a grip or I will believe that johhny was right in your exchange on the rocket. hahaha

dangerous driving and exceeding the speed limit on comparatively narrow roads so you can't relax while driving in Poland.

4 Nov 2024   #12
Fahrenheit Was Polish

"Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit FRS was a physicist, inventor, and scientific instrument maker, born in Poland."

It's worth noting; I didn't know that and the world needs to know that.
Alien  26 | 6528
4 Nov 2024   #13
born in Poland

born in Danzig
Lazarus  3 | 364
4 Nov 2024   #14
I didn't know that

Quite possibly because it isn't true. He was born in what is now Poland but then was not. His family were German but he was more Dutch than anything else.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
4 Nov 2024   #15
I didn't know that and the world needs to know that.

Did you know that Lazarus was born in Britain and is an expat to Poland and has lived in Poland for thirty years and still doesn't know how to speak the native language.
That's why he has never obtained his Polish citizenship.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Nov 2024   #16
Here is what you said: you complained about the style of driving and narrow narrow roads as well.

I said 'comparatively', not 'narrow, narrow'. Comparatively does not mean exceptionally or very. Back to English classes for you.

Dangerous driving occurs on all roads in Poland, some of which are average or normal width. However it also occurs on comparativelynarrow roads, where there is nowhere to pull over and avoid a car executing a dangerous manoeuvre. Such roads exist all over the world as do dangerous drivers.
mafketis  38 | 11263
5 Nov 2024   #17
Did you know

That you have a weird obsession with forum members and try to track and spy on them.... yeah I knew that. Have a little dignity and stop.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Nov 2024   #18
Dangerous driving occurs on all roads in Poland

As anybody who has traveled in Poland (i.e. not Jimmy Poorhouse) knows, the worst of the dangerous driving here is on the very best roads. On the motorways and expressways many drivers drive far too close to the car in front, meaning they have absolutely no chance of avoiding a collision if the bloke in front brakes unexpectedly. It's as if they think the laws of physics don't apply to them. Or possibly they are, like Jimmy, so stupid that they can't count to 20 (top tip: it doesn't go 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20) and so can't understand that at higher speeds braking distances are longer.

Such roads exist all over the world as do dangerous drivers.

Yes, but driving here is more dangerous. The death rate here per 100,000 people is double what it is in the UK!

That you have a weird obsession with forum members and try to track and spy on them.... yeah I knew that.

We all know that. But of course Jimmy Poorhouse is also stupid, so he knows nothing about Withdrawal Agreement beneficiary status guaranteeing pension rights regarding annual upgrading under the triple lock compared with the 'frozen pensions' paid in Canada, Australia, etc. But it must be hard for him to get his head round the idea that some people can choose the nationalities which are best for them, given that he's never had a passport or left the USA.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Nov 2024   #19
dangerous driving and exceeding the speed limit on comparatively narrow roads so you can't relax while driving in Poland.

I said 'comparatively', not 'narrow, narrow'. Comparatively does not mean exceptionally or very.

WHAT ! you most certainly said narrow and now want to confuse the word narrow with comparatively.. geesh !
Oh Ms. Atch, here we go splitting hairs AGAIN !
You clearly said "narrow roads."
You described those narrow roads as being 'comparatively' to other roads.
Now stop with your knit picking again as Pawian was right and I must apologize to him.
Don`t mind Atch who complained that roads in Poland are narrow.

Yes, yes she did indeed.
Comparatively, bumpy, wide, gravel, dirt, paved..... describing the narrow road in such contexts.
Just like a part of a rocket can be referred to as the rocket some contexts.
Back to English classes for you.

Maybe you should think about going with him, if you aren't too busy teaching piano lessons also.
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Nov 2024   #20
[quote=Atch]Back to English classes for you.
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Nov 2024   #21
That you have a weird obsession with forum members

Oh F-Off maf.
REALLY ? get real.
Click on Lazarus's name and then click on view all posts.
He has 368 posts under his new name in which over 90% of them are stalking johnny reb.
Now you tell me who has an obsession on who. LOL !
Every thread I start he ruins by taking it Off-Topic with his diminishments.
The Mods let him do it so if you can't beat them, join them.
Dead Man Walking wants to grind corn with me them let him bring it on.
F - him too.
Now don't make me tell you again so you can mind your own business.

Did any of you Off -Topic pricks even watch the OP's video's of Poland ?
Instead of posting OFF - Topic immature diminishments how about acting like adults and posting similar video's of Poland.
Now there is a new idea. Hoot !
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Nov 2024   #22
Got to love this "fact you didn't know about Poland":
13. Poland Shares a Border With Six Countries

Six? LOL! Going from the top and moving clockwise:
1) Russia
2) Lithuania
3) Belarus
4) Ukraine
5) Slovakia
6) Czech Republic
7) Germany

LOL! But what is the problem here: does Jimmy not have access to a map? Or can he simply not count to seven? My money is on the latter of those: we already know that he can't count to 20 and we know he has access to the internet and so can use Google Maps. Hoot!
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Nov 2024   #23
I rest my case. Hoot !

Got to love this "fact you didn't know about Poland":

Nope, and that is why I came to this forum is to learn about all things Polish.
Why did your nasty British ass come to Poland besides to live the high life. diminish the Polish ?
he simply not count to seven?

I never said any such thing, the guy in the video stated that ya dumb ass.

I can't even get a speaking Polish person to tell me what the Polish people were protesting in the video.
They would prefer to sling Off - Topic diminishments.
Its no wonder Novi gave up with you pitiful morons and gob smack you in the face.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2024   #24
not 'narrow, narrow'.

Of course you didn`t write it. Neither did I. The PC did.

Comparatively does not mean exceptionally or very.

Yes, I know. But when you first mention a negative fact which is dangerous driving and then the second one like speeding it is natural that the third one called narrow must also be negative coz the first two are exacerbated by the narrowness of roads. So, roads being narrow is complaining. This is a logical assumption for any reasonable human or ape but you still prefer to live in denial. hahahaha

all roads in Poland, some of which are average or normal width.

But you prefered to complain about those narrow ones ............... :)L:)L:)?)L)L)L0--
OP johnny reb  49 | 8003
5 Nov 2024   #25
We were talking about the words narrow roads and now it has been twisted that we are focusing on the word 'comparatively'.
How clever.
Would someone please tell me what the Polish people in one of those video's were protesting.
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2024   #26
were protesting.

Against the comparatively azholing Irish, most probably. hahahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2024   #27
not 'narrow, narrow'

BTW, my PC didn`t write narrow, narrow. It wrote narrow narrow which is a huge difference. Ha!!!
Lazarus  3 | 364
5 Nov 2024   #28
Against the comparatively azholing Irish,

No, they were clearly protesting about Toruńskie pierniki being banned. That's the only way that the St. Martin's croissant would become Poland's most famous bakery product!
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2024   #29

Yes, you are azholing on Poland like Atch. hahahaha
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2024   #30
13. Poland Shares a Border With Six Countries

Don`t be so presumptous. Johhny had the right to ignore Konigsberg enclave which nominally belongs to Russia but has never been truly Russian even after decades of their rule there. One day it will be an independent state not affiliated with Russia anymore. It will become Free Enclave of Konigsberg under the EU jurisdiction.

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