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Had the most unwelcoming experience in all my travels in Poland, very unfriendly people.

pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #61
The thing is I don't take his story at face value.

Yes, but you are still able to express your doubts in a cultural way. While that mad rightist Miloslaf immediately started abusing the OP. Apart from what I already quoted, he had also said: Just another w@nker...... That is pathetic behaviour, you must admit.
Joker  2 | 2374
19 Jun 2021   #62
i took a bath from 12:00 till 14:00

If you have no money for a single room you don't get to complain

I would stay at a hotel that didnt have its own bathroom, unless Im camping then ok...

First of all, its kind of weird guys taking baths, and for 2 hours is nuts.

I have taken a bath in years only showers, your sitting in youre own dirty water and dont really get

.. I'd bet significant details were left out.

If someone is making death threats then he had to do something more serious, perhaps hes the one causing trouble.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021   #63
I will then again ellaborate the exchange of interractions for you again from A to Z
So i get in the batharound 12:00 get out around 14:00 i couldn't smoke inside and o was craving a ciggy, so i went outside to smoke one. I start walking back to the accomedation and some bald aggresive man approaches me screaming at me in polish. I calmy tell him i dont understand what he is saying he grabs me and sputters out in english you come! I pull myself loose because he has no right to touch me and say okay and follow him. He stops at the bathroom starts screaming in polish again and sputters in bad english you clean 5 minute. I was like okay sure no need to escalate things. I go to my room to get a towek hear my phone buzz, check it and he canceled my reservation on that i was a no show guest. Hereby i decide to not clean his nathroom (wich was not dirty just some water on the ground) and start packing my bag. I instictivly locked the door because i did not feel safe at that point what was good instict of me because 3 minutes later this guy tried to open it. He couldnt starts fiddling with the door handle knocking on the door and screaming in polish again. The only english that came out was i am going to kill you. And then i called the police, i waited for 30 minutes all while he was aggresively screaming behind the door eventually police arrive and all of a sudden he can behave normally to me. I get my stuff rush for the car and left as fast as i could.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jun 2021   #64
In the end, our young Dutch friend's negative experiences in Poland owe themselves solely to poor cross-cultural skills combined with inadequate language knowledge.
mafketis  38 | 11142
19 Jun 2021   #65
So i get in the batharound 12:00 get out around 14:00

Does not make any sense. I love baths, I love bathing (more showers but I don't mind a nice leisurely soak either) and have never spent anywhere close to two hours in a bathroom.

I've been to thermal baths in Hungary (a lot more interesting than a Polish bathroom with pools at different temepratures and steamrooms) and am in and out the front door in less than two hours.

just some water on the ground

Again... suspicious how much? Was there a drain? Two hours soaking and you can't dry things before running out to smoke? Does not make sense.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021   #66
Ive been to the eastern block before (Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Kroatia, Serbia, Bulgeria, Hungary, Latvia, Lituania, Estonia) and never got threated like this. Its definitly a Polish thing/mentality

Well, people are different i can sit in a bath for 3/4 hours i will just make some phone calls when i am in there have some snacks/drinks sometimes watch a movie. Why are u so disturbed by me bathing for 2 hours and not some dude threatening my life?
pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #67
Its definitly a Polish thing/mentality

Maybe, but only rightists behave like that. You could see it in Miloslaf`s replies.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021   #68
Perhaps, i am not convinced all poles are like that. In my country i have a lot of polish friends, also met some very kind people in my travels through poland. I just found it odd that i encountered so many aholes we behaved rude/anti social/disrespectfull torwards me.

Thats why i made a post on this forum to see if it was just bad luck on my part, but over here it sortoff confirmed it for me. Like most users that replied are tripping over me taking a bath for 2 hours and not some guy getting angry over nothing treating his guest very poorly and even treatening them..
pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #69
i have a lot of polish friends, also met some very kind people in my travels

When you talked, what party did your Polish friends suppport? What was their political affiliation?
mafketis  38 | 11142
19 Jun 2021   #70
some dude threatening my life?

cause given how weird the rest of your story is people don't believe it (or assume some kind of simple hyperbole that's common in many places rather than literal homicidal intent).
Lyzko  44 | 9713
19 Jun 2021   #71
We've only your word, badholiday! Once more, it takes TWO to tango.
Ironside  50 | 12946
19 Jun 2021   #72
or assume some kind of simple hyperbole that's common in many places rather than literal homicidal intent).

Well Arabs do take it literally so that would explain that...

What was their political affiliation?

Oh shut up! You Soviet low life.

Like most users

You have four Americans, a one Brit, a one Irish, a one Soviet and three Polish people that responded to you, ah and last but not least some grump of unknow origin or destination.

I have been the one that has been the most direct as I believe you are selling BS! At least you edited part of the story. The other two haven't even addressed you directly.

So you and your assumptions (or trolling) can go and take a long walk on a short pier. Have a nice day.
pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #73
I have been the one

But you are not Polish anymore. You have had another citizenship for over 20 years now. This discussion pertains to Poland as it is now, not 30 years ago when you left. Stop trolling this thread. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12946
19 Jun 2021   #74
But you are not Polish anymore.

You have never been Polish as you are a mere soviet..
pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #75
that i encountered so many aholes behaved rude/anti social/disrespectfull

Yes, I can imagine that. I already mentioned rightists who tend to be especially aggressive and rude. I need to add neonazis or fascists to that group - they are the worst of all. One of them is talking to you right now, check him out:

I believe you are selling BS!

Ironside  50 | 12946
19 Jun 2021   #76
I can imagine that.

Well, imaging something that doesn't exist in reality is rightly being called delusional.
So, I can't expect from a person like you who suffers from delusions and an unspecified number of physiological disorders to have a modicum of consistency. Either I'm Polish or I'm not. Try to be consistent at least on the same day.
pawian  226 | 27471
19 Jun 2021   #77
Wow, Iron, very good English! Who wrote it for you? :):)

Either I'm Polish or I'm not.

Of course you aren`t. You were once but it was 30 years ago. When I put you forward as an example of an aggressive fascist, I didn`t mean your nationality, but your ideological and political affiliation. Simple.
amiga500  5 | 1492
20 Jun 2021   #78
You were once but it was 30 years ago.

He is a dual citizen, both polish and american. Unlike a villiage provincial like you, who's idea of a long journey to see the world is a train trip to sopot.
Paulina  19 | 4458
20 Jun 2021   #79
I am happy how you people have been threated throughout history. U clearly deserved it

You people need a reality slap like in 1939.

Well, that's "nice"... Are you going to say such things to your Polish friends too? It's pretty immature and unfair to make such comments based on one visit to Poland and some comments on the internet, especially that, as it has been explained to you already, majority of people commenting in your thread aren't even Polish.

Its definitly Polish thing/mentality

Making death threats is "a Polish thing/mentality"? lol You seem to be jumping to conclusions about a whole nation very easily... I've lived in Poland all my life and I've never received any death threats. I've also travelled as a tourist both in Poland and outside of it and I've never got death threats in any hotel or a hostel. If your story is true then you were simply unlucky. Maybe that guy had some mental problems. What was the name of that hostel and in which city? And what places in Poland have you visited?

This forum had its share of trolls (especially one guy comes to my mind) and you sound like one - hence people's reactions to your thread. I'm not even sure if you're really from the Netherlands...
OP Badholidayinpola
20 Jun 2021   #80
Their political vieuws are actually very wide, i have some friends that are very liberal leftwing. Thats also a reason why they moved out of Poland because of the hostile mentality over there.

But i also have some very extreme right wing Polish friends skinheads included. I don't mind peoples beleives as long as they are nice to me as a person.

I told my Polish friends that as a joke, i told them like a hey, hellow how are you goes a long way. I told them that if they treated foreigners with hospitality and respect some other nations wouldnt have treated them as they did throughout history. I mean look at Czech republic your neighbouring country they were not treated badly throughout history because they are friendly hospital people.

For my travels i went to wroclaw, poznan, bydgoszcz, gdansk and szczenin and i stopped at a lot of littke villages/towns allong the way. I noticed the bad behaviour was mostly around the Gdansk area this was also where the incident with the hotel happend.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jun 2021   #81
Curious how you find German manners stack up against Polish ones-:) It's not a loaded question, by the way.
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Jun 2021   #82

Ha, reality is knocking at your doors baboon. It happened (allegedly) in Gdansk area i.e. Polish Palermo i.e. domain of PO and their crooked cronies.

What were you saying? Consorting with criminals much?
pawian  226 | 27471
20 Jun 2021   #83
Consorting with criminals much?

Yes,. criminals in Gdańsk area are supporters of Konfederacja - Braun got there 13% during mayor elections.

He is a dual citizen, both polish and american

He isn`t American. He lives in Cuba or Mongolia where dual citizenship is illegal. That is why he isn`t Polish anymore. :):)
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Jun 2021   #84
Yes,. criminals in Gdańsk

Stop your lies. Everybody knows that mafia in that region is heavily involved with PO. Adamowicz was involved in many shady deals up to his eyeballs.

That is only a tip of an iceberg.

He isn`t American

I'm not Polish - now I'm not American that is according to you.. lol!
Bugger off! I do hold two passports if you must know. One is the Polish one and the other one is none of your business.
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jun 2021   #85
I noticed the bad behaviour was mostly around the Gdansk area

So tell us about the rest of your holiday then. And pray, do tell, about how the driving experience compares to the Netherlands.

He isn`t American. He lives in Cuba or Mongolia

He certainly isn't American nor does he live there - nor indeed Cuba or Mongolia.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jun 2021   #86
@Right, Atch! If the dude's truly on the level, then surely SOME part of his stay by sheer logic must have been reasonably pleasant. I mean nothing's all bad.
OP Badholidayinpola
20 Jun 2021   #87
Germans are lovely, never had a bad experiance in germany but i also speak german so thats maybe why. I find them very welcoming and kind. For example on my drive to poland i stopped at a gas station and i had some problem with my card not working. Some german noticed me strugglibg and approached me offering help. Turned out the gas station only took credit cards, he then offered to his credit card to use and i gave him cash for the gas i tanked!

Driving was okay, the only thing i disliked where the nasty placements of 'fotoradars' for example ur driving some road where ur allowed to go 70/90 and people still pass you with 120 so u feel like a snail on the road. Then out of nowhere u see the sign that u drove into a village and ur supposed to slow down to 50 and bam there u have it a camera. That has nothing to do with road safety but just a easy cash grab.

People werent aggresive on the road i suppose they easily notice the yellow dutch plate and take that into account with my slower driving style.

One time however google maps send me on some really bad road and there was a smaller road next to it supposedly for bicycles and i decided to drive on that because there was a big tractor approaching me who couldnt have passed me otherwise. And instead of the guy being thankfull that i moved out of the way in time he blocked the entire road so i couldnt pass anymore got out of hos tractor and yelled at me for driving on the bicycle road with no biciclyst in sight...

The rest of Poland was actually quite lovely people were kind and respectfull, service in restaurants was on point and just friendly faces. It was really around the Gdansk area where people were noticibly more angry irritated/offended over nothing. The most lovely thing that happend to me was in wladyslawowo where i bought an ice cream on the central square and after receivibg my icecream the guy handed me back ny money and said it was for free :)
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Jun 2021   #88
@badholiday, I appreciate your forthright reply-:)
Atch  22 | 4299
21 Jun 2021   #89
People werent aggresive on the road i suppose they easily notice the yellow dutch plate and take that into account with my slower driving style.

Ok, that proves it beyond doubt. Definitely a troll! Thoughtful, considerate Polish drivers noticing your foreign plates and tip-toeing through the tulips around you. That's a lol moment!

The rest of Poland was actually quite lovely people were kind and respectfull

That's a very different story to the one you told in your first post.

not a single polish person told me hey welcome to poland

It now seems that contrary to what you said originally, you had a wonderful holiday in Poland except for a single incident in one town, for which you are at least 50% responsible due to your own behaviour. Poles generally don't like unconventional/non-conformist behaviour. Eccentricity doesn't go down well with them and sitting in a tub, in a shared bathroom for two hours in the middle of the day counts as weird, not to mention rude and selfish - and do bear in mind that the people here who initially pointed that out to you are not even Polish.
amiga500  5 | 1492
21 Jun 2021   #90
Everybody knows that mafia in that region is heavily involved with PO.

Spot on. The Amber Gold theft with the corresponding OLT plot to bankrupt LOT was run out of Gdansk. PO apparachiks working with an ex SB captain codenamed Tygris and Russian intelligence services. Soviet Baboon has slapped himself in the face once again attempting to bring his politics into a discussion about tourists and manners. :)

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