I had no problems either whatsoever! Again, I found the Poles unfailingly polite, if slightly nonplussed by a Polish-speaking, non-Slavic foreigner. If my Polish was comprehensible if rudimemtary, the English skills of my interlocutors were apparently non-existent! Perhaps they in the bread-and-breakfast were merely a trifle embarrassed:-) Aggressive?? The Dutch came across as almost belligerent.
Had the most unwelcoming experience in all my travels in Poland, very unfriendly people.
OP Badholidayinpola
18 Jun 2021 #32
Just put hot water in the bath? To keep it warm
If u read my posts i said i traveled almost all over the world and never had this experiance.
Just put hot water in the bath? To keep it warm
If u read my posts i said i traveled almost all over the world and never had this experiance.
You are just an Ar $hole troll and a poor one at that.
Your behaviour would not be acceptable in any civilised country.
You are just a lazy, selfish slob.
You are just an Ar $hole troll and a poor one at that.
Your behaviour would not be acceptable in any civilised country.
You are just a lazy, selfish slob.
I'd have to roundly concur. So far, he's yet to respond to one of my posts, clearly because he knows I'm on to him.
Yeah, he/she/it is a troll.
Yeah, he/she/it is a troll.
You are just a lazy, selfish slob.
That does not change some other facts. Like that Gdansk Oliwa station does not have a restroom.
OP Badholidayinpola
18 Jun 2021 #37
So anyone speaking negatively about poland is a troll? You people need a reality slap like in 1939.
So anyone speaking negatively about poland is a troll? You people need a reality slap like in 1939.
So anyone speaking negatively about poland is a troll?
Good shot, man.
Don't give up...
It wasn't that the issue was addressed, but HOW! The presentation was infantile and vulgar.
The presentation was infantile and vulgar.
No, it was not. Actually, he showed remarkable restrain. If he were vulgar, you would have pointed it out. Just because you don't like what he wrote, it does not make it vulgar.
Just put hot water in the bath? To keep it warm
Don't be ridiculous. What sort of a nutter sits for two hours in a bathtub, continuously letting the water out and topping it up again. Still I suppose Dutchmen are known for smoking a lot of the old Mary Jane.
I found the Poles unfailingly polite,
Steady on now! That's stretching it a bit :)) They can be quite brusque to downright rude, but no more so than many other nationalities. Equally they can be very pleasant. Actually, I find the older generation 50+ often have better manners and social skills than the younger ones.
They are not bad at all,a myth
They're atrocious. Not a myth, a fact backed up by stats. Most dangerous roads in the EU. They have an appalling record for road deaths per 100,000 people.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021 #42
It was just a chill out day for me the orevious day i was sightseeing for over 12 hours. And have u ever been to a spa? You also sit in hot water for multiple hours.
What behaviour of me was unacceptable to the point somebody starts giving me death threats?
It was just a chill out day for me the orevious day i was sightseeing for over 12 hours. And have u ever been to a spa? You also sit in hot water for multiple hours.
What behaviour of me was unacceptable to the point somebody starts giving me death threats?
day i was sightseeing for over 12 hours. And have u ever been
Maybe if you book a room at the Sobieski or Victoria Hotel , not in a hostel with shared bathrooms idiot. What if other people wanted to have a shower/bath? You're a cretin. It's a pity you weren't beaten to a pulp. I'm surprised the polish police did not do it.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021 #44
Another example of how unconsidered you people are i took a bath from 12:00 till 14:00 everyone that wanted to wake up and do things in the morning would have all morning for that. I am free to use the facilitys for how long as i want.
The police actually arrested the guy for threatening me and i got a full refund.
Another example of how unconsidered you people are i took a bath from 12:00 till 14:00 everyone that wanted to wake up and do things in the morning would have all morning for that. I am free to use the facilitys for how long as i want.
The police actually arrested the guy for threatening me and i got a full refund.
i took a bath from 12:00 till 14:00
and you still have no idea how weird that seems? how were you not bored out of your skull staring at walls and water?
What if other people wanted to have a shower/bath?
Then, of course, he should be
beaten to a pulp.
the polish police
how were you not bored out of your skull
Here's a list of suggestions:
1) He's a nutter.
2) He's a 'smoker'.
3) He's a troll.
Or perhaps a combination of all three.
johnny reb 49 | 7927
19 Jun 2021 #48
i took a bath from 12:00 till 14:00
If you scrub it for more than 30 seconds you are playing with yourself.
Amen, Atch!
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021 #50
I was on the phone calling some people, just chilling i drove hundreds of kilometers the previous day. I dont get why u people are so bothered by me taking a bath for 2 hours? Instead of somebody threatening a visitor in their country?
I was on the phone calling some people, just chilling i drove hundreds of kilometers the previous day. I dont get why u people are so bothered by me taking a bath for 2 hours? Instead of somebody threatening a visitor in their country?
Well, it is because he sounds like a moron, so either he is a real low IQ customer or he is a troll..
How about English not being his primary language.
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021 #52
What makes me come across as unintelligent? I am certainly not trolling im just sharing my experiance, how surprised i was of how i was threated in your country.
And instead of being sorry and understanding torwards me like hey dude not everyone is like that you just met some pricks you guys go off on me for taking a bath for 2 hours. Honestly this confirms my impression i got from traveling in poland. Very unwelcoming rude people.
What makes me come across as unintelligent? I am certainly not trolling im just sharing my experiance, how surprised i was of how i was threated in your country.
And instead of being sorry and understanding torwards me like hey dude not everyone is like that you just met some pricks you guys go off on me for taking a bath for 2 hours. Honestly this confirms my impression i got from traveling in poland. Very unwelcoming rude people.
threatening a visitor in their country?
If you have no money for a single room you don't get to complain - that for starters.
Secondly what it is with you and that 'you people' phrase ...WTF I have ever done on you? Why the hell you pick on me? Where are you form Pakistan or some other sh.. hole with tribal thinking still going on?
Very unwelcoming rude people.
With this forum as a confirmation.
I was on the phone calling some people, just chilling i drove hundreds of kilometers the previous day.
In that case, most normal people would snuggle down under the duvet, especially on a wet day, and make their phone calls from the comfort of bed - not sit in a tub of water for two hours.
Very unwelcoming rude people.
Ironically, most of the people who responded to your post aren't even Polish.
How about English not being his primary language.
Oh really? So expecting a five star hotel service in same shared cheap accommodation is a sign of brilliance?
OP Badholidayinpola
19 Jun 2021 #57
I just need the basics for sleeping, normally when i travel i am away all day and only come back for a sleep/shower and i am off on the road again. If i want to stay inside in luxery and comfort i stay home in my own country. I have everything in my house jacuzzi&sauna high end gaming pc, biggest bed u ever seen nice big tv kitchen fully equiped. So why if i travel all day i would pay unnecesary money for a luxery room i dont even spend time in?
And the you people frase just referes to the polish people what else should i type? The polish people? I reffer to it as you people because i assume you are polish, you and your fellow countrymen.
What is a bathtub for? To sit and relax in comfort in hot water i thought? Its not like i took a blody shower for 2 hours.
I just need the basics for sleeping, normally when i travel i am away all day and only come back for a sleep/shower and i am off on the road again. If i want to stay inside in luxery and comfort i stay home in my own country. I have everything in my house jacuzzi&sauna high end gaming pc, biggest bed u ever seen nice big tv kitchen fully equiped. So why if i travel all day i would pay unnecesary money for a luxery room i dont even spend time in?
And the you people frase just referes to the polish people what else should i type? The polish people? I reffer to it as you people because i assume you are polish, you and your fellow countrymen.
What is a bathtub for? To sit and relax in comfort in hot water i thought? Its not like i took a blody shower for 2 hours.
Rudeness usually cuts both ways-:)
You are just an Ar $hole tYou are just a lazy, selfish slob.
You prove my point that rightists are the most aggressive of all. The same kind of people as you mistreated the OP in Poland. PiS and far right voters.
mistreated the OP
The thing is I don't take his story at face value... I'd like to hear the version of the person he was renting from... I'd bet significant details were left out.