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Pot in Poland for tourists

5 Jul 2012   #1
Unforunately that extremely helpful series of posts was suddenly deleted from this forum. I'm wondering why it was deleted, as it was directly related to tourism in Poland, wasn't offensive and racist, and was well within the limits of legal discussion and forum rules. So now I'm posting a new thread about two topics related to tourism in Poland.

There was one poster, "4 eigner" who kept going on and on in the previous posting about where to find pot in Wroclaw about how even discussing how difficult it was to find pot in Wroclaw was somehow illegal. "4 eigner" seemed to be really adamant that nobody on this forum discuss drug use in Poland, though it is a fascinating topic, and a very relevant one to tourists. He implied that he was going to notify the forum monitors, and wrongly believed that telling other people facts was somehow illegal. Like I said, he implied he was going to tell on us all for discussing marijuana. I have no way to know if he did which is why this is a two-parter.

1. Should foreign tourists coming to Poland be concerned that indviduals like "4 eigner" or perhaps lthe moderators of this forum, if they did in fact delete a thread about pot for seemingly no reason, might be representative of a broader misunderstanding in Poland of what constitutes free speech. I read a fascinating article this week in a Polish magazine about a well known Polish pop star, Doda, and her legal battles against a ridiculous blasphemy law. Could it be that this narrow-minded, incorrect understanding of free discourse, free speech, and free thought is endemic in Polish culture? I'd have to say "No" since the majority of people that responded to my deleted post were open-minded and expressed interesting view points. However my former thread was deleted from this site for no apparent reason, and Doda's struggles against the Polish blasphemy law continue.

2. If that is in fact why the thread was deleted, then let's call this forum's bluff. Let's start a new thread here about pot in Poland. It's a reality. Tons of people smoke it everyday here and everywhere. We are branded stoners, losers, and criminals. This is a real issue that impacts Poland and tourists. Let's completely ignore any posts by any negative people who miss the point, and let's start posting "rumors" we've heard about where people have found Pot in Poland in the past. Turn it in to a real resource of FACTS and INFORMATION.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jul 2012   #2
yes I did wonder myself what happened to that thread, it was the most interesting thread I have read here for ages.
Not that I was after pot in Wroclaw myself, but you never know.....;)
Once I bought some very easily from a friendly person in Zielona Gora, but I was younger then and with a crowd in a campervan...ahhhh happy days....
jon357  72 | 23665
5 Jul 2012   #3
It's quite a hot topic here at the moment. Very illegal, but prominent politicians support legalisation. Also, Poland has a lot of countryside and the right summer temperature to grow it.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
5 Jul 2012   #4
also once in Krakow in a cellar bar..:)(from a student type)
strzyga  2 | 990
5 Jul 2012   #5
JON357: Poland has a lot of countryside and the right summer temperature to grow it.

Not really -we don't get quite enough sun, at least not every year. Hungary is better :)
peterweg  37 | 2305
5 Jul 2012   #6
There is no such thing as 'Free Speech'. Not in a web forum, certainly - its a private place.

>>1. Should foreign tourists coming to Poland be concerned that indviduals like "4 eigner" or perhaps lthe moderators of this forum,

Both based in the US, so subject to their morals and laws.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
5 Jul 2012   #7
Hi! My name's Officer Dibble, and I thought your weed thread was great! Had a great laugh. Eating doughnuts on a stakeout was getting boring anyway, it cheered us up ;)
beckski  12 | 1609
5 Jul 2012   #8
Pot in Poland

Can doctors in Poland prescribe weed for medicinal purposes?
pgtx  29 | 3094
5 Jul 2012   #9
Beckski, Poland ain't California ;)
agctoker  - | 5
5 Jul 2012   #10
iv asked on here before about getting weed in karkow and my question was not answered so I'm thinking discussing where to get weed is frowned upon slightly by some of the mods. Krakow has many exciting sights for us to see on our football trip in a few weeks but no information on "weed". My plan is to get a small amount for my own private use behind closed doors and without making a scene in any way but maybe we will just have to do without?
eberhart  13 | 120
5 Jul 2012   #11 just have to ask around. Nobody is going to post their contact on a public forum. Go to pubs or places where people hang out and ask people. Weed is everywhere in Poland but nobody is going to volunteer it. Once you meet one person who smokes or has a connection you will meet a lot more.

Legal or not weed is less harmful than alcohol and does far, far less damage but most people who are 'against" weed drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes. Some people need to get over their self righteous nonsense.
peterweg  37 | 2305
5 Jul 2012   #12
What sort of moron thinks he can ask in a public forum for the best place to buy illegal drugs.. and expect an answer.

Krakow isn't Amsterdam.
Wroclaw Boy
5 Jul 2012   #13
What sort of moron thinks he can ask in a public forum for the best place to buy illegal drugs.. and expect an answer.

The kind of person who appears to be smarter than the majority.

Besides he had lots of answers, did you miss that? Weg you're such a product of society.

Krakow isn't Amsterdam.

he was asking about Wroclaw weg not Krakow, your geography is getting poor again.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
5 Jul 2012   #14
You have to be a bit naive to ask how to score drugs online, but peterweg thinks internet trolls (or, more accurately, people he disagrees with) should be jailed, so he can't be taken seriously. He wouldn't grass (no pun intended) round here, not unless he wanted to see his name on walls from the Irwell to the M60.
agctoker  - | 5
5 Jul 2012   #15
"If I'm going to be wise" ??? It wasn't meant as a wisecrack. I had already posted on this forum and was simply explaining this, as I fear I had placed it the wrong spot. And if requesting a name of a hang out or pub where one could get a smoke makes me a moron then as advertised I'm exactly that. I will refrain from the adolescent name calling but suffice to say a smoke could do you some good peterweg.

Thanks to everyone else for replying though, now I know what Im up against.
eberhart  13 | 120
5 Jul 2012   #16
agc I don't don't krakow well but I am sure if you ask around you will find Warsaw I smell it often in public even so it's out there for sure. I met two smokers the other night just chatting when someone asked me if I smoked as they needed a light...I said "smoke what?" and they got a big smile and we started talking. You just have to ask.
agctoker  - | 5
5 Jul 2012   #17
cheers eberhart. Iv used that method before and worked it too. I am travelling with a group and although two of us will be smelling it out, the rest of our crew are not going to be too fond waiting for our noises to get in gear, hence why I was looking for a little extra know-how. We are arriving midday and probobly not the easiest time to find it but we can take a walk around the old town maybe and see what we can spot or smell out.

peterweg  37 | 2305
5 Jul 2012   #18
It wasn't meant as a wisecrack.

Sorry, it wasn't aimed at you but the newly unbanned Wroclaw Boy.

but we can take a walk around the old town maybe and see what we can spot or smell out.

Good luck but I wouldn't expect to find any, there is a lot of Police around there.
eberhart  13 | 120
5 Jul 2012   #19
Yeah you are going to have to go to some popular pubs or hang outs in the evening/night and just talk to people...even then you likely won't get any then but rather a contact. You won't find it at midday anywhere unless you know somebody. It sounds cliche but look for stoner looking hippies. People dress the part here a lot and if someone looks like a smoker they likely are.
agctoker  - | 5
5 Jul 2012   #20
Cheers guys. Im a thirty five year old who likes a toke and will not be walking the streets of Krakow asking every second person for a "hook-up" but will keep my ear to the ground and my nose in the right direction as we say, and I may just get extremely lucky. Until then I'll keep looking for bits of info and maybe i'll try get a contact on that side through someone I trust here, as I know the early afternoon timeline doesn't do me any favours. Thanks for everything. AGC
6 Dec 2016   #21
I am off to Wroclaw Next month how easy is it to source weed? I will be with a mate and will want some for the apartment balcony
jon357  72 | 23665
6 Dec 2016   #22
Not generally possible for tourists or short term visitors.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Dec 2016   #23
apartment balcony

It's gonna take a while to grow it on the balcony, especially in the winter.
7 Dec 2016   #24
Hello Wulkan, I dont mean to grow my friend, Im just over for a few days, its been a sort of tradition that wherever we go in Europe we try score some weed to smoke that is all, not had any trouble sourcing it in any of the other countries, Poland may be the biggest test
15 Mar 2017   #25
hey yall where i can get decent weed in warsaw/krakow?
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 May 2017   #26
Not really -we don't get quite enough sun, at least not every year. Hungary is better :)

How about under high pressure sodium lights ?
Is growing weed indoors in Poland being done in any volume ?
What would the consequences be if you got caught growing eight or ten plants (kilo) in your basement or barn ?
jon357  72 | 23665
20 May 2017   #27
They sell all that stuff here, and seeds are now sold fairly openly in Warsaw - this surprised me when I passed a shop selling them. People do grow, often outdoors in remote places, sometimes indoors. I don't think people bother much about masking the smell in tents - an empty house near me obviously had some growing; the smell was very strong and getting stronger until it suddenly stopped, presumably when they harvested it.

It really isn't worth the risk though - the penalties for growing even one plant are high, and remember there are no borders between here and the Netherlands so dealers may as well get it wholesale there and drive back.
DominicB  - | 2706
21 May 2017   #28
How about under high pressure sodium lights ?

There are three reasons why people grow indoors under lights:

1) For profit. This requires a very large, high tech facility and a reliable market for high-quality product, huge amounts of capital, and experienced qualified staff, including an environmental engineer and an experienced agricultural biologist to design the setup, and probably an architect, as well as other experienced technical staff. Even so, there is a learning curve and even a well-designed operation will take a few years to optimize production. This has indeed been attempted in Poland:

It wouldn't surprise me if similar facilities exist.

2) Just to have a supply of pot. Unfortunately, small-scale indoor operations are never economically feasible, so if all you want is a supply of pot, it is always cheaper to buy on the street. Most people who set up small-volume fail and give up before harvest, and few of those who manage to harvest continue for long because of the exorbitant costs and lack of know-how. Smaller indoor operations would only be feasible using natural sunlight in greenhouses.

3) to have a supply of high quality pot, costs be damned. Yes, there are a few connoisseurs out there who grow it as an expensive hobby.

There's a bit of a scam involved in selling lighting and supplies to clueless rookie indoor growers. The suppliers know full well that it is not economically feasible, but understate the difficulties involved and expertise required. They just want to sell expensive lamps and supplies and a hefty mark-up.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
21 May 2017   #29
huge amounts of capital, and experienced qualified staff, including an environmental engineer and an experienced agricultural biologist to design the setup,

The kids next door got their information off one of many sites available on the internet.
Simple step by step instructions.
They used soil from their mulch pile mixed with some vermiculite and perlite to keep the soil fluffy and put it in five gallon plastic buckets with six 3/4" holes drilled in the bottom for drainage.

They bought two 1000 watt high pressure sodium lights ($350 each) and put them in the back shed.
Then got a couple of premo cuttings (clones) from their buddy so they knew they would get all high quality female plants so as not to waste time or room.

It's very easy to grow as it is just a weed.

2) Just to have a supply of pot. Unfortunately, small-scale indoor operations are never economically feasible,

It takes just three months from start to finish to grow weed.
You can easily grow a kilo under one light or 4 kilos per year and with two lights double that to 8 kilos per year.
Anyone know what 8000 grams would fetch on the street in Poland at 5$ per gram ?
I would say that is economically feasible.

3) The suppliers know full well that it is not economically feasible,

Initial cost of lights then the electric bill and good organic fertilizer from Holland.
40,000$ zloty per year for a part time job is not feasible ?
Now for the kicker question: What is the EXACT consequences if you did get caught growing weed in Poland ?
How much is your freedom worth ?

Should Poland maybe consider legalizing use and growing like many other countries have ?
Would Poland's #1 agricultural export to Russia go from apples to weed by ten fold ?
Could the small rural farmers get a piece of the pie too ?
Would this attract foreign tourist to be able to legally indulge in a self inflicted adult drug besides alcohol ?
Would this create a billion dollar tax base for Poland like it has for the State of Colorado in the United States ?
Just saying.............
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
21 May 2017   #30
Well OP.

Since you're a drug addict and one of many to blame for financing Polish dealers, gangsters and ultimately organised groups of those who often harm and even murder Innocents all over the world I hope you'll get caught and prosecuted.

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