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Is Poland a popular tourist destination for Swedes?

Lyzko  45 | 9751
15 Aug 2022   #1
Having met up with a number of Poles in Sweden when last there a few years back, I was gently curious if Poland is a well-known visiting spot for Swedish tourists.
jon357  72 | 23517
15 Aug 2022   #2
if Poland is a well-known visiting spot for Swedish tourists.

To a point. Some people from Sweden visit Gdańsk or Warsaw because booze etc is much cheaper and I've come across Swedes, Danes and Norwegians from time to time.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
15 Aug 2022   #3
Thanks, jon. I'd suspected for some time that Poles were more than slightly interested in Sweden, but wasn't sure regarding vice-versa:-)
Any Swedes out there in Cyberland who wish to weigh in?
Alien  25 | 6402
15 Aug 2022   #4
Unfortunately, the Swedes were usually completely drunk on the ferry to Poland so that they did not remember too many of their trips to Poland.
jon357  72 | 23517
15 Aug 2022   #5
completely drunk

I've seen this. Off the plane and straight to the pub where they're delighted at how cheap vodka and cigs are.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
15 Aug 2022   #6
Another unfair charactarization, Alien!
Indeed Poles, Aussies, Germans, above all, Dutch and Brits abroad, have an even greater reputation for inebriated behavior than the Swedes, or at least equal.
Alien  25 | 6402
15 Aug 2022   #7
Why unfair?
Poles did not go to Sweden to get drunk, but to work.
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
15 Aug 2022   #8
Another unfair charactarization

Not unfair at all.
Scandinavians have the same love of alcohol as Brits,Germans and Dutch do, unfortunately for them, it is very expensive at home.
So when they visit countries like.Poland, they sometimes go a little bit bonkers.
Lyzko, you have a very poor understanding of Europeans and need to book some more holidays here and remove your blinkered American sunglasses!
Bobko  27 | 2193
15 Aug 2022   #9
Statistics indicate that Scandinavians drink less on average than both Poles and Brits.

PS - no surprise seeing Latvians and Lithuanians up in the tops, miserable assh0les...

  • A09221A1384E44F98.png
Miloslaw  20 | 5129
15 Aug 2022   #10
Statistics indicate that Scandinavians drink less on average than both Poles and Brits.

Of course!
Because in their countries it is too expensive!

Are all Russians as ill.educated and dim as you?

They probably are, if they had been more intelligent they would never have invaded Ukraine.

Please keep to the topic of the thread
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
16 Aug 2022   #11
You're confirming my very point, Milo!
Poles are no less known for drunkenness than any other Europeans:-) Although for many years Swedes had such a reputation, to an extent when I was there too, much of the stories concerning boatloads of Swedes going over to Denmark for cheap booze, are largely a thing of the past.

I've traveled extensively throughout the Continent, and so kindly refrain from condescending remarks!
pawian  226 | 27539
18 Aug 2022   #12
if Poland is a well-known visiting spot for Swedish tourists.

Yes, they want to see the country where most of their invaluable museum exhibits comes from.
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Aug 2022   #13
If Sweden continues to be obstenate about it, Poland should do a Turkey negotiation.

We might withdraw out our consent for Sweden to join if they continue to refuse to deliver Polish national art back
pawian  226 | 27539
18 Aug 2022   #14
I am afraid Sweden in NATO is worth much more for Poland than some artifacts from the past which are safe and available for everybody to see in Swedish museums.......
Kashub1410  6 | 580
18 Aug 2022   #15
I don't think so, have you met many Swedes in your life? Those few in the military sure will put up a fight. But if it got invaded, I would be surprised if they even knew of the word partisan even exist
Novichok  4 | 9000
18 Aug 2022   #16
But if it got invaded,

...They got invaded and loved it. To hell with a little inconvenience like rapes of Swedish women.
On the repulsive scale, Swedes score the highest.
OP Lyzko  45 | 9751
18 Aug 2022   #17
Although doubtless second to the Finns in terms of drunkenness!
Even Finns will ruefully admit that many compatriots can be vicious drunks, sad to say.
jon357  72 | 23517
18 Aug 2022   #18
I've seen Swedes and Finns visiting Poland for cheap drinks, however despite being drunk, they were all friendly and fairly well behaved.
Crow  154 | 9556
18 Aug 2022   #19
Swedes knows where they belong. in Poland.
pawian  226 | 27539
19 Aug 2022   #20
have you met many Swedes in your life?

A few and only females. And only teachers.

if they even knew of the word partisan even exist

Hmmm..... don`t you think it is a little unfair to blame a nation for sth they have never needed in their history???

Home / Travel / Is Poland a popular tourist destination for Swedes?
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