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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

johnny reb  46 | 7426
24 Jul 2024 #391
Good job Vincent
Yes, and quite rare to be growing in Northern Michigan.
OP pawian  220 | 24842
24 Jul 2024 #392
What is the make of this plane?

OP pawian  220 | 24842
24 Jul 2024 #394
Sorry, another one but you are very close coz Su-22 also received such a tiger camo.
Torq  8 | 1132
24 Jul 2024 #395
My bad. Mig 21U (the trainer version).
Alien  22 | 5456
24 Jul 2024 #396
This tiger camouflage would make sense if this plane was flying over the desert. Did it fly?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
24 Jul 2024 #397
Mig 21U (the trainer version).


if this plane was flying over the desert. Did it fly?

Yes, it flew over Błędowska Desert! the only one we have in Poland.

OP pawian  220 | 24842
5 Aug 2024 #398
What can you see?

Alien  22 | 5456
5 Aug 2024 #400
And what can you see

Are the white ones ostrich eggs?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
5 Aug 2024 #401
Nope. Ostrich eggs are rounder. :):)
Alien  22 | 5456
5 Aug 2024 #402
Well, duck eggs ?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
6 Aug 2024 #403
Nope, duck eggs are the same size as hen`s.
Alien  22 | 5456
7 Aug 2024 #404

Okay, so these are goose eggs then.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
7 Aug 2024 #405
What bridge is this ?
The grey structure on the left should be a clue.
(That is a bug splatter on my windshield)

Alien  22 | 5456
7 Aug 2024 #406
What bridge is this

Is this a bridge in Poland or the USA?
Feniks  1 | 458
7 Aug 2024 #407
@johnny reb

As you're always telling everyone, stay on topic. This thread is for Poland in photo riddles, not the US.
johnny reb  46 | 7426
7 Aug 2024 #408
Is this a bridge in Poland or the USA?

(That is a bug splatter on my windshield)

The U.S. but Karen is right, we must stay on topic because she could never guess this one.
OP pawian  220 | 24842
7 Aug 2024 #409
goose eggs then

Yes, they are oval like a rugby ball.

What bridge is this ?

International bridge in Michigan. Easy. :):):)

What about the riddle in 398? Anybody???
johnny reb  46 | 7426
8 Aug 2024 #410
International bridge in Michigan. Easy.

Yes, great job Pawian
Connecting Michigan with Canada
Now which one is this one and what does it connect ?
(That dang bug splatter on my windshield wrecked all my pictures that day)

Poloniusz  4 | 852
8 Aug 2024 #411
This tiger camouflage would make sense if this plane was flying over the desert.

It could have been painted that way simply for safety purposes or for special events.

In the case of this particular version of the MiG being used as a trainer the bright and contrasting color scheme would make it visually stand out better if it ever crashed anywhere on the Polish landscape.

NATO countries hold "Tiger Meets," multinational exercises and professional exchanges where participating aircraft, including those from Poland, are painted with tiger patterns.

Some Polish air squadrons traditionally used "flying tigers" as emblematic mascots since their first founding. I couldn't find any explicit explanation for this choice of mascot but it might be related to the historical use of animal furs by Polish hussars, who wore fur over their armor. While leopards are commonly cited, there are also historical depictions of tigers being used.

Feniks  1 | 458
9 Aug 2024 #412
What can you see?

I presume that is snow in the background? It doesn't look like anything for snow clearing though.

I honestly have no idea. The teeth on whatever it is reminds me of old hunting traps but no way is it anything like that.
OP pawian  220 | 24842
9 Aug 2024 #413
Yes, there is snow.

The teeth on whatever it is reminds me of old hunting traps

Me, too.

Hint: this device is not manufactered industrially, it is a self made invention.

Besides, it is fixed on a vehicle. What for?
Feniks  1 | 458
9 Aug 2024 #414
it is fixed on a vehicle.

Presumably on the back?

Is it to mark out areas on the ground? Can't think why though.
OP pawian  220 | 24842
9 Aug 2024 #415
Not on the back but on the side. And it is fastened neatly so it can`t move.

See it at a distance.

Alien  22 | 5456
9 Aug 2024 #416
Not on the back but on the side

So this thing is for cleaning mud off your boots when you get off. Am I right?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
9 Aug 2024 #417
Not exactly. But you are close.
Feniks  1 | 458
10 Aug 2024 #418
For getting snow off boots when you get in?
OP pawian  220 | 24842
10 Aug 2024 #419
Even closer. Boots and get in (or rather on) are correct.
Alien  22 | 5456
10 Aug 2024 #420
Even closer

If it's not snow, then there's mud from the field.

Home / Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3

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