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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

jon357  72 | 23482
5 Nov 2023   #1
there was a round metal tank inside for

Have you visited it? I have several times. About 20 yers ago, the security people there used to let you have a look through the window. Now it's restored and looks really good.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
5 Nov 2023   #2
Have you visited it?

Nope, I saw it first time in an article about Warsaw. I would have never guessed what it was.
jon357  72 | 23482
5 Nov 2023   #3
I would have never guessed what it was.

It's different to the UK ones which were mostly metal and used to be lowered in the evening so they didn't interfere with TV reception. When I first saw that structure, I thought it was a tram shed which were usually brick and round.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
5 Nov 2023   #4
I thought it was a tram shed which were usually brick and round.

The vintage tram sheds which I saw in cities in Poland were always like blocks.


  • 01_historia_i_remiza.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27453
28 Dec 2023   #5
After the amasing success of two previous threads, let`s continue what you like best.

What is it?

  • DSCN4770Kopiowanie.jpg
Alien  25 | 6392
28 Dec 2023   #6
What is it?

This is an old computer game in which Pawian always wins.
Torq  8 | 1010
28 Dec 2023   #7
in which Pawian always wins

Because he's using his carpe à la Juive recipe: buys something and then sells if for twice the price.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
28 Dec 2023   #8
This is an old computer game in which Pawian always wins.

Yes, I win after a few years of building my merchant fleet which operates in Hanza cities in Europe. First I become an alderman in my family city and then the leader of the whole Hanza.

What is the name of it???

buys something and then sells if for twice the price.

Even thrice or more. The best trades are bringing wine and pepper to Novgorod in pre Russia and importing furs to Western Europe.
Torq  8 | 1010
28 Dec 2023   #9
What is the name of it?

The Patrician?
OP pawian  226 | 27453
28 Dec 2023   #10
Yes, of course. The game which I already played in mid 1990s and can`t stop. :):):) Because as the classic once said, we like the melodies which we have already heard. :):):)

Next - what is this strange thing?:

  • DSCN4729Kopiowanie.jpg
Alien  25 | 6392
28 Dec 2023   #11
what is this strange thing?:

I'm afraid it might be something pawians eat.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
28 Dec 2023   #12
Hint: It is food but not for eating. Paradox, isn`t it???
What namely???
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #13
One riddle still pending, here`s a new one:
What is it?

  • DSCN4707Kopiowanie.jpg
Poloniusz  5 | 969
31 Dec 2023   #14
What is it?

Proof that you have terrible handwriting.

There is a medical term for this too.

"Hard-to-read handwriting is a sign of a learning disability called dysgraphia."
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #15
Proof that you have terrible handwriting.

Yes, coz I write on the vertical glass surface. :):):)

There is a medical term for this too.

Yes!!! I am like most doctors whose prescriptions were undecipherable when they used to write them by hand. hahahaha

disability called dysgraphia."

You haven`t seen true dysgraphia, then. I have - hundreds of times. The difference is that I can still read my own writing while dysgraphics often can`t. HA! I got you again!

How about revealing some traces of intellect at last and guessing the riddle??? It is difficult, I know, but Novi considers you a genius....... L:):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7926
31 Dec 2023   #16
What is it?

Looks like a roll of toilet paper with things to do today written on the ongoing sheets.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #17
Toilet paper? No, you can`t write on it so clearly as here.
They are sticky sheets connected with scotch tape.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
31 Dec 2023   #18
Failed New Year's resolutions carried over year after year after year.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #19
hahahaha failed resolutions is a wrong guess but year over year - correct!

Hint - the mysterious list is in my bedroom.
Ironside  50 | 12941
31 Dec 2023   #20
Hint - the mysterious list is in my bedroom.

that is what is left from your verbal diarrhea?
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #21
Guys, thanks. Please, don`t stop.

Sorry, no. :):):)

Hint: try to guess what this glass object is. It isn`t a window.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
31 Dec 2023   #22
year over year - correct!

Hint - the mysterious list is in my bedroom.

Every time you wanted sex and your wife told you she had a headache.

Missing dates are when you didn't bother and got none anyway.

Basically you've been celibate for years.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
31 Dec 2023   #23
hahahahaha Better each time. Thanks.

Sorry, no.


If that was so simple. She is willing to visit me in my bedroom even with a splitting headache. hahahaha

Basically you've been celibate for years.

For a few days right now. :):):)
Alien  25 | 6392
1 Jan 2024   #24
Sorry, no.

I recognize the dates and the inscriptions next to the dates: medium, small, large. Unfortunately, I still don't know what it could be.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
1 Jan 2024   #25
Which is it, brick or block ?
1 Jan 2024   #26
try to guess what this glass object is. It isn`t a window.

Is it some sort of glass tank/vivarium type thing that you are keeping something in. Are you monitoring the size of something growing? I know you have a snake for example.
OP pawian  226 | 27453
1 Jan 2024   #27
Alien - correct guess what is written there.
Fenix - correct guess about the glass cage and snake.
You are very close.
1 Jan 2024   #28
You're monitoring how often the snake sheds its skin and the size of it?
OP pawian  226 | 27453
1 Jan 2024   #29
Sorry, no. Sth else.

BTW. I collect those skins and play practical jokes by leaving them in various public places to suggest that a snake is hiding there.
yes, I am mean, I know. hahahahaha
1 Jan 2024   #30
How often you're feeding it? Although don't think it is because if this is a year on year record, it would be starving to death.

practical jokes by leaving them in various public places

Why am I not surprised by this ....

Home / Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3

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