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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

12 Jul 2020   #211
I have always liked this tiny castle: where?

It is in Będzin.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
12 Jul 2020   #212
Yes, exactly. I like it coz it is so traditional, looks exactly like original.

What about this mountain top castle?: It might be difficult so I offer a tip - it wasn`t built by Poles.

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13 Jul 2020   #213
What about this mountain top castle?

Zamek Chojnik.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
13 Jul 2020   #214
Yes! Built in Lower Silesia, owned by German Silesian aristocrats.

And this one?

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14 Jul 2020   #215
And this one?

Kamianets-Podilskyi castle in Ukraine.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
14 Jul 2020   #216
Yes, Polish Kamieniec Podolski, an important fortress in Southern -Eastern Commonwealth..
OP pawian  226 | 27581
1 Sep 2020   #217
Coming back to our own photos

What am I holding?

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
1 Sep 2020   #218
lol a Roach or an Mcdonalds toy that you got for your kids with kids meal.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
1 Sep 2020   #219
hahaha funny, but miss.
2 Sep 2020   #220
What am I holding?

The head of a prawn?
mafketis  38 | 11177
2 Sep 2020   #221
I was going to say crawfish (so I could ask if they suck the heads in Poland) but yeah, probably a shrimp...
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Sep 2020   #222
What am I holding?

You are scoffing a snail.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
2 Sep 2020   #224
Sorry, no, Chemikiem was right - it is a prawn head - I was clowning at the table as usual and did strange things to those prawns - kids had fun. hahahaha

I visited my old primary school during vacation. What for?

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
2 Sep 2020   #225
lol,maybe cuz they questioned you about your education and you went there to get your certificates lol certainly not for old memories or to show your kids.
3 Sep 2020   #226
(so I could ask if they suck the heads in Poland

That sounds gross!

What for?

Unless the date is important and it's something to do with the Day of Struggle and Martyrdom of the Polish Villages, which seems unlikely to be honest, I have no idea.
mafketis  38 | 11177
3 Sep 2020   #227
That sounds gross!

Au contraire!

I don't think Polish people suck the heads of raki though.....
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
3 Sep 2020   #228
I visited my old primary school during vacation.

Gosh, these schools look the same all over the country! I have one across the street and it has even been painted over in almost exactly the same colours as yours.

I wonder why PiS hasn't had them demolished as communist relics? There are some who advocate a demolition of the Palace of Culture in Warsaw. Why only the Palace and not commie-built schools?

TYSIĄC SZKÓŁ NA TYSIĄCLECIE - was the slogan, wasn't it?
OP pawian  226 | 27581
3 Sep 2020   #229
lol,maybe cuz they questioned you about your education and you went there to get your certificates

hahaha again funny but miss.

Unless the date is important

Yes, it is very important. Check it again. :):)

I don't think Polish people suck the heads of raki though.....

Never heard of or seen sucking crustaceans heads in Poland. Is it a new lay tradition? hahaha

was the slogan, wasn't it?

Yes, my school was built in 1960s.
3 Sep 2020   #230
Au contraire!

Not for me I'm afraid! I accidentally ate a bit of prawn's head once and it left a vile taste in my mouth for ages after :(

Yes, it is very important.

The only thing I can think of is that your old school was used as a polling station and you were voting in the last round of the presidential election.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
3 Sep 2020   #231
it left a vile taste in my mouth for ages after :(

Coz you bit into the eyes which are bitter. You should have gone for the brain instead.

that your old school was used as a polling station

Of course. That`s normal practice here.

Who did I vote for? hahaha

What major improvement are the guys doing here? Sth really serious. They are in the middle of their job. Hint: You need to look at certain tiny details to guess correctly.

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OP pawian  226 | 27581
5 Sep 2020   #232
While two riddles are still pending, let`s deal with this one:
What and generally where?

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6 Sep 2020   #233
Who did I vote for? hahaha

Not PiS that's for sure!

What major improvement are the guys doing here?

I can see cable/wire but it doesn't look like rewiring to me. The door in the 2nd photo looks odd. From looking at the first photo, it doesn't look as if it should close that far in. That's just an observation though. Hmm. Maybe more lights are being put in? Probably not.

What and generally where?

Is this information about the Kmita Rock Nature Reserve in Zabierzów? Part of the Kraków- Częstochowa upland. It is about 11 kms from Kraków. It also mentions Krzeszowice which is in the southern part of this upland.
OP pawian  226 | 27581
6 Sep 2020   #234
I can see cable/wire but it doesn't look like rewiring to me.

Good eye. The major alteration did concern them, indeed, except that they aren`t cables or wires. What, then?

Is this information about the Kmita Rock Nature Reserve in Zabierzów?

hahaha yeees, excellent.

I said that two riddles are still pending: do you remember the one about the event shown in messages 195-200 on the previous page?:

And a new one:

What are they and what is the occassion?

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6 Sep 2020   #235
What, then?

I can't think of anything that looks like cable/wire but isn't! Looks almost as if the work is to hide/cover up cables and wiring.

do you remember the one about the event shown in messages 195-200 on the previous page?:

I didn't but I've just had a look. Obviously some sort of military event. Don't laugh at my suggestion now, but I don't suppose it has something to do with the Łódź insurrection? Actually, scrub that suggestion, there is a Ba-64 Soviet armoured car on display. They weren't built until 1941, so this is a WW2 thing I think.

What are they and what is the occassion?

Those men look to be wearing Goral hats. Tańce góralskie?
OP pawian  226 | 27581
6 Sep 2020   #236
I can't think of anything that looks like cable/wire but isn't!

The improvement reminds of a British style of life in cities, really. Most British flats have it, I suppose. hahaha Drop those cables, they only look like ones but aren`t. What else can they be?

so this is a WW2 thing I think.

Hmm not quite coz the tank is Soviet-licensed Polish made T-55.

Those men look to be wearing Goral hats. Tańce góralskie?

Yes, they are Podhale Highlanders. No dancing - those guys are too fat to be dancers. hahahahaha Look at other people - what can you say about them? What are they? What are they wearing? Why? Besides, check the date - it is important. Not exactly the one displayed but around it. Even the ground may give you a clue.
mafketis  38 | 11177
7 Sep 2020   #237
a British style of life in cities

CCTV cameras are being installed?
OP pawian  226 | 27581
7 Sep 2020   #238
Hmm, in a flat? Yes, it is possible but most Brits don`t have it, I suppose. Besides, it is not a major improvement. Sth else, then.

OK - hint: most Poles don`t have it in their flats.
mafketis  38 | 11177
7 Sep 2020   #239
Air conditioning?

Motion sensors?

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