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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

jon357  72 | 23519
2 Apr 2020   #181
Isn't that the view from Kopiec Kościuszki?
OP pawian  226 | 27571
2 Apr 2020   #182
Yes, exactly.

Where do these bones hang?

  • unnamed.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
2 Apr 2020   #183
the bones of smok wawelski the Wawel dragon. Wawel cathederal krakow

Next please.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #184
Yes, exactly.

Next please.

hahaha not so fast, darling . First tell me what you think about the mound riddle. You were telling tall stories about bars and restaurants. Can you see now it wasn`t about eateries? hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #185
bars and restaurants.

What can I say!, your question was fulfilled, just it wasn't the answer that you wanted, but still it was a valid answer.

So stop crying and get posting more pictures now !!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #186
your question was fulfilled, just it wasn't the answer that you wanted,

No, it wasn`t. :):)

Coz I meant the crude number per city

What structure does Krakow have in bigger supply than any other city in the world?

while you tried to wriggle out of it with density per square kilometre

"Eastern European city has the highest density of bars in the world"

You understand it is not the same. :):)

get posting more pictures now !!!!

Hmm, why do you need to see pics? How about doing without them? You will have a chance to develop your imagination. hahaha

Let`s have a deal: every second riddle is illustrated. OK? :):)

What`s this:

  • Poznan756.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #187
This is

A monument to Marian Rejewski, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zygalski Poznan castle

Enigma, and all that old chap
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #188
Yes, monument to Polish cryptologists who broke the Enigma code.

And this?

  • 2018b304.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #189
Stanislaw Lem Garden of Experiences Krakow

Air cannon
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #190
Yes, very good! :):)
(But I would say experiments, not experiences)

What species?

  • 2017a1718.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #191
Mexican Fire Leg Tarantula Brachypelma Boehmei
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #192
Yes, in Polish - redlegged tarantula. So simple. But in case of other species, Polish names sound more attractive than English. E..g, those big tarantulas are called ptasznik in Polish - bird-catcher.

What`s its name in English and Polish?:

  • koziorogdeboszcera.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #193
Cerambyx cerdo. Tree horn beetle (Kózkowate)
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #194
yes! In Polish - oak goathorn. Isn`t it wonderful?

Or this beetle that lives underwater: golden-rimmed swimmer. In English - great diving beetle. So simple.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #195
I forgot to add that we once went to a big spider exhibition which lasted for a year in one of Krakow`s museums.

Anybody fascinated with spiders?

What and where?

  • 2017a1821.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #196
ba-64 gaz 64, your potato field
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #197
Yes, Ba-64, Soviet armoured car. Can you recognise that white sign on it?

hahaha not in my field. Somewhere else. And I meant an event, not a place.

But that will give me an opportunity to ask more riddles:

What are they?

  • 2017a1828.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
3 Apr 2020   #198
Members of the Polish militia or bloody jehovas . or the russian army (stripey shirts)
OP pawian  226 | 27571
3 Apr 2020   #199
Yes, the last one is correct but still not enough for a full answer what they are and where.

See this:

  • 2017a1889.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27571
4 Apr 2020   #200
The same event:

  • 2017a1921.jpg
4 Jul 2020   #201
I've been looking through my photos of Poland hoping to revive this thread, when I came across a photo from my Rszeszów file.

I was going to present this photo as a riddle, but I have no idea what this building is! I tried googling it, searching in Polish, but nothing.

I obviously found it interesting at the time, but does anyone know what it is?

  • rsz_20141102_10481.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
4 Jul 2020   #202
If you can remember which bits of Rszeszów you visited, you could go on google street view and see if you can locate it. That way you'd have the address and could possibly find out something about the building. Btw is that a crucifix on the roof??
4 Jul 2020   #203
Thanks Atch. The problem is that I was all over the place as I always do lots of walking. I took the preceding photo 10 minutes before according to the time stamp. I may well have a go with street view though, it's just annoying that I don't remember it.

is that a crucifix on the roof??

I think it is but I had no joy when I started googling churches.

After much searching on google street view, I have found it but still not sure exactly what church/religious building it is as I can't get near enough to it. It seems to be near the entrance to Biały Ogród and behind a post office on plac Farny. Lots of trees and cars parked near to it. Can't work out how to get to it from a different angle. At least I know where it is though!
OP pawian  226 | 27571
8 Jul 2020   #204
Who is this Polish politician involved in the elections?

  • UY8ktkpTURBXy9iNzE1Y.jpg
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
8 Jul 2020   #205
BINGO! I know, but let's see if other people can guess that, too.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
8 Jul 2020   #206
Probably they can`t. Even johhny, such an expert on Polish elections, has no idea.
That`s strange coz this guy in the photo is so well-known.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
8 Jul 2020   #207
guy in the photo is so well-known.

Yeah its dddddddddd uuuuu zipedy dddddd da , well you get it
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
8 Jul 2020   #208
I showed the picture to my colleagues at work and they all immediately recognized the trick embedded in this photo. People found the result funny and original.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
8 Jul 2020   #209
Yeah its dddddddddd uuuuu zipedy dddddd da , well you get it

Clever connotation with that old song. :)

But, are you sure it is Duda?

they all immediately recognized the trick embedded in this photo.

What? It isn`t a trick!! it is Konfederacja`s worst nightmare ever! Jedno zło - Evil Incarnate!
OP pawian  226 | 27571
11 Jul 2020   #210
they all immediately recognized the trick embedded in this photo.

So you are the winner, nobody else knew exactly.

! it is Konfederacja`s worst nightmare ever! Jedno zło - Evil Incarnate!

It is the two candidates` faces combined into one.

I have always liked this tiny castle: where?

  • DB6k9kpTURBXy9kZmMzM.jpg

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