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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

Alien  25 | 6431
17 Feb 2023   #1591

That is, than they stood in line to buy donuts.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
17 Feb 2023   #1592
Yes, doughnuts! Tradition!
17 Feb 2023   #1594
What dish is it going to be?

I'd like to think that it's chicken in the bowl but is it flaki?
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
17 Feb 2023   #1595
I hope not....I think it may be a mix for doughnuts.
17 Feb 2023   #1596
If it is it wasn't for Tłusty Czwartek. The date stamp on the pic is 1st Feb.
Miloslaw  20 | 5124
17 Feb 2023   #1597

Pawian will tell us soon....
OP pawian  226 | 27571
18 Feb 2023   #1598
chicken in the bowl

Yes! KFC style nuggets. Soon a photo story.

Which Polish saying does this picture negate??

  • 131.jpg
18 Feb 2023   #1599
Jedno zgniłe jabłko może zatruć całą beczkę?( One rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel?)
OP pawian  226 | 27571
18 Feb 2023   #1600
Wow, an amazing answer!!! The problem is that`s not an apple. Sorry.
Hint - it isn`t fruit.
And by negate I meant contradict. Sorry again. :):):)
18 Feb 2023   #1601
by negate I meant contradict

I know. I thought the presence of the knife meant that you could cut out the rotten part so the rotten apple doesn't spoil the whole barrel. BUT, I did think it might not be an apple... so now I'll have to start again :(
OP pawian  226 | 27571
18 Feb 2023   #1602
I thought the presence of the knife

Oops, the presence of the knife is accidental. I cut out that rotten piece a second after taking the photo.

Hint - why did I take the photo at all? Coz the view was so unusual - completely contradicting a certain Polish saying. :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27571
18 Feb 2023   #1603
In the meantime:
What is it?

  • 74.jpg
18 Feb 2023   #1604
Coz the view was so unusual

If that's a potato for example, is that relevant or is it more about looking at something from a different perspective?

What is it?

Looks like your KFC chicken but one fried piece looks like it might be a fried cauliflower floret.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
18 Feb 2023   #1605
If that's a potato for example,

No, it`s not,. This rotten riddle is associated with the stuff I dig out from under the snow cover in another thread. :):)

Looks like your KFC chicken

Only looks so, that is why I turned it into a riddle. :):)
Sorry, no cauliflower. Actually, the stuff we obtain from the farm. :):)
19 Feb 2023   #1606
associated with the stuff I dig out

If it's essential I know what vegetable it is to solve it, I won't get it. It looks like the inside of a turnip but you left those in the ground.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
19 Feb 2023   #1607
It looks like the inside of a turnip but you left those in the ground.

I regularly dig them out when necessary. It is a turnip.
20 Feb 2023   #1608
This rotten riddle is associated with the stuff I dig out

I'm not going to get further with this one. I can't think of any sayings associated with turnips.
Same with the fried stuff. There looks to be a drumstick in there but if it's not chicken.........
mafketis  38 | 11171
20 Feb 2023   #1609
What is it?

Looks too small for goose or turkey....


Guineafowl (perlica)?
20 Feb 2023   #1610
I'm not going to get further with this one.

Ok, last try. Zdrowy jak rzepa - Healthy like a turnip.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
20 Feb 2023   #1611

Guineafowl (perlica)?

Sorry, no.

Hint - it isn`t meat at all.

Zdrowy jak rzepa - Healthy like a turnip.

Exactly!!! Like a turnip - a saying mostly used about buxom, robust, fine looking females. As fit as a fid... turnip.

What is the name of this game?

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Lenka  5 | 3541
20 Feb 2023   #1612
Wsiąść do pociagu

Fajna gra. Wersja dla młodszych ma świetne ilustracje.

Sorry, forgot it's English thread.
It's a good game. The version for young players has very nice pictures
OP pawian  226 | 27571
20 Feb 2023   #1613
Wsiąść do pociagu

Yes, get on the train. Indeed, quite gripping, my kids were engaged.

What does it mean?:

  • 53.jpg
25 Feb 2023   #1614
What does it mean?:

Is this something to do with drainage? Inlets on the road for rainwater drainage?
OP pawian  226 | 27571
25 Feb 2023   #1615
Yes. Try to go deeper into this inlet issue. :):)
25 Feb 2023   #1616
Are the inlets for sewage as well as rainwater or am I on the wrong track?
OP pawian  226 | 27571
25 Feb 2023   #1617
No, only for rainwater. How can road inlets be for sewage, too???
25 Feb 2023   #1618
The closest definition of Kratki that I think is relevant is grates/grating/grilles. I saw a pic of inlets for sewage too and wondered if this sign was out in the country. No matter, I'm obviously on the wrong track.
OP pawian  226 | 27571
25 Feb 2023   #1619
I'm obviously on the wrong track.

Nope, you aren`t. Everything is going just fine. Why such black thoughts???

You have already established the photo deals with:

Inlets on the road for rainwater drainage.

Now explain the aim of the sign and you are there.
25 Feb 2023   #1620
Clearly it's a warning sign to let people know that they are there but we have them over here too and we don't have signs like that. Are there lots of them in one particular area? I would have thought they would be more of a hazard for cyclists than drivers.

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