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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1321
hihihihi sorry, no. :):):):)

No idea then... Does it have anything to do with gardening, taking care of the garden?

A photo taken today - what are those birds called (in Polish or English)? :):

  • 2.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1322
gardening, taking care of the garden?

No, of course not. First of all, what can you see? And what time is it?

what are those birds called

I don`t know yet. :):)
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1323
@pawian, let me know if you need tips :)

No, of course not. First of all, what can you see? And what time is it?

Are you going to sleep on it?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1324
Are you going to sleep on it?

Of course. And not alone. hahahaha
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1325
@pawian, you and all the bugs of this world? ;D Don't tell me that you've managed to talk your wife into sleeping there? ;O 🕷️🕸️🐜🪳👀

Btw, that bird riddle is a bit tricky :)
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1326
that bird riddle is a bit tricky :)

Yes, I tried to find it but to no avail. I am not an expert on birds. :):)

@pawian, you and all the bugs of this world?

No mosquitoes this year is enough - other bugs are pleasant creatures which I don`t mind. .

Don't tell me that you've managed

Of course I did. She had craved doing sth crazy for a long time. And I am the perfect person to provide crazy entertainment. hahahahaha
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1328
@johnny_reb, nope, Yellow-winged Tanager doesn't live in Poland. A pretty bird too though :)

OK, a hint then - those are young birds and so their head looks different than that of adults. The head of an adult bird is very colourful. Those are one of the most colourful birds in Poland :) They have the same wings as adults though and that bird in the photo higher on the right has a very characteristic pattern for those birds on it's wing.

Another hint - they're smaller than sparrows.

And I am the perfect person to provide crazy entertainment. hahahahaha

;D I'm sure you are ;) I hope she enjoyed it, doing something crazy from time to time is good for the soul ;)
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1330
@johnny reb, I don't think there's a bird called "Pinterest"... lol
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Aug 2022   #1334
That has kinda half red face/head
Its all cloudy so I will waste my time on computer today.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
28 Aug 2022   #1335
Give us another hint, what do they taste like ?
Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
28 Aug 2022   #1336
lol I think they will taste like Quails:)
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1337
European Gold Finch

Bingo!! Well done! :D 🎉🎊🥇

In Polish it's called "szczygieł" :) Adult males look like this:

cms neuf  1 | 1846
28 Aug 2022   #1338
In English the collective noun is a charm of Goldfinches
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1339
In Polish it's called "szczygieł"

That was a good riddle and nice bird. I heard the name many times but never saw the bearer.
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1340
@pawian, so now you'll know how to recognise one if you ever see it :) They come to the garden in the morning and in the evening.

In English the collective noun is a charm of Goldfinches

Thanks, I didn't know that!

Something easier this time (at least for Poles, I guess) - what is this beauty?? ;]:

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Alien  25 | 6353
28 Aug 2022   #1341
Broad beans?
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1342
Yes, of course, broad or fava beans. Paulina eats them with the liver of her enemies, plus a glass of nice Chianti. hahahaha
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1343
Broad beans?

Yes, of course! :)) Boiled broad beans, to be precise. In Polish called "bób". In my family fondly called "bober" ;) All my family loves it, me included :d We don't eat it as a meal or part of a meal, but more like a kind of a snack. I peel the skin and eat them without it, but there are people who eat those broad beans with skin, especially if they're young. Young broad beans are delicious (when they're green and springy inside) :)) You can tell the young ones apart - their skin gets wrinkled after being boiled. The older ones get floury and I don't like them then that much.

Paulina eats them with the liver of her enemies, plus a glass of nice Chianti. hahahaha

Indeedly, haha ;D
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1344
who eat those broad beans with skin,

Yes, I do it coz it is healthy and quite tasty.

The older ones get floury

Yuk, indeed.

In my family fondly called "bober"

In my village they also call it that. Amasing.
johnny reb  49 | 7974
28 Aug 2022   #1345
In English the collective noun is a charm of Goldfinches

They look nothing like the American Goldfinches however.
Paulina  17 | 4465
28 Aug 2022   #1346
In my village they also call it that. Amasing.

Interesting :))

Btw, I've always enjoyed helping my grandparents to hull (? - to remove them from their pods) broad beans after harvesting them - there's something satisfying about it :))

And what is this all about?:

  • 1.jpg
OP pawian  224 | 27236
28 Aug 2022   #1347
I've always enjoyed helping my grandparents to hull

While my kids hate it. They are strange. :):)

And what is this all about?:

I known but let others guess.:))
OP pawian  224 | 27236
29 Aug 2022   #1348
And what is this all about?:

Nobody tried to guess??? Amazing. It is a pot with soil to produce seedlings of veg or flowers. Those sticks support delicate plants, probably the pot is kept outside, on the balcony.

Also, those sticks have another function - they protect the plants against pidgeons which might feel like shytting into the pot. But why not??? Natural fertiliser is the best!!!
Paulina  17 | 4465
29 Aug 2022   #1349
@pawian, your second guess is correct. It's my mother's pot - she put those sticks solely to prevent pidgeons from sitting there and making a mess by throwing the soil out of the pot. It's the same pot where the pidgeon mum layed the egg from my pidgeon egg riddle :) Somehow she managed to lay the egg in that pot despite all of those sticks being there. I don't how it was possible. It's a mistery. Those sticks were inserted very densely. It must've been a pidgeon-magician or sth :)) Amazing :)))
Alien  25 | 6353
30 Aug 2022   #1350
Every magician has pigeons, so there must be also magic pigeons.🕊🐇

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