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Poland in photo riddles - part 2

jon357  72 | 22980
14 Oct 2020   #301
Elbląg Cana

That's the one.

Did you do the whole length of the canal?

No, just the bit with the lift.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Oct 2020   #302
What is this beverage and what are its two main qualities?

  • 2018b262.jpg
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
14 Oct 2020   #303
Well its a cheap wine that's supposed to be an energy drink.

12% dodgy cheap stuff , explains you behaviour here, you need to stop drinking it.
jon357  72 | 22980
14 Oct 2020   #304
what are its two main qualities

1. It gets you drunk quickly, and 2. it's cheap.
On the lower shelves in the booze shop, a firm favourite of the homeless.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Oct 2020   #305
OK, you passed! Cheap is No 1, dodgy can be No 2, although I prefered lousy. Never mind.
No, I didn`t drink it, I found the bottle during a walk in the park. hahahaha I drink better ones but not as good as yours. hahahahaha.

Hmm, did I ever show this pic? I have an impression I did, but I checked this thread and the previous closed one and didn`t find it. Fake dejavu???

First, what is this structure in general and what does this grafitti mean?

jon357  72 | 22980
14 Oct 2020   #306
No, I didn`t drink it,

I once bought a bottle and my wx poured it away.

this pic

Is that in Kraków?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Oct 2020   #307
I once bought a bottle and my wx poured it away.

I also bought a bottle once because I needed it for a school theatrical a few years ago. I drank the content but it was shyt, so never again.

Is that in Łódż?

Nope, somehwere else. But the name of location isn`t important, just a structure and grafitti.
jon357  72 | 22980
14 Oct 2020   #308
Jude Gang is I think (or more truthfully, Google thinks) a supporters group in Kraków. Is it at the Crakovia stadium?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809
14 Oct 2020   #309
Football hooligan anti jewish crap ? structure. Nazi bunker ?, hey i'm just guessing
jon357  72 | 22980
14 Oct 2020   #310
Football hooligan anti jewish crap

The Jude Gang thing is part of the 'Holy War' of football supporters. Jewish groups who monitor anti-semitism don't consider it to be anti-semitic in itself.

The Holy War (and the name Jude Gang) goes back to the 1920s when it was a rivalry between two Jewish football teams, Makkabi and Jutrzenka, both then in Kraków.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
14 Oct 2020   #311
yes, football fans` signature (considered positive) and a bunker. Not Nazi, but close one - Habsburg . hahaha So both dolno and jon get points.
What event and what guy are they?

dolnoslask  5 | 2809
14 Oct 2020   #312
Its lickle jesus with his tit out and scrounging zl to buy a flaska of vodka.
15 Oct 2020   #313
What event and what guy are they?

Is it meant to be Jesus? The day is Easter Monday and the only significance I can think of in Poland is Śmigus-dyngus, Wet Monday, but that doesn't appear to be relevant. He looks like he's begging but not sure what's in his left hand.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
15 Oct 2020   #314
Its lickle jesus with his tit out and scrounging zl to buy a flaska of vodka.

Only scrounging is a fact here. Although, I am not sure about that vodka.

The day is Easter Monday

Nope. Check it again, please.

He looks like he's begging but not sure what's in his left hand.

It is an object widely used by ancient beggars.
17 Oct 2020   #315
Check it again, please.

It was a Tuesday....

What event and what guy are they?

I think it is Rękawka Festival. An annual pagan festival at Krakus Mound.,33,komunikat,juz_dzis_tradycyjne_swieto_rekawki_w_krakowie.html

I am probably wrong here, but I was wondering if the guy is meant to be a leper and not just a peasant begging. I kept looking at the wooden thing in his left hand. Lepers in medieval times carried something like that and it was called a clapper. Its job was to warn people of a leper's approach so that people could keep away from them.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
17 Oct 2020   #316
Yes, yes, yes!!! hahahaha Perfect.

So, let`s see a new challenge: What and why? The date plays a role, too.

18 Oct 2020   #317
No idea at the moment. I can't see what's in the bags, and the rest is water and juice. The date doesn't stand out either although it's within Lent.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
18 Oct 2020   #318
I see. Don`t worry, here are some tips:
Juice, yes. How many cartons and why?
What do you think is there in the bags?
Where is it placed?
The date plays a role but not as a fixed or annual holiday, sth else happened around it - quite important.
mafketis  38 | 10911
18 Oct 2020   #319
Stockpiling refreshments for the rona?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
18 Oct 2020   #320
You are close but I don`t know what rona is. RONA?
mafketis  38 | 10911
18 Oct 2020   #321

"the rona" (or "the 'rona") is an abbreviation of coronavirus
OP pawian  219 | 24792
18 Oct 2020   #322
Oh, I see. If so, then you won! They declared the quarantine on 12th March and on the next day we went to do big shopping in case shops were to be closed down. We spent over 1000 PLN but no food was wasted - we used up everything.
gumishu  16 | 6182
18 Oct 2020   #323
that special term,

doomsday preachers?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
18 Oct 2020   #324
You are close but it is not preachers, another word which starts with pre-.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
18 Oct 2020   #326
Oh, yes, exactly.
22 Oct 2020   #327
Stockpiling refreshments for the rona?

Well done maf, I wouldn't have got the answer to that at all. I was looking for something of more significance.

Juice, yes. How many cartons and why?

What is the relevance of the number of cartons? Obviously you were going to buy quite a few if you were stockpiling...........
Lenka  5 | 3484
22 Oct 2020   #328
What is the relevance of the number of cartons?

2 per kid?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
22 Oct 2020   #329
I was looking for something of more significance.

That was a very serious matter. We purchased 2.5 more items than usual.

Obviously you were going to buy quite a few if you were stockpiling..........

But during our usual weekly shopping we don`t buy 20 cartons - 5 are enough.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
22 Oct 2020   #330
What is it?

  • 2018b246.jpg

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