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Lovely trips to Poland - Warsaw and Wrocław, Krakow and Warsaw, Poznań and Gdańsk

Dzien99  1 | 1
14 Mar 2019   #1
Dzień dobry / cześć!

I'm an Indian guy who traveled to Poland in 2017 and absolutely loved it. I'd love to make more trips and see your beautiful country and interact with your amazing people.

I was studying in the UK and made a few Polish friends at my university. This prompted me to travel to Poland. I took three different trips, albeit these were just day trips (one day in each city, clearly not enough!)

Trip 1 - Warsaw and Wrocław
Trip 2 - Krakow and Warsaw
Trip 3 - Poznań and Gdańsk

Thanks to Ryanair and their cheap flights, I was able to discover 5 fascinating cities in Poland. I had delicious veggie Polish food, had lots of amazing Polish beer, and met really cool Polish people. I traveled in the PKP Intercity and really enjoyed it. I walked around and enjoyed the cool weather. I admired your amazing architecture. And I admire Poland (and the V4) as they stand strong against illegal immigration in the face of the migrant crisis - hope other European countries would follow suit!

I'd love to make more trips to Poland and see more parts of your brilliant country. In the process, I hope to do my part in promoting India-Poland people to people relations and enable our respective citizens to gain appreciation of each others' cultures.

Since I'm no longer in the UK, traveling is a tad expensive so I'm saving up money for another Poland trip, perhaps in 2020 or 2021. Would love further suggestions on what to see, do, and perhaps even make more Polish friends!

Do widzenia!
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
14 Mar 2019   #2
Thank you for your kind words. Your opinion is a bit too flattering and thus may look suspicious. Could you please add some critical comments which will make your opinion a little more trustworthy?
OP Dzien99  1 | 1
14 Mar 2019   #3
Honestly nothing negative. However due to my appearance, I could have been mistaken for someone of a different region/religion (maybe Middle East or Gypsy - just my guess, I could be wrong and overthinking!) and that got me some stares, most of which were out of curiosity, but a minority made me feel a tad uncomfortable. That being said, majority of the experiences I had were positive.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Mar 2019   #4
Trip 1 - Warsaw and Wrocław
Trip 2 - Krakow and Warsaw
Trip 3 - Poznań and Gdańsk

Well, you mentioned the cities which are located in western or central Poland. How about visiting an eastern one, too. Lublin is a real pearl:
17 Mar 2019   #5
Would love further suggestions on what to see

I would definitely go east. I did a trip a few years ago to Rzeszów, Zamość, Lublin and Przemyśl travelling by train. Plenty to see and do. I would love to go back and see more of that part of the country to be honest.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
17 Mar 2019   #6
If you get the chance, I really recommend a trip to Brest in Belarus. Large parts of it actually resemble pre-war Poland, and it's a timewarp in terms of how early 1990's would have looked in Poland. The journey from Warsaw to Terespol is beautiful as well - much more so than I would have guessed, especially once you get past Biała Podlaska.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
17 Mar 2019   #7
I admire Poland (and the V4) as they stand strong against illegal immigration in the face of the migrant crisis

Yeah,yeah,yeah...... I suppose you are similar the gentleman of Asian descent at British customs who asked me what the purpose of my visit was, to my own country. I wouldn't ask an Asian what the purpose of his visa was, as that's his business, visa in hand. No, I kindly suggest you go and do one, you racist.

our opinion is a bit too flattering and thus may look suspicious.

Yes, you're sharper than my good self, but I felt so insulted by this loon that I didn't get much further than his over-zealous first paragraph. Of course you are right.

It's a wind up. Now, which poster here is it?
Shitonya Brits
17 Mar 2019   #8
If you get the chance, I really recommend a trip to Brest in Belarus. Large parts of it actually resemble pre-war Poland

How can you "really recommend" a country (and a totalitarian one at that) which has even less racial diversity than Poland?

As a diversity hustler you yourself agreed in another post that "whiteness" is so dull and depressing hence the immediate need for more diversity.

Surely your trip had to have been a waste of your time. You had to have left extremely disappointed and disgusted with the lack of BAME owned and themed shops and restaurants in Belarus.

As you previously agreed a lack of "choice" is unhealthy and diversity only makes people smarter.

One can only conclude then that a trip to Belarus would only make a person sicker and dumber than before they arrived.

You really need to clarify your endorsement or retract it.
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Mar 2019   #9
Your frustration and envy are blinding you like hell. :):) You got everybody mixed up. Funny. :)
Shitonya Brits
17 Mar 2019   #10
Not at all. The topic is about Poland and trips to Polish cities. Your GoogleMaps-dependent cohort went off-topic by talking about totalitarian Belarus (which by the way has strained diplomatic relations with Poland) and how it charmingly reminded him of pre-war Poland.

So why does someone like him (like you) who champions diversity and who not only lives in the whitest parts of Poland but coos nostalgia for a by-gone Polish era when he (like you) has no personal connection to it?

Now that's what's mixed up!
pawian  226 | 27817
17 Mar 2019   #11
No, dear, you addressed delph, thinking you were talking to me. That`s what you got mixed up and that is why I said fury/envy/frustration are blinding you all the time. :):)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jun 2024   #12
I traveled to Poland, an underrated destination filled with cheap good food, culture, and history.
Here are 5 reasons you should add it to your next Europe trip.
I found this very interesting because the Polish members here just don't share such information often enough.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jun 2024   #13
an underrated destination filled with cheap good food, culture, and history.

This sounds a bit like Transylvania.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #14
This sounds a bit like Transylvania

Or Algeria.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jun 2024   #15
This sounds a bit like Transylvania.

Are you comparing Poland to Transylvania ?
Have you ever been to those areas in Poland ?
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jun 2024   #16
Have you ever been to those areas in Poland ?

Unfortunately, your link shows a page that does not exist.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jun 2024   #17
I wonder what happened to it as it was very informative about Poland.
Thats to bad.
When was the last time you visited Poland, Alien ?
Have you ever visit Poland ?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #18
very informative about Poland.

All very mainstream destinations.
Alien  26 | 6527
15 Jun 2024   #19
Have you ever visit Poland ?

What a question. It's like me asking you if you ever went to a nearby town for ice cream. Europe is small.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jun 2024   #20
When was the last time you were in Poland ?

All very mainstream destinations.

Actually they weren't.
This girl really did a nice job on her travels in Poland on the off beat paths.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jun 2024   #21
Travelling from Germany to Poland takes an hour if you live close enough to the border and a few hours if further.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
15 Jun 2024   #22
It takes me 9 1/2 hours to drive from one end of Michigan to the other. (640 miles)
Europe must be tiny.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Jun 2024   #23
Europe must be tiny.

Check you facts buster, Europe may be composed of many different countries but it is bigger than the USA.
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jun 2024   #24
Europe must be tiny.

Not so tiny as Japan but not as big as Africa.

it is bigger than the USA.

Only when including Russia. You trecherous Russia lover!!!! Go to Novi for a handshake and milkshake!!!
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #25
Actually they weren't

They were.

She went to Warsaw and Lublin. Odd that you should pretend that either of them are "off the beaten track".

Europe may be composed of many different countries but it is bigger than the USA.

And we shouldn't forget that most of the 640 miles that Jailbird Jim drives through is empty.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Jun 2024   #26
And we shouldn't forget that most of the 640 miles that Jailbird Jim drives through is empty.
@ jon357

Exactly! nobody lives there!
pawian  226 | 27817
15 Jun 2024   #27
That`s good. You live in crowded city sewers and look what it has made of you.
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Jun 2024   #28
crowded city sewers

Milo lives somewhere nice and leafy and I live between a large forest and a large river. No sewers, though I'd not drink the tap water in Michigan.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Jun 2024   #29
Milo lives somewhere nice and leafy

I do and it's not crowded as pawian claims.As for sewers, we have them of course,just as pawian does, but we don't live in them, as I am sure pawian does not either.

But his constant trolling abuse is annoying.

I live between a large forest and a large river

Again, not in a sewer but in a pleasant Polish suburb.

though I'd not drink the tap water in Michigan.

Me neither, I think they all have to buy bottled water over there.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Jun 2024   #30
Looks like the troll pawian has finally toddled off to his cot.Mum has tucked him up, put a dummy in his mouth, sorted!

Home / Travel / Lovely trips to Poland - Warsaw and Wrocław, Krakow and Warsaw, Poznań and Gdańsk
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