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Greatest Old Towns in Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #61
For a long time I believed the longest market square in Poland and Europe belongs to Pszczyna in Silesia. Recently I found out it is in Pułtusk not far from Warsaw. 400 metres long.

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jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #62

It's a lovely town. The rynek (works better as "town square" rather than market square") is about 30 metres longer than the second longest in Europe, which is in Dublin.

Of course Plac Defilad in Warsaw is longer but I never think of that as a square since most of it is taken up with a very nice large building.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #63
"town square" rather than market square")

Market square is better coz it reminds of the primary commercial function of the square. :):):)

It's a lovely town.

Hmm, I have doubts seeing those cars parked there. Spoils the view somehow.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #64
Market square is better

Not in English.It doesn't work well since it's more than just market stalls.

Spoils the view somehow.

A Polish thing. Too many cars, not enough discreet parking or car-free zones. They should pedestrianise that town square and have some public art there.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #65
Not in English

This is Poland discussed in the Polish forum, not England in the English forum. Get a grip. :):):) The English language is just a tool we exploit. As intelligent humans or apes, we shape our own tools at will according to our needs. Ha!!!

pedestrianise that town square and have some public art

Give them some time. Rome wasn`t built in a year or sth.

I believed the longest market square in Poland and Europe belongs to Pszczyna in Silesi

Here is the market square in Pszczyna: greenery and no cars

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jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #66
Polish forum,

In English. Do try to use the correct names for things instead of being a twat.

The English language is just a tool we exploit

It's a living language; the world's richest. By all means say rubbish like "I am Agnes" (no you aren't, you're Agnieszka) or use awful non-words like "trainings" if you want to look bad.


The town square? It looks boring. Olkusz has a nicer one and at least the brothels are good there.
Alien  26 | 6528
30 May 2024   #67
at least the brothels are good there.

How do you know?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #68

:):):) I need to ask you again to show the remnants of the famous British dignity which might have been left in you. Or there is none at all??? :):):)

It's a living language

Exactly, coz we are shaping it as we want. Ha!!!

Olkusz has a nicer one

Prove it! Ha!!!
Probably you meant the market square in Olsztyn, not Olkusz. They sound very similar to British ear.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #69
How do you know?

That`s what I don`t like about that British poster. Whenever a native Pole or Poless disagrees with his inflated ego spreading false opinions on Poland, he responds with vulgarities. Zero dignity. If Cromwell had commanded such soldiers, he would have never become a dictator. hahahaha

twat. brothels

Hey, jon, check out what market square is.
jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #70

No such word.

he would have never become a dictator

He wasn't. A good man who introduced the first written constitution in modern Europe.

market square

Not the same as a town square.

Olkusz. They sound very similar to British ear

No Olkusz. And some of us have lived in PL almost as long as most Poles.

How do you know?

I've stayed in one. A company tries to save money by booking a cheap hotel rather than the main one in town. It was full or lorry drivers and tarts. My knickers were stolen from the room.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #71
And some of us have lived in PL almost as long as most Poles.

And some of you have become a nasty mixture - neither British nor Polish. You can`t forget your British roots and never fully accepted Polish ways. It shows in your posts about Poland.

My knickers were stolen

Bs. You simply lost them coz you drank too much, like a typical British tourist on a weekend trip to Poland. hahahaha
jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #72
Why assimilate, Agnes?

Anyway, back to the topic, the best town square is certainly Zamość.

For small towns, maybe Szydłowiec. Not beautiful but us some character.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 May 2024   #73
Why assimilate,

Probably in order not to annoy locals when they see how aliens trample on the old traditions. :):):)

Anyway, back to the topic, square

Wrong! Sticking to the topic here is discussing Old Towns, not market squares. :):):) You see? Arguing with people and apes blinds you.


You probably meant Szydłów - I can`t blame you coz those names indeed may look similar to British eye.

Szydłów is a peculiar place coz its historical Old Town is the only district in it - the whole town is located within the medieval city walls which were reconstructed a few years ago.

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jon357  72 | 23654
30 May 2024   #74
aliens trample on the old traditions

Or just follow their own, as Poles often choose to do when abroad.

Old Towns, not

Old town centres generally have squares. I know one in western Poland, a town that was formerly German that has three. Originally, the biggest one was for the German Protestants with the Town Hall and their church there, a smaller one was for the Polish Catholics with their church there and the third, called ul. Szeroka was for Jewish people and had their Synagogue in.

You probably meant Szydłów - I can`t blame you coz those names indeed may look similar to British eye.

How strange. I know both places and was thinking specifically of Szydłowiec.

Szydłów is a peculiar place coz its historical Old Town

Yes it is. Quite a distinct character though what stood out when I was last there was a feeling of poverty. In some of the shops there seemed to be more alcohol than food.

If you don't know Szydłowiec, it's worth you visiting as a tourist; there isn't much to do however it has an interesting church and a generally nice atmosphere. The Town Hall, right in the middle of the Town Square is a particularly fine example of its type.

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