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Need advice where to visit/party in Poland..Krakow?

9 Aug 2011   #1
hi everyone, I will be in Germany/Poland/Chezc this September and want to know where to visit with only a few days coming from Berlin. I will be with a few buddies and we are all ~27 years old. We plan on starting in Berlin then heading to Poland then making our way down to Prague then end in Munich for Oktoberfest..suggestions are greatly appreciated. Also and suggestions on how to travel between places will be appreciated as well.

gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Aug 2011   #2
yes definitely Kraków - the travel from Kraków back to Prague is shorter than from Warsaw or Gdańsk - and Kraków is the nicest city in Poland for a short visit - definitely most tourist oriented - perhaps not as beautiful as Prague (I have been in Prague years ago but I can't really say I have seen Prague - just a ride through no sightseeing) - but has big historic appeal and it is great just to walk around the Kraków Rynek - it's kind a magical

Dommie B.
9 Aug 2011   #3
There's plenty to see along the way.

Poznan is the logical choice. It's on the way, and the layout of the city means that you can see a lot in single day.

Things to see:

Koziołki- at 12:00 noon in the tower of the town hall in the square, two mechanical goats come out and butt heads. It's very popular, and my mother and brothers were so impressed that they wanted to see it again the next day. There's always a crowd gathered to see them.

Model of the old city- in the Franciscan Monastery right by the square. A model of the medieval city with a 30-min show explaining the history of the city. Headphones are available with an English translation. I've seen it at least a dozen times and I never get tired of it.

The National Museum, right next to the model. Great if you are into art. Whenever I take groups there, they always want to stay longer.

The Parish Church (Kościół farny) right off the main square. An IMPRESSIVE baroque Jesuit church that has been recently renovated. One of the architectural gems of Poland.

The musical instrument museum right on the main square. It's pretty cool.

The archeological muzeum right off the square is also worth seeing.

The Cathedral is impressive. After the war, it was restored to its original early gothic state, and the result is amazing. Make sure you see it when the sun is high, as the lighting really brings out the effect.

The Old Brewery (Stary Browar). A GIGANTIC old brewery that has been converted into a HUGE shopping mall. The architecture is impressive.

One of the best restaurants in Poland in my opinion is Warung Bali, an Indonesian restaurant just off the main square on Ulica Żydowska. If your with a group, order the group meal. My culinarally picky family loved it.

Nightlife around the square is quite good. For beer, don't miss Browaria on the Square. They make their own beer on the premises and it's excellent.

I live in Wrocław, which is also on the way for you and also worth seeing. I often take vistors and my student groups to Poznań, though, because everythig is so close together that you can see a lot in a short time.

If you rent a car, things along the way to the Czech border include Wrocław (amazing Old Town), Ksiaż Castle, and the underground Nazi city in Osówka right near the Czech border (there are several entrances, but use the MAIN one). The tour there lasts up to three hours, and it's mind-boggling. You can cross the Czech border at Kudowa Zdrój, stopping at the Chaple of Skulls right before Kudowa.

If you're travelling by train, at least stop in Wrocław. The Town Square is the best in Poland, and nearby is the Racławicka Panorama, which is also impressive (headphones with English explanation are available). Eat at Mexico Bar near the square (authentic, I lived in San Diego so I know what good Mexican food is), or have Golonka (roasted pork shank) at Piwnicka Świdnicka in the cellar of the town square; it's the oldest restaurant in Poland. Remember to eat the skin quickly before it gets cold and hard. Have beer outside at Spiż and Bierhalle on the square, too. If you stay there overnight, a visit to the zoo/Japanese garden/Centenial Hall/Pergola complex is worthwhile. The multimedia show at the fountain there is worth checking out in the evening.

Have fun!
gumishu  15 | 6228
9 Aug 2011   #4
there is a direct night train from Kraków to Prague =pl/node/146&ld=pkp&seqnr=6&ident=3g.02371129.1312873696&
you arrive in Prague in the morning

you can book seats in the train but only in their ticket offices on the main railway station (seems no booking online for the train but you can try maybe you have more luck than me) (booking is optional but can be adviseable in the summertime) - there are also sleeping carriages/couchettes on the train

there is also a direct train from Berlin to Kraków departing from Berlin Hauptbanhof (Hbf) 5/?q=pl/node/146&ld=pkp&seqnr=3&dent=ba.091129.1312874827&

there is also a direct train from Berlin to Kraków departing from Berlin Hauptbanhof (Hbf)

this is a EuroCity train so I guess they serve food on board
OP mattss
10 Aug 2011   #5
thanks everyone for your responses and suggestions. I think we will be starting in Amsterdam and skipping Berlin now to fit in a little Poland. It looks like Krakow is quite a bit inland and there don't seem to be any flights on easyjet or ryanair. Looks like Wroclaw is close to Prague which might be a better/easier choice? We are looking for somewhere fun (nightlife) for ~2days and a place which has some great food would be a huge plus.

Anywhere other than Wroclaw that has awesome nightlife and would be easy to travel to/from?

Thanks all your help is MUCH appreciated! Specific nightclubs/bars/food places would be great too.
23 Jan 2012   #6
Merged: where to go to eat and party in Krakow?

Hi, me and a group of friends are coming to krakow at the start of february, i'm just wondering what would be the best places to go for something to eat, and the nightlife, we will be there from a monday to wednesday, two nights, we are all 21 and students, thanks
phtoa  9 | 236
23 Jan 2012   #7

There are plenty of places for both good food and nightlife.

When you come go eat at Pod Wawelem! Amazing place, very close to the main square (towards kazimierz) its very cheap and they serve huge portions! Also mamma mia serves really good pizzas and other italian dishes.

If you are looking for bars just go to Kazimierz, there are plenty, especially alchemia is really cool, but also zaraz wracam is worth a visit (this is my favorite place)

If you are looking for clubing just go to Rynek (main sqaure) there a plenty of clubs. But if you like Dubstep/Hip hop/Rock go to this amazing club called Fabryka, its a bit outsite the main square in podgorze, but it is the best club in town!
23 Jan 2012   #8
what sort of spending money do you think we will require?
phtoa  9 | 236
24 Jan 2012   #9
Well lets say you come here just to get wasted and have a good time, then you would spend lets say 250 PLN pr. night your here (includes food, and all you can drink throughout a night)

So if we excluded hostels, flight, etc. but only talk about the living expanses for the few days of binge drinking, id say you would all have a freaking awesome time for 500 PLN a pop. Which is suppose is only around 100 punds.
local_fela  17 | 172
24 Apr 2012   #10
Merged: What to visit in Krakow?

Hi, I am going to Krakow for 2 nights! the first day will be over due to travel and a job fair! I have Sunday from 10am to lets say 10pm! I wanted to know what I can visit in minimum money! I don't know much about that City! I think one 12 hours is enough to visit most of the places in the City as it can't be bigger than Paris which we visited in less than 12 hours when we went there last August!

thank you!
24 Apr 2012   #11
Paris in 12 hrs? That is really funny....

You remind me of a guy (not Polish for that matter) I had once met while traveling across Europe. I asked: 'Have you seen Amsterdam?' He replied: 'When I was there, I got off the Central Station in Amsterdam, went out of the building and looked around and decided it was not interesting, so I moved on to the next city.' :-)
local_fela  17 | 172
24 Apr 2012   #12
Paris in 12 hrs? That is really funny

Well, Arc de Triomph, La tour Eiffel, and others! What do you think i am going to camp in once place and keep staring at it? lol
24 Apr 2012   #13
Sorry local-fella, I just could not resist. Krakow is on google somewhere, in your case 6 hrs will be enough :-)
Peter Cracow
25 Apr 2012   #14
I can visit in minimum money!

1. You should avoid traps like Galeria Krakowska or Sukiennice.
2. You can walk to many places: through King's Road, Wawel's Hill, Kazimierz District or Kopiec Kościuszki.
3. Podgórze - Austrian District behind the Vistula river has cheaper food than the centre.
The rest depends on your interests.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
25 Apr 2012   #15
Podgórze - Austrian District behind the Vistula river has cheaper food than the centre.

Had a really nice meal there.

Bolesława Limanowskiego 11, Kraków, Poland
14 Jul 2014   #16
If you want to go clubbing in Poland start with it's a portal with a lot of tips for tourists and great listings of clubs and events worth visiting :)
8 Apr 2019   #17
Maybe you should consider visiting Warsaw too?It is only 3 hours ride by train form Krakow and will give you completly new perspective on Poland.If you are into clubing then I would recommend right there in Warsaw. Amazing place to have a drink or even full-meal dinner.
27 Feb 2022   #18

Party advice

Hi there! Will be visiting Krakow next week for a few days for the first time and wanted to go out either Wednesday or Thursday evening (anywhere that plays electronic music). Best bars/clubs to go out on those days? Also how easy/difficult is it to find some coke or mdma?
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Feb 2022   #19
Are you crazy? Ukraine is bleeding, Poles are busy organising aid and anxious about the next move of mad Putin and you are coming for a fekking coke party in Krakow???
Joker  2 | 2458
27 Feb 2022   #20
and you are coming for a fekking coke party in Krakow???

Its Hunter Biden on a reconnaissance mission for daddy...sssssh!

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