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Tuition fees at American School of Wroclaw?

5 Oct 2016   #1
Would anyone know what is the tuition fee for one child at the American School of Wroclaw?
DominicB  - | 2706
6 Oct 2016   #2
Last time I heard it was 1600 PLN a month. Might be a little more now. There's nothing "American" about the school. It's run by Indians. It does not have a good reputation in the town, especially among teachers. (I lived in Wrocław for eight years). Sorry, but I am very suspicious of a school that markets itself as "American" only to deceive gullible foreigners.
OP MiraBella
6 Oct 2016   #3
Thank you for your reply, Dominic. Is there an international school in Wroclaw that you'd recommend?
DominicB  - | 2706
6 Oct 2016   #4
Really, the only realistic option in Wrocław is the British International School of Wrocław. It's quite expensive, about 4300 PLN a month. I'm not endorsing it, but it is far better than the "American" School of Wrocław, which is a complete waste of money, even at the cheaper price.

Frankly, there isn't much of a choice of English language schools outside of Warsaw because there are very few ex-pats who live in Poland with their families. Most ex-pats come to Poland on their own, with no intention of staying more than a year or two. They leave their families at home in the interim, not least because of the difficulty in finding good and affordable educational options for their children.

It may be cheaper to hire a private tutor for your children if you come to Poland. However, I do not know anything about how that can be done in Poland. Perhaps other posters have experience with that.

How old is your child? If of high school age, then I can recommend the IB program at Ekola, which is taught in English. I used to tutor a kid who went there, and was quite impressed by the quality of the program. Unfortunately, their lower levels are taught in Polish. However, it may be a good idea to contact them about setting up a homeschooling program or other solution. They are pretty competent people.
OP MiraBella
6 Oct 2016   #5
My kids will be in grade 4 and 7. What is your opinion on Wroclaw International School or it's sister school ATUT (I know that's Polish school with extended English)?

As for homeschooling, I could register with homeschooling here at home and simply teach my kids Canadian curriculum while in Poland, but I'd like them to have exposure to Polish language and culture on daily basis. Any suggestions or thoughts?
DominicB  - | 2706
7 Oct 2016   #6
I have no particular knowledge of WIS, except knowing that it is rather expensive. Whether it is worth it or not, someone else will have to answer.

Homeschooling with additional tutors would probably be the way to go. The kids will learn a lot more Polish from a private tutor than from "absorption" in a school with Polish speaking pupils. University students suffice and are quite affordable. For social contact with Polish children, afterschool activities will probably be the best way to go, like sports and the like.

It all depends on how long you plan to stay in Poland, how much you want your children to speak Polish and integrate, and, most importantly, where you want your children to attend university, which is probably not Poland. And, of course, how much cash you have to burn. A good school is going to cost you about 9000 PLN a month for two kids. That's more than $3000 Canadian.

A lot, too, depends on how adaptable your children are. If they are outgoing, enterprising and adventurous, it will be a lot easier for them than if they are shy and sensitive.

The big problem, as I said before, is that there are very few ex-pats living in Poland with their families, at least outside of Warsaw, and this makes it difficult to form an ex-pat community that can provide basic needs like education. In all my eight years in Poland, I rarely encountered expats with children, and in all cases they were men married to Polish women, with children born and raised in Poland. By far most ex-pats I met were men without families or who left their families at home for the duration of the contract.

Coming to Poland with children in tow requires a great deal of research, analysis, planning, ingenuity, sacrifice and, most importantly, cold hard cash. And that has to be balanced against preparing and saving up for your kids' university education. Even coming with only spouse in tow is a bit of a challenge. Provided that you or your spouse is a high level consultant or administrator getting paid in Western wages while in Poland, it's doable, but even then it's not going to be easy. I wish you luck in all you do!
SpaceTraveler  - | 2
6 May 2018   #7
@MiraBella - We are in the research phase and would appreciate any updates that you could offer about the schools. Which one did you end up choosing and are you satisfied with it? Our teenagers are in advanced classes currently (English, math, science, gifted classes, etc), but do not know any Polish. Have your children experienced any bullying or anything else that might be concerning to you?

@ Dominic - Thank you for the feedback. Is the consensus on the American school still negative? What are your thoughts onthe children attending the Wroclaw International School for 1-2 years before switching to Ekola? We are open to the idea of a private tutor, but would definitely want to have them in after school activities that would allow them to assimilate and make friends.

Thank you both!
9 Sep 2018   #8
I am looking to relocate to Wroclaw and exploring schooling options for my 3 year old child. Can you please suggest a good reference and approximate cost each month. I am looking for English schools.
mafketis  38 | 11277
10 Sep 2018   #9
Are you also looking for the school to accomodate weird dietary restrictions?
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Sep 2018   #10
Once upon a time when I was teaching the Senior Infants ie ages 5 to 6, there was a child in the class whose mother didn't like her to have too much sugar 'cos it makes her hyper, Miss'. Anyway we had some special day in school and there were sweets for the children to eat while they watched a film in the classroom. The sweets were put on the tables and it was a 'help yourself' scenario. Anyway I told the child she was allowed to have six sweeties and I put them on a little plate for her and off I went about my business. A while later one of the kids came up to me 'Oh teacher Dionne is stuffin' her face'. Over I went to the table to investigate 'Dionne, how many sweets did I say you could have?' 'Six, teacher' 'And how many DID you have?' 'Loads!'. :))

There was another mother who didn't want her child to eat anything orange!!
20 Sep 2018   #11
Any updates on this? We have a 14 and 12 year old that we currently homeschool in the US. They dont speak polish but understand basics. I would be open to homeschooling but heard that you basically have to test them on the same material as the polish school so I might as well send them to the Polish school, it just makes no sense to me even with a tutor.
jon357  72 | 23665
20 Sep 2018   #12
There was another mother who didn't want her child to eat anything orange!!

I can belive that all too easily. A friend who teaches reception class at Primary school says that some of the parents are the bane of her life. Particularly ones who have unusual or strong religious views, or food fads like 'raw food' diets. She described the anti-vaxxer nuts as being "a different level of crazy".

At least in Polish schools they are less likely to indulge eccentricity. I don't generally like a 'one size fits all' approach, however sometimes it has its advantages.

Re the American School, they might be more open to accommodating oddities than the main Polish system.
14 Jan 2021   #13
Completely awful institution. Do a little research to quickly find it is not an accredited English school. ASW lies to parents/staff in order to apply the costly tuition. This school scams, belittles, and deflects any shocking concerns you have with the details of ASW. A simple fact to look into is why there are fewer English hours of instruction versus Polish. Even if this has changed with its new million-dollar school (how can a former yoga-teaching principal afford such a brand new institution in less than 10 years...hmmm), it is completely illegal since they still are notarized as a POLISH private school with the government and taxes. Your tuition goes to disgusting and reused cafeteria food, limited school supplies, uncertified&unqualified teachers, and the pockets of a tyrant who compulsively lies through her teeth. Ignorance will have your money and time going to a great cause; the pockets of a professional con artist.

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