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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2020   #241
Dear members, tomorrow is the Teacher`s Day in Poland.

Best wishes to all representatives of the noble profession of a teacher in this forum and elsewhere. Coz you are the salt of this earth, the cornerstones rejected by builders, the stones thrown by God onto a bulwark etc

Happy Teacher`s Day to you! Your wisdom, dedication, and kindness will always lead students to the right path and inspire them to be better human beings. Dear teachers, you are the guiding light which inspires students to dream big and then offers them resources to achieve it. Your words, attitude, and actions have made such a positive difference in them ! You are the bearer of light in this pit of darkness. You know exactly how to illuminate a soul with its own light. All the efforts and hard works you invested to bring out the best in students can never be repaid in mere words. Thank you for planting the seeds that are going to last a lifetime! You guided students when they were lost, you supported them when they were weak, you enthusiastically enjoyed each minute success of theirs. .

You are not just a teacher, but a true inspiration to students. You did not just do your job, but a lot more than this. Thank you and have a wonderful Teacher's Day!

Who are you?

Dirk was one of the naughtiest and most rebellious students in my class. He was a pain but we worked on him and achieved wonderful results. Coz we are Unbreakable Inkpots.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Oct 2020   #242
tomorrow is the Teacher`s Day in Poland.

You are paid a pittance , you should strike and get a decent wage for the important work you do.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2020   #243
Hmm, I will be honest with you - I think I get decent money enough as a certified teacher - it`s the last step in the career ladder. That is why I don`t feel the need to go on strike. The job is easy - I treat it more as hobby than work.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
13 Oct 2020   #244
I think I get decent money enough as a certified teacher

5000zl !!!!!!!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
13 Oct 2020   #245
Well, happy teachers day to you tomorrow pawian
Hoping that you enjoy it
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Oct 2020   #246
Thank you. Tomorrow is a a free day for most students and teachers due to the virus threat. However, I am not going to chill out as I should. Firstly, I will be hanging around the forum and teaching members about Poland and the USA. Also, I am going to teach my kids, even the adult ones - they still need English practice.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Oct 2020   #247
In another thread I said that PiS government did nothing to prepare the educational system for online learning in the second wave of covid.
What exactly hasn`t been done since March through summer holidays till today?:

- there is no nationwide online education platform operated by Ministry of Education specialists
- there are no deals with internet providers to offer better connections to households with kids covered by online learning, especially in the countryside
- there are no trainings for teachers or parents how to use all available options of online learning.

Things they have done? Useless site with lesson scenarios - far too few to be of real importance for teachers - e..g, foreign languages are not included. Funny. . And TV programmes which turned out a stand up cabaret mocked in mems and jokes.

Why are PiS rightards such morons??????

Remember, dear students, diameter should be measured with a thermometer.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Oct 2020   #248
Online learning for high schools and unis in major cities since next Monday.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Oct 2020   #249
The kind of students I like to deal with is the ones who have a hobby in which they have a constant contact with English - they know a lot of words and phrases and are usually very good at face-to-face communication

What hobbies do some of my talented students practise? :
playing online games internationally .
reading and watching mangha comic stories and cartoons
watching youtube films about one`s fav subject - particularly - history of WW2

last but not least - listening to songs of one`s fav singers or groups. That was myhobby when young - probably in my archives I still keep those yellowish sheets of A4 paper with typewritten lyrics of rock songs - I put down the translations and then tried to memorise them.

I remember a funny conversation with certain father - he complained his son spent whole days playing silly games and didn`t want to study. I told him that his son was very good at English and I could only wish all my students were like him. The father was very surprised and left in thoughful silence.

However, there is a problem when such students need to revise for a test - then they usually skip the revision, believing they are so good they will get excellent results anyway. That is mostly not so easy, though.
23 Oct 2020   #250
So they never play outside? Bloody introverts.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
24 Oct 2020   #251
Who said they never play outside???
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2020   #252
Some of my students refused to attend online classes today saying they were on strike to show the disapproval of the regime`s actions. Some had been present in the morning but skipped the afternoon class to go to a demo in the centre.

I am so proud of them - they are fighting for their rights like true Poles. Like 303 Squadron pilots. Like cursed soldiers in 1940s. Like Solidarity in 1980s. Fighting against corrupted inhumane murderous regimes.

We, Polish teachers, haven`t wasted that time since 1989. We taught our youth well.

The seed for a new Poland has been sowed and is slowly growing.

Rightards, beware! This revolution will sweep you away from politics and a truly democratic, free and equal country will be born.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Oct 2020   #253
Like 303 Squadron pilots.

They didn't fight for abortion.

Like cursed soldiers in 1940s.

They didn't fight for abortion.

Like Solidarity in 1980s.

They didn't fight for abortion.

corrupted inhumane murderous regimes.

They're called communists for short.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2020   #254
They didn't fight for abortion.

They all fought for the freedom of both the peoples and individuals after murderous regimes imposed their inhumane laws on Poles.

We call them communists for short.

Not only, darling, 303 pilots fought against Nazis, too.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Oct 2020   #255
Not a single one of them fought for the freedom to have future generations of Poles murdered in the womb by self-centered irresponsible mothers who virtue signal in public with banners welcoming grifting, integration-refusing, economic migrants from the third world.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2020   #256
Not a single one of them fought for the freedom

Actually, all of them fought for freedom of choice. You are lousy at Polish history, darling.

Today old Warsaw insurgents protest when Kaczyński wears a badge of Underground Poland coz they consider it a disgrace to all freedom fighters who died for free Poland and free Poles.

Read this article - use Chrome browser - there is an option of instant translation from Polish into English - but you probably already know about it.

Female Warsaw insurgents protest and support young women fighting for their rights
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
28 Oct 2020   #257
Remember, dear students, diameter should be measured with a thermometer.

I have always measured diameter with a thermometer, thank you.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
28 Oct 2020   #258
my students refused to attend online classes today saying they were on strike

They found the first excuse to get away from you. Who could blame them?

You are lousy at Polish history

On the contrary, you are lousy at your propaganda and your communist revisionism of Polish history.

old Warsaw insurgents protest


That's the oldest leftist tactic in the book. Leftists like you typically despise the military but will gladly trot out some old male-hating hags who once wore a Girl Scout uniform thinking it will suddenly change public opinion. It doesn't work because everyone knowns you can't win the argument through debate alone.

Seriously, these Red Wanda characters you admire are not representative of their generation who actually fought to defend and preserve Poland for future generations of Poles.

If these "insurgents" you cuckold yourself to are happy to see unborn Poles murdered in the womb then they never fought for Poland at any point in their lives.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2020   #259
some old male-hating hags

Please, do not insult the Polish freedom fighters, they deserve full merit for what they did for Poland. Those who survived their heroic struggle against Nazis were imprisoned and persecuted by commies after the war. Why do you side with Nazis and commies? You are an abusive rightard svoloch. If those insurgents could read your words, they would spit into your ugly face for being such scum. I am doing it on their behalf: tfuuuu!

That's the oldest leftist tactic in the book.

Yes, we know you study books on manipulation and effective black propaganda, you admitted to it last year.

Female Warsaw insurgents going to Nazi captivity after the capitulation.

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jon357  72 | 23654
28 Oct 2020   #260
we know you study books on manipulation and effective black propaganda, you admitted

He hasn't learnt much, has he...

male-hating hags

Most of the female protestors are married or partnered. Couples and families are taking part. The only 'males' they hate are incels.

measured diameter with a thermometer

I use an anemometer.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Oct 2020   #261
He hasn't learnt much, has he...

It is an uneducated rightard svoloch which sides with Nazis and commies. So, once again, but bigger one: Tfuuuuuuu!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Oct 2020   #262
A curious case. During an online chemistry lesson in a high school in Gdańsk, some students displayed avatars with the lightning sign. The teacher, a female, ordered to take them down immediately, Students refused and left the lesson.

Wow! This is the generation that will shape Poland anew. I am so proud of them.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Oct 2020   #263
PIS behaves like occupants of Poland in the past. Education Minister suggested that a few universities which gave their students a day off to attend the strike on Wednesday will not get any government funds for their research.

Is that all or should we expect more?

E.g., when is PiS going to close universities and high schools like Germans did after invading Poland in 1939 and Russians did after Poles lost the January Uprising in 1863?

When is PiS going to organise the Sonder Aktion - like Germans did in October 1939 when they rounded up academic teachers and sent them to concentration camps?

Can you see those neobolshevik rightards are doing their best to harm and injure this country as much as possible?

Down with neobolshevik rightist occupants of Poland! Down with PiS!
mafketis  38 | 11260
29 Oct 2020   #264
occupants of Poland

"occupant" means 'lokator' you mean "occupiers" ? because if you do then I agree...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Oct 2020   #265
I was thinking in Polish in which we say okupant.
But maf, if it didn`t exist, I wouldn`t have used it. It does:
mafketis  38 | 11260
29 Oct 2020   #266
But maf, if it didn`t exist, I wouldn`t have used it.

It exists, but so does "Se poszłem".... it doesn't make it right....
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Oct 2020   #267
it doesn't make it right....

Yes, I am looking for usages of occupant in WW2 context and it only applies to photos from occupied Poland - they have been dubbed so by Polish authors. So, thank you very much for this education - it is really appreciated.

If that`s the case, let`s talk more about PiS as occupiers of Poland.

I read all articles related to education in Poland. I ran into a long informative one - it mentions many issues but the one which drew my attention is that PiS is deepening the unequalities among Polish students when their access to good education is concerned. How? For the few past years, PiS has been reducing the state education subsidy which is paid to local governments for the maintanance of schools and for teachers` salaries. Wealthy regions, especially in big cities or close to prospering industrial facilities, are still able to cope with the reduction - they have money to attract good teachers and develop facilities and educational resources. . But countryside/small town areas don`t have this money and the education there is gradually going to the dogs. Students who receive lousy education today will have serious problems in taking advantage of all opportunities in the same way as their better educated peers. With unfair access to education, the country will become an easy prey to harmful class divisions. Relations between people from different regions and with defferent education will be marked by unneccassary tensions and lack of understanding.

Yes, but isn`t it what PiS has always been trying to achieve: divide and rule the divided nation??

We must get united again, like in communist times, when Poles rose against their oppressors in 1980 and created Solidarity!!

Down with evil occupiers of Poland! Down with PiS!!

If interested, used instant translator option in Chrome browser.,165057,26288947,czy-twoje-dziecko-zrozumie-janusza.html#S.jutronauci-K.C-B.1-L.1.maly
OP pawian  226 | 27817
5 Nov 2020   #268
The teacher, a female, ordered to take them down immediately,

There were a few more cases of teachers critical about students` choises of symbolic avatars.

In one high school they even held the Round Table talks to discuss the issue and the initial ban on avatars was lifted. The photo below.

Local Boards of Education, urged by fanatic PiS Minister of Edu, demand principals to snitch on teachers and students who support the protests. However, it seems that most school principals refuse to obey or they even openly defend students`s right to express their views.

One principal from Warsaw shared his reply to the Board: He generally says what I said earlier: that he is so proud of his students.

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OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Nov 2020   #269
old male-hating hags, these Red Wanda characters these "insurgents"

No,. They were brave patriotic women. They fought for free Poland during WW2. Today, they support Women`s Strike which fights for the dignity of all Polish females

What a wonderful example to teach patriotism to Polish students!

Two female insurgents took part in the women`s protest.
Wanda Studnicka, member of AK, during the Rising a combat soldier. Injured. After the capitulation, in German prisoner camps.

Hanna Stadnik, AK member, military medic, Warsaw insurgent, POW.

read about Polish women in Warsaw Rising

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kaprys  3 | 2076
10 Nov 2020   #270
It's disgusting to call people who actually risked their lives to fight for Poland old hags.
They actually did something couragous. They did far more than mere moaning about patriotism on forums.

Home / Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

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