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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
26 Aug 2019   #121
The famous "Stoi na stacji lokomotywa" was his, wasn't it?

yes, but some guys are blind to art, they are too obsessed with nationalist bs.

The case I was talking about happened in 2000,nId,777901

The famous "Stoi na stacji lokomotywa" was his, wasn't it?

That was Tuwim. Good you mentioned him. Julian Tuwim, a great Polish poet of Jewish roots, also had problems as a patron

in 2010.

and in 2009

Today I don`t come across such news.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2019   #122
In some high schools the situation is really bad after the PiS deform. The corridors are horribly congested during breaks, even though students come in shifts - morning or afternoon The PiS Ministry of Education says it is not a problem and blame local councils.

  • 557d3e61e1edc0ecccba.jpg
Ironside  51 | 13083
8 Sep 2019   #123
n some high schools the situation is really bad after the PiS deform.

Yep, and there is a stench, mess and moss grows on the walls. Not to mention growling students and zombies of teachers that are clearly escapees from Soviet-land.

Also all guilty of that mess and chaos are not responsible for all that, as their just peasants with no brains. Pis is responsible for everything, especially for keeping those inept dummies in the position of decision making rather than send them to jail or to sweeping streets where they belong.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
8 Sep 2019   #124
Ha! The good old Iron has come back. I really thought Body Snatchers had replaced you in your earlier posts.

However, let me remind you that as a long-term expat, you have no clue what is going on in Poland, especially in Polish schools. That is why your infnatile opinions on Polish education suck. :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
9 Sep 2019   #125
I'm only mocking your utterly partisan propaganda that has little to do with reality.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Sep 2019   #126
No, it is you who spread lies and propaganda as an expat who knows nothing about Poland. Will you deny the fact that high schools in Poland are packed with students after the PiS deform?

If you do, it means you are a liar.
If you don`t, it means you spread BS, like I just quoted. :):)

Ironside  51 | 13083
10 Sep 2019   #127
Will you deny the fact that high schools in Poland are packed with students after the PiS deform?

What do you mean packed? If you mean there is no place or space for them you are telling lies.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Sep 2019   #128
The corridors are horribly congested during breaks

The pics you posted are really shocking. That's a major health and safety breach. God forbid if there was ever a fire.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
11 Sep 2019   #129
Yes, wise people point to such risks but PiS still blames schools and local councils. PiS deformers are flawless as usual.

My school is also crowded but we have very wide corridors so the congestion isn`t so disturbing. But the cafeteria is sieged. Yesterday I had a funny situation: I was monitoring the part of the corridor next to the cafeteria and a student of mine, seeing the long queue inside but not seeing me, cried out: Ja pierdolÄ™! I fek it! Then he noticed me. :):)

Also, school ceremonies have to be divided into two parts coz we can`t squeeze all the students into the gym hall. The school year opening ceremony was split, for example.

Students post pics of corridors during breaks. One of them says: we lose half the break trying to get from one classroom to another.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Sep 2019   #130
Oh no crowded hallways oh the humanity how will polish academia ever survive
OP pawian  226 | 27817
12 Sep 2019   #131
We will see how you change your silly tone when you have your own children in school. :):)
Atch  22 | 4299
12 Sep 2019   #132
Oh no crowded hallways oh the humanity how will polish academia ever survive

It is a serious safety risk Dirk, really. If for example, somebody set off the fire alarm as a joke, all it takes is one person to panic and serious injury or death could follow, especially when people are on a stairs. In fact all it takes is for somebody to faint or stumble. On St Patrick's Day in the north of Ireland, three teenagers died just standing in a dense queue outside a disco. Somebody fell and then according to witnesses, the whole queue collapsed and three kids were crushed to death - and that was outdoors with plenty of space around them.

Also crowds like that changing classrooms all at once suggests that the school is over-stretched in other very important ways that will have a definite impact on the students' education.
mafketis  38 | 11258
28 Sep 2019   #133
Actually, I`m from Ukraine

I do not believe you!
Ironside  51 | 13083
28 Sep 2019   #134
been a totally sick paranoia displayed by those nationalistic morons

you are a moron, were you expecting a totalitarian uniformity? Some people have their views, opinions and voiced them, what is you problem with an exercise of the right to free speech? Degusting buc.

That was Tuwim.

Don't know about Brzechwa but Tuwim shouldn't be really a patron of anything Polish as he was detached from being Polish, if anything he was an opportunist and anarchist with a Polish complex.

The pics you posted are really shocking.

That is the very reason he posted them - a manipulation of sorts.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Sep 2019   #135
you are a moron, Some people have their views, opinions and voiced them, what is you problem? Degusting buc.

The same problem you have when confronted with different views of posters here. And don`t call Ziem names coz you are the lousiest ciul here.

Don't know about Brzechwa but Tuwim shouldn't be really a patron of anything Polish

You don`t know about Brzechwa, the same applies to other authors. Your knowledge is close to zero, Mr Expat.

a manipulation of sorts.

Prove the photo of a Polish school was manipulated, Mr Expat.
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Sep 2019   #136
It is a serious safety risk Dirk, really. If for example, somebody set off the fire alarm as a joke

Sorry, but this is just pathetic PC, over protective nonsense.
It is why children can no longer take risks in anything they do and why they will be ill prepared if something nasty ever happens.

When I was a kid, we climbed trees, built wooden go karts and sledges and raced them down hills.Did loads of dangerous things.
Did we get hurt?
Yeah, but we learnt lessons that kids today won't learn because they are "protected" in cotton wool.
And no, us kids never wore Hi Viz jackets to protect us,
Thankfully they had not even been invented yet...
OP pawian  226 | 27817
28 Sep 2019   #137
No, Milo, you didn`t check out what Atch was talking about. Due to the double intake, a result of PiS deform, high schools are congested. When panic breaks out, students will trample on each other like a herd of gnu. Look at the photo above. It has nothing to do with climbing trees and other stuff you teach kids to become tough for life. Would you like to be a father of a student who is crushed to death in the overcrowded corridor?
Miloslaw  22 | 5198
28 Sep 2019   #138
I remember overcrowded corridors at school, I even remember some panics, some people got hurt a little bit.
But nothing serious, I think this is an over reaction.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
28 Sep 2019   #139
Milo, one difference - in Poland, teachers are legally responsible for what happens on their watch. If there's a stampede and kids get killed, teachers will be punished.
29 Sep 2019   #140
teachers are legally responsible for what happens on their watch

That's terrible. Why should teachers be held accountable for poor decision making at a higher level? If intake has doubled due to a governmental decision, it is they who should be accountable if the unthinkable ever happened.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2019   #141
Prove the photo of a Polish school was manipulated,

Prove it wasn't. Mr L.

Due to the double intake, a result of PiS deform, high schools are congested.

An Unsupported claim.

eachers will be punished.

They might be punished if they find it was some kind of negligence on their part. It doesn't mean they will or all of them will be punished as you implied.
mafketis  38 | 11258
29 Sep 2019   #142
An Unsupported claim.

Let me guess, math has never been your strong point?

I don't understand my Mr "I hate Soviets" is defending an educational reform meant to turn back the school clock to PRL times...

But whatever.... believe what you want to believe off in far away Norway....
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2019   #143
believe what you want to believe

Talking about yourself? Be my guest Mr I'm against soviets' and PRL but embrace PO an epitome of post-soviets scum.

If asking for an evidence is too much for you>? OK! Why did you bring math into it? You mean your assumption can be supported by an equation? Wouldn't be simpler to present an actual evince here rather waffle about all those theoretical constructs?

the school clock to PRL times..

How do you figure that? It wasn't working the way it was, so they changed back. Supported by the majority of parents. It was a bad structure objectively. What is wrong with you?
mafketis  38 | 11258
29 Sep 2019   #144
Why did you bring math into it?

an inevitable part of the 'reform' was that two diferent... roczniki... (no good english equivalent I can think of) are shoved into the same year, so overcrowding.... not that hard is it?
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2019   #145
not that hard is it?

Ok. Maths. The number of students and a number of available rooms do not change. The only change is in a structure of that organization. So IF there is a fault it is a fault of those who are responsible for it logistic. In other words some people are not able to do their job right and blame it on the politicians.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Sep 2019   #146
The number of students and a number of available rooms do not change.

I hope you don`t use Maths at work coz if you count like that, you might bring about a little disaster to your surroundings. A few people have already explained to you that the number of students has doubled. Instead of 350.000, there are 700.000 high school students.

Why are you still so daft?

it is a fault of those who are responsible for it logistic.

And what can they do with the double intake but the same amount of classrooms, moron? Please be more civil when replying to other posters, this is not an off topic thread

Some schools hire extra rooms in neighbouring facilities. But it is not always possible.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2019   #147
A few people have already explained to you that the number of students has doubled.

So want happened with rooms that have been available before?

Maths at work

Why not? What you and maf says has nothing to do with maths - you must really bad at it since you bring it up where it doesn't belong.
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2019   #148
So want happened with rooms that have been available before?

They are in different schools? As in sometimes even different towns? For few villages you may have one liceum. While the classrooms might be available they won't be available in the school that is overcrowded.
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Sep 2019   #149
They are in different schools?

So I was right it is a question of logistic not the reform. Who is responsible for the logistic in that case?
Lenka  5 | 3548
29 Sep 2019   #150
What the hell are you talking about? They are not available for those schools. Sending kids for some classes to a different village is not a viable option. Your comparison is similar if it was primary school overcrowding and said that there are rooms in kindergarden.

Those two systems (primary school/gimnazjum and liceum) are governed by different bodies on different levels While it was possible to play a bit more with the primary school/gimnazjum level because they are both local schools that all kids attend the liceum level is a different matter.

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