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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

Ironside  50 | 12312
10 Sep 2024   #901
Cossacks and Rus peasants fighting for independence against Polish lords.

lol! what a nonsense. Also you are a dunce. You claim to be against nationalism yet you promote some nationalistic propaganda stories.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
10 Sep 2024   #902
Cossacks and Rus peasants fighting for independence against Polish lords.

I forgot to say - also against Catholic denomination which was brought by Polish colonisers and used to deprive locals of their traditional culture based on the Orthodox religion.
Ironside  50 | 12312
10 Sep 2024   #903
I forgot to say

you forgot to say that you have a huge problem with yourself and all you can do to stop trying to jump a lake is to find yourself a reason for your existence. You found a way to get rid of your toxicity without harming yourself - that is not bad. Sadly, you need to produce all those sob stories that pass as history in your circle of half-wits.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
12 Sep 2024   #904
you have a huge problem with yourself

Yes, but it is long gone now. I had had a huge problem with myself in early 2000s. But in 2008 I joined this forum and met you which allowed me to get rid of all my disorders. I am as sound as a fiddle now.
It seems that my problems have miraculously passed onto you. hahahaha
Ironside  50 | 12312
13 Sep 2024   #905
I had had a huge problem with myself in early 2000s

And then you went nuts full-time. Then you have no more problems and you find your life easier. That is a more realistic and plausible chain of events than your convoluted story.
Atch  21 | 4139
13 Sep 2024   #906
I am as sound as a fiddle now.

'Fit as a fiddle' or 'sound as a pound'.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
13 Sep 2024   #907
'Fit as a fiddle'

Yes, I know fit is normally used but I changed it deliberately into sound coz I needed to say sth connected with mental health in my reply to Iron. And I wanted to keep that fiddle coz I once attended violin class in a music school.

Do you mean what I know??? :):):)

Should I do more mistakes to incite you to partitake in the forum more oftener??? hahahaha buhahahaha

you went nuts

You fekking liar!!!! I went bananas, not nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Atch  21 | 4139
14 Sep 2024   #908
I needed to say sth connected with mental health in my reply to Iron. And I wanted to keep that fiddle

Then just say, 'Mentally, I'm fit as a fiddle now'. Learn, learn, little acolyte.
Ironside  50 | 12312
14 Sep 2024   #909
Learn, learn, little acolyte.

solid like a turd?
Atch  21 | 4139
14 Sep 2024   #910
What are you on about you daft moo? And surely 'turds' can be of many and varied consistency. I remember as a teenager thinking that the phrase 'to fall between two stools' was mildly hilarious.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #911
Learn, learn,

No, I am too old to learn. I have done enough learning in my life. Time to rest, not learn. :):):)
Mentally, I'm fit as a fiddle now'.

No, that`s stupid. How can you even suggest it???

Sound as a fiddle sounds much better.
Atch  21 | 4139
14 Sep 2024   #912
Take a leaf out of Einstein's book:

"Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it"
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #913
the lifelong

Exactly! I have lived long enough to take a well deserved rest from learning. Ha!!!
Besides, the language was created by humans who evolved from apes. We have the full right to use it as we wish. Goddess made it possible for us. Ha!!!!
Sound as a fiddle sounds brilliant. What a genial inventor I am! Almost like Novi........ hahahaha
Atch  21 | 4139
14 Sep 2024   #914
I have lived long enough

I hope not. 'Lang may yer lum reek.'
OP pawian  219 | 24592
14 Sep 2024   #915
Speak some apish languages aka English or Polish. Your lingua franca is franca, not language. hahaha
Atch  21 | 4139
15 Sep 2024   #916
You'll be delighted to know that you demonstrate all the social ineptitude of the average Pole. Wishes for one's health and long life should never be ridiculed but graciously accepted in the spirit they are offered ; even a complete burak generally understands that. So where does that leave you in the food chain ...........
OP pawian  219 | 24592
15 Sep 2024   #917
average Pole.

Relax. I am not an average Pole. I am an average Polish monkey, that`s a huge difference. hahahaha

So where does that leave you in the food chain

Unless you are a lionness or leopardess, you are on par or below me.
But you aren`t either of the predators I mentioned. You appear in the forum too rarely to be one. ::):):):)
So let`s assume we are on par in the food chain........... My innate decency doesn`t allow me to put you under me. :):):)
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
15 Sep 2024   #918
I am not an average Pole. I am an average monkey,

Never a truer word spoken!
Unless you are a lionness or leopardess, you are on par or below me.

HaHaHaHa! you over rate yourself..... Atch is intellectually in a different league from you!
Atch  21 | 4139
16 Sep 2024   #919

That's lioness, with one 'n'. Remember what Einstein said about learning .................. I hope you use a Concise Oxford when correcting your students' work.
Atch is intellectually in a different league from you!

The Gaelic League ;)
Alien  22 | 5460
16 Sep 2024   #920

The Lion of Loch Ness. 🤔
OP pawian  219 | 24592
16 Sep 2024   #921
you over rate yourself.

Yes, for sound as a fiddle reasons. hahahaha buhahaha

you use a Concise Oxford

No, coz my students don`t right such words as lionnesses. hahahaha
Miloslaw  21 | 4928
16 Sep 2024   #922
The Gaelic League ;)


No, coz my students don`t right such words as lionnesses

If you are an English teacher, then you are poor.
jon357  72 | 22778
16 Sep 2024   #923
the food chain

Bush meat is supposed to be quite nice.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
17 Sep 2024   #924
English teacher

Of course not. I am still a student. This teacher camo was a joke. hahahaha
25 Sep 2024   #925
It's understandable that you're concerned about the current education situation in Poland. If you're considering different educational options, I highly recommend checking out International Trilingual School of Warsaw. It offers a diverse, multilingual environment with English, Polish, and French instruction. This school provides stability in a time of educational uncertainty and focuses on individualized learning. You'll find that their innovative teaching methods and multicultural environment offer a strong foundation for students. It could be a great alternative during this challenging time.
OP pawian  219 | 24592
28 Sep 2024   #926
Clever ad. Thanks. :):):)

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