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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

Lyzko  41 | 9563
20 Jun 2024   #871
@Johnny, Atch is right!
Since Continentals don't speak English as a first language, what can happen
is that, say, a Pole speaking in English with a German, or a Frenchman with a
Balt, a Spaniard with a Swede for example, will talk past one another, owing frequently to differing pronunciation
of English words.

Swede: Are you estranged from your parents?
Spaniard: Oh, jess, my parent are very estrange persons...

German: What do you make here for the work? (Translation: What do you do here?)
Frenchman: I make many money!

I think you get the idea. Often, the results are quite funny:-)
johnny reb  46 | 7613
21 Jun 2024   #872
No Lyzko, you missed my point.
The Europeans here speak literally.
Many of us Americans speak figuratively.
We know what we mean but the Eurps here expect all the i's to be dotted and the t's to be crossed.
We speak generally and they speak precisely to every point..
I think you get the idea. Often, the results are quite funny:-)
Novichok  4 | 7809
21 Jun 2024   #873
A: How do you do, Sir?
B: Very well.
A: And do you do your wife?
Lyzko  41 | 9563
21 Jun 2024   #874
There I agree with you, Rich, I didn't miss your point at all!
Europeans often speak a kind of bookish English
because they translate literally in their head before expressing
themselves and not figuratively, that's quite right.

Why d'you think most traditional American humor such as the Marx Bros.
or Abbott & Costello usually goes way over their heads?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #875
I think I haven`t shown the report card/certificate with distinction here yet. Your average grade result must be at least 4.75 out of 6. In Poland it is called "with a stripe." Stripe means pasek, .

4 years ago I mentioned those distinction stripes.

This year a discussion was started by the new head of the educational board in Lesser Poland. She twitted: Get rid of those stripes at last!!! And a few other people joined in, claiming stripes do more damage than good because the frenzy for better grades badly influences kids by forcing them to take part in the rat race which causes depression in less brilliant ones.

One expert even called on shops and recreational facilities to stop offering discounts to students who bring a certificate with a stripe which is quite a popular practice in many places. .


E.g. - striped students get two hours free at the swimming pool.

Red stripe on your certificate? Come and show it off at the Cieplice Baths and you'll get 2 hours of entry for free!

The school year ends on Friday, June 22. Termy Cieplickie will reward the most talented children. All you need to do is bring a valid certificate with a red stripe, or an exemplary result in grades 1-3 and your school ID to use the Baths completely free of charge. All children up to 14 years of age enter with an adult guardian (fee according to the standard price list).

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OP pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #876
She twitted: Get rid of those stripes at last!!!

Małopolska education superintendent Gabriela Olszowska wrote in a post on social media: "Enough of stripes. Shoo to stripes. No for stripes on the certificate." The post sparked a lively discussion, and the superintendent eventually edited it.
Atch  21 | 4149
23 Jun 2024   #877
A better thing than stripes for exemplary grades would be stripes for the most community spirited, kindest, most helpful and thoughtful to others, in short students who by their attitude towards their peers and their environment make the school a nicer place to be. Not every child is academic and may not have the support they need at home for homework etc. but every child can aspire to be the best person they can be.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #878
stripes for the most community spirited, kindest, most helpful and thoughtful to others, in short students who by their attitude towards their peers and their environment

Nice suggestion but too idealistic coz I already see problems with measuring the merits as you can`t set distinct criteria in such an initiative. Arguments who did what and of what value are unavoidable.

While the case of a stripe for exemplary grades is simple - having 4.75 entitles you to a distinction.
Atch  21 | 4149
23 Jun 2024   #879
You just need to be a good observer of the students - and it needs to matter to you. If you have those two qualities it can work.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #880
You just need to be a good observer

Yes, a very idealistic approach again - sometimes it if difficult to be such in class units consisting of over 30 students because local council tries to cut down on costs.

But I forgot to tell you about sth - students also get a yearly assessment grade for behaviour which is written on the certificate. A lot of what you proposed is included in the requirements:

I. The behavior assessment expresses the school's opinion about:

1) the student's fulfillment of school duties,

2) his personal culture,

3) the student's compliance with the norms of social coexistence,

4) acting in accordance with the good of the school community,

5) care for the school's honor and traditions,

6) involvement in class and school life,

7) care for your own and other people's safety and health,

8) decent, polite behavior at and outside school,

9) showing respect to other people,

10) compliance with school regulations and procedures.

OP pawian  219 | 24792
23 Jun 2024   #881
students also get a yearly assessment grade for behaviour which is written on the certificate

The mid-year and final classification assessment of behavior is determined according to the following scale:

Exemplary (wz)
Very good (very good)
Good (db)
Correct (pop)
Inappropriate (np)
Reprehensible (ng).

johnny reb  46 | 7613
24 Jun 2024   #882
Here is one for you Ms. Atch & Pawian.
Spanking in school might sound like a relic from the past, but it's still on the books in 19 states in the U.S.A.
In contrast, many countries have banned corporal punishment outright.
What is the law in Poland/Ireland for corporal punishment in your schools ?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
24 Jun 2024   #883
What is the law in Poland

It is strictly forbidden to use force, let alone violence. Even touching a minor student is forbidden. Each case of violent behaviour by a teacher, if reported by the media, causes a huge scandal.

Spanking in school still on the books in 19 states in the U.S.A.

An old tradition still remaining in the law but no longer applied in practice.
Alien  23 | 5540
24 Jun 2024   #884
It is strictly forbidden

And in primary school, the teacher would hit us on our hands with a ruler.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
25 Jun 2024   #885
the teacher would hit us

No, they didn`t. It is an urban legend.
jon357  72 | 22979
25 Jun 2024   #886
the teacher would hit us on our hands with a ruler.

That happened many years ago in the U.K. until it was banned. Any teacher who tried that now would be in a courtroom and unable to teach or work with under 18s.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
28 Jun 2024   #887
An anniversary, nameday or birthday??? I don`t remember.....

OP pawian  219 | 24792
3 Aug 2024   #888
Did I mention that from this September ALL Ukrainian kids will have to attend Polish schools? That`s about 60-80 thousand new students. So far they have had online education in their native schools in Ukraine. The Polish edu ministry decided it needs to be changed. I wonder why?
Novichok  4 | 7809
3 Aug 2024   #889
Print more money. Poles must be ecstatic...
Alien  23 | 5540
3 Aug 2024   #890
I wonder why?

And I don't wonder.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
8 Aug 2024   #891
Actually, a lot of Jewish Poles and Polesses are considered very Polish.

E.g, this year, the advanced final Polish exam for high schools included the topic of Cinnamon Shops by Bruno Schulz, Polish Jewish writer who perished in the ghetto in 1942.

Topic 2.
How is space created in literary works and what is the function of such creation in a given work?
At work, refer to:
· a selected short story from the volume Cinnamon Shops by Bruno Schulz
· other literary works from two different eras
· selected context.

Did I mention that from this September ALL Ukrainian kids will have to attend Polish schools?

Currently there is chaos and nobody knows anything for sure.

Teachers are sceptical about the idea.

I think that this solution will generate new difficulties. There are already a lot of Ukrainian children in schools, especially in Łódź. But they have been here for two years, they have passed the preparatory stage in terms of learning the language and adapting the requirements. Schools have implemented procedures, students have adapted and the teaching is functioning somehow, says Agnieszka Michałowska.

She adds: - Now, more children are to be admitted to the system. We don't know what stage of education they are at, what about their knowledge of the language. It is not known whether they will be automatically admitted to classes where other Ukrainians study today, or to preparatory classes. It should be emphasized that these are children whose families were not interested in Polish schools for two years, and now they are forced to do so. We have very serious concerns about how they will cope

The deputy head of the Polish Teachers' Union in the Łódź region emphasizes that motivation may be crucial in the case of new students. Experience shows that children from families who associate their future with Poland usually do better, they come to lessons willingly, they have a goal, they know why they are learning. The situation is different in the case of those families who are in limbo and do not know whether they will return to Ukraine after the war or seek their happiness elsewhere.

OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Sep 2024   #892
Amasing! Ukrainian minority who has resided in Poland for centuries has the right to education in the Ukrainian language. I have just run into a high school Ukrainian language exam for such students. Among set books to read before the exam I immediately noticed Taras Bulba by the famous Russian writer Gogol. It isn`t a literary masterpiece but certainly it is interesting due to the topic - namely, Cossack rebellions against Polish colonisers of Ukraine.

See a film based on the book and made by Russians a dozen years ago with a clear aim to spread Kremlin propaganda about Slavic brotherhood of Russia and Ukraine.

A bloody battle scene - Cossacks against winged hussar riders.
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Sep 2024   #893
Ukrainian minority who has resided in Poland for centuries has the right to education in the Ukrainian language

No, they don't. They gave up that right claiming Polish land as theirs and they got it thanks to Stalin. So, since 1945, they have had no such right. Simple.
If they want to be Ukrainians, they can pack their bags and move to Ukraine, nobody can stop them.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Sep 2024   #894
claiming Polish land as theirs

It was only occupied by Poles but always belonged to Rus/Ukrainian MAJORITY. Poles/Polesses can blame themselves they didn`t reproduce more abundantly to become such a majority as Ukrainians. .
Sorry, too late. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Sep 2024   #895
It was only occupied by Poles

Poles never occupied it. That claim is fake like all your fake BS history.
become such a majority as Ukrainians

What is wrong with you? What majority? Poles were majority unless you cheery pick some regions at a certain timetable.
Even if they were that doesn't make any claims valid.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Sep 2024   #896
Poles were majority

Stop spreading lies.
In the Second Polish Republic, there were about five million Ukrainians, or 16 percent of all Polish citizens. In Volhynia, however, it was exactly the opposite - Poles made up 16 percent. Ukrainians also constituted the majority in Eastern Galicia: in the Stanisławów and Tarnopol voivodeships, and the eastern part of Lviv.
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Sep 2024   #897
Ukrainians also constituted the majority in Eastern Galicia.

Even if they were, so what? There was no Ukrainian state - never, ever. So they could claim anything they wanted and they would never got it if not for Stalin.
Seek help bubba.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Sep 2024   #898
Thank you for this nationalist meltdown. It is enough for everybody to see a whitewasher in denial again. :):):)
If I find another interesting set book for the final exam, I will notify you. Stay tuned!!! /:):):)
Ironside  50 | 12333
10 Sep 2024   #899
If I find another interesting set book

Another BS a fake history book? Why are you so kin to spread lies and BS?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
10 Sep 2024   #900
fake history book

The book is true in its main content - Cossacks and Rus peasants fighting for independence against Polish lords.

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