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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

Alien  25 | 6359
7 Jan 2024   #781
Of course it was

???, it was definitely made of lead and only gold-plated. Otherwise it would have disappeared a long time ago.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
7 Jan 2024   #782
Otherwise it would have disappeared a long time ago.

How??? They normally keep it in a safe and only take out for special quests like our school trip. One of our female teacher`s husband works in the National Bank and he arranged that trip for us.

It reminds me of a school trip I went on as a high school student. The father of one of our classmates was an officer in the Air Force and he arranged a flight on a military cargo plane over the city for our whole class.
Alien  25 | 6359
7 Jan 2024   #783
One of our female teacher`s husband works in the National Bank and he arranged that trip for us

If it is a standard gold bar weighing 12 kg, it is worth approximately PLN 2.8 million. Students are not allowed to taking it in hand.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
7 Jan 2024   #784
Students are not allowed to taking it in hand.

This is Poland. Like Fantasy Island. Don`t forget it!
PS. Check the second photo. There were 3 guards present - you can see one on the left. I wasn`t allowed to take full photos of them for security reasons.

it is worth approximately PLN 2.8 million.

Was. The trip took place about 8 years ago. I didn`t engage the date stamp in photos, my bad.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
19 Jan 2024   #785
I am pessimist and predict that leftist ideas which had been gradually adopted into Polish education before and promoted by rightist PIS will remain. I already told you about homework before. In case you forgot,

As I said: I didn`t expect much and it clearly shows I was right. The new Minister of Education who comes from a leftist party has just declared home assignments for primary school pupils will be completely abolished in grades 1-3 while in grades 4-8 they will remain but won`t be marked and only willing motivated pupils can do them. hahahaha Isn`t it funny??? I see those droves of willing students doing homework which isn`t obligatory. Teachers won`t be able to cope with those crowds in class. hahahahaha

This means that they started reforming the school system from the end instead of the beginning. No homework means teachers won`t be able to do the full curriculum which is extremely tight in grades 7-8 before the primary school leaving exam.

They also declare high schools will follow soon.

Ironside  50 | 12928
19 Jan 2024   #786

cheer up, you will have soon a new instruction to teach children how to be gay in all details. Also, you will have an hour of tolerance where you can denounce all those enemies of tolerance and what should be done with them. Starting with those parents and teachers that are homophobic when they see their children teach to S ...dick.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
19 Jan 2024   #787
teachers that are homophobic

There are no teachers like that in Poland! We value all students the same - regardless of their affiliation. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12928
19 Jan 2024   #788
There are no teachers like that in Poland

Lucky them, so you can all join in a noble quest of training young children about the joy of s... D. And everybody can be happy except for some homophobic crazy parents but who cares about those fascist nasty people?

So, could you share your perspective Do you feel proud, happy, and existed that such a long-awaited moment finally arrived?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
19 Jan 2024   #789
about the joy of s... D.

You are obsessed with this activity, I see, coz you mentioned it in your two posts here. Would you like to see it in Polish schools? Are you the same pervert as Strzelec??? :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12928
19 Jan 2024   #790
You are obsessed with this activity,

I mention it a few times to ram home the most likely outcome if crazy radical lefties like you will be given power. You can call it obsession but it doesn't change the fact you have nothing to say and you are simply deflecting it by telling lies and casting aspersions.

So replace that with a lesson about homosexual acts and answer my question if you can.
If you won't it is clear that you have nothing to say but lame excuse and delfection.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
19 Jan 2024   #791
I mention it a few times

Yes, coz you are fixed on it. While we aren`t. And that is my answer: keep your fixations to yourself and stay away from Polish schools, you sick pervert. HA!!!
Ironside  50 | 12928
19 Jan 2024   #792

You have nothing to say but lame excuses and deflection.

you, decent person, you lol!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
19 Jan 2024   #793
decent person,

Yes, I am while you aren`t coz you are obsessed with dirty activities and promote them for schools. Ha!
Let`s read your repulsive words again:

a noble quest of training young children about the joy of s... D.

Get lost, sick pervert! Don`t come close to any school in Poland coz I will have you detained. Ha!
Torq  8 | 989
20 Jan 2024   #794
No homework

Meanwhile, Japanese kids spend on average 2 hours doing homework on a weekday and 3 hours on Sunday.

I wonder which system will eventually produce better engineers, doctors and scientists?

My only hope is that at least small minority of students will remember the words of Saint John Paul II: "wymagajcie od siebie, nawet gdyby inni od Was nie wymagali". They will be the elite.

As for Lewica dumbing everything down and wanting to produce gullible, easy to control, idiots - that's hardly surprising.
Alien  25 | 6359
20 Jan 2024   #795
As for Lewica dumbing everything down and wanting to produce gullible, easy to control, idiots - that's hardly surprising

The education system in communist (i.e. leftist) Poland was not that bad at all. After all, many Poles made a career in the West.
Torq  8 | 989
20 Jan 2024   #796
The education system in communist (i.e. leftist) Poland

Communists back then and the woke leftist idiots these days are two different animals.
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Jan 2024   #797
The education system in communist (i.e. leftist) Poland was not that bad

That system, for all its faults, respected teachers and respected learning.

woke leftist idiots

No such thing. If a culture of schools where every child is valued is "woke" then I'm all for it.
Torq  8 | 989
20 Jan 2024   #798
where every child is valued

I'm not talking about sexual minorities, Jon.

I am talking about people who don't respect tradition in any of its forms like master-apprentice relations between teachers and students or traditional curricula not dumbed down to suit cell-phone zombies. They think that they can just discard centuries of tradition because they somehow, magically, know everything the best. It's pure idiotism and it will backfire on them big time.
jon357  72 | 23482
20 Jan 2024   #799
I'm not talking about sexual minorities

Nor am I.

people who don't respect tradition

You'll find those more on the political right; especially among those who get loud about tradition while not actually caring that much for it.

traditional curricula

Curricula have to constantly evolve; otherwise we're just reheating yesterday's dinner. This isn't a party political issue.

Smartphones in schools? A very controversial issue. Personally I dislike them and the way kids (and not only kids) are glued to them. Nevertheless, they are a supercomputer in one's pocket and not unlike carrying an encyclopaedia around.

They think that they can just discard centuries of tradition

Have centuries of tradition been discarded? And who are "they"?
OP pawian  226 | 27364
20 Jan 2024   #800
As for Lewica dumbing everything down and wanting to produce gullible

Not only the left are to blame. Rightists PiS also kept leftist agenda in education.

Meanwhile, Japanese kids spend on average 2 hours doing homework on a weekday and 3 hours on Sunday.

On the other extreme, Finland is the country where students have zero homework. Nevertheless, Finnish students lead the world in global scores for math and science.

they can just discard centuries of tradition

All experts, teachers and students agree that Polish school is as oppressive as it was in German Prussia over 150 years ago. Isn`t it high time to change old ways??? :):):)
OP pawian  226 | 27364
21 Jan 2024   #801
It is a common trend among the youth, not only in Poland but worldwide, to consider the police as brutal oppressive force who prevents young people from freely doing what they want.

Not all young people are such, of course. When there is need, the police comes in handy even for youngsters.

Here is a story about a nice cooperation of high school students with the police.

Students of the Technical School Complex in Skarżysko-Kamienna witnessed a road collision. The BMW driver hit another parked vehicle. The teenagers took the driver's keys and prevented him from escaping.

The whole situation took place on Tuesday on Tysiąclecia Street. A driver reversing a BMW hit an Audi parked in the parking lot. The man's behavior indicated that he may be under the influence of alcohol.

- The whole situation was witnessed by two students of the popular "electrician`s school" who took the man's car keys and notified the police. Then they prevented the perpetrator from escaping from the scene. The officers tested the 34-year-old with a breathalyzer. He had 2.7 per mille in his body. Moreover, he did not have a driving license because he lost it for drunk driving - said the subcommand. Jarosław Gwóźdź from the District Police Headquarters in Skarżysko-Kamienna.

Chief of Skarżysko policemen, Inspector. On Friday, Tomasz Jarosz thanked the students of the technical school for their proper behavior and congratulated them on their attitude worth imitating. The commander emphasized that thanks to the determination and courage of the teenagers, perhaps no major accident occurred on the road. He also invited students to join the police, of course after finishing high school.

  • LANDSCAPE_840.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12928
21 Jan 2024   #802
Get lost, sick pervert!

If anyone you are a deviant, what you do with some of your schoolgirls I hesitate to guess, but you fit the profile,
My guess is you are a sicko and truly a dangerous character to have around young girls.
I'm sure plenty of other posters share my opinion about you.
To sum it up - why don't you apply your suggestion to yourself? You posted it to the wrong address.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
21 Jan 2024   #803
To sum it up - why don't you apply your suggestion to yourself?

Why myself? I wrote about homework issue. It was you who said:

a noble quest of training young children about the joy of s...

You sick pervert! Get lost!

Besides, let`s`remind everybody that you escaped from Poland in early 1990s for your criminal dirty deeds and took shelter in North America for 30 years, until the responsibility for your crimes in Poland expired! We talked about it in the forum a few years ago. Should we bring it up again?
Ironside  50 | 12928
21 Jan 2024   #804
Why myself?

Only lowlifes and rotten scum would cook quotes and use them out of context to attack posters, and that is what you did and that is why it is you!

The guilly are surprised that their closet full of skeletons they think it is safely hidden appears and they panic with their - why me?

Well, ape it is you because you are a stupid hooy!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
21 Jan 2024   #805
cook quotes

Pervert, show me where I cooked your quotes. Ha!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
22 Jan 2024   #806
why me?

Darling, if you want to discuss things with me in this thread, try to be more cultural. I was talking about homework while you crazily popped up with that perversion of yours.

I would be all happy to run a nice discussion on the topic but not with swine who are obsessed with dirty activities.
This thread is about Polish Education: kneel down when you post here and improve your sick ways coz as an hardened educator, I will always encourage you to do better in class.

Remember - ALWAYS. My motto is: nobody is left behind. Even Irons have a chance to improve.
Alien  25 | 6359
23 Jan 2024   #807
chance to improve.

This chance is rather small.
Ironside  50 | 12928
23 Jan 2024   #808
chance to improve.

Improve what? You are in the wrong!
OP pawian  226 | 27364
25 Jan 2024   #809
Improve what?

Improve your culture coz right now it is pretty lousy. Like mongrel`s who was born and raised in London sewers.
OP pawian  226 | 27364
25 Jan 2024   #810
Minister of Educationfrom a leftistparty declared home assignments for primaryschool will be completely abolished in grades 1-3 while in grades4-8 they remain but won`t be marked and only willing pupils can do them. Isn`t it funny???

It isn`t the problem of her leftist agenda. It is the problem of an accidental person who has been politically nominated to a position which requires a visionary who is able to see ahead a dozen of moves like a champion chess player. The current minister certainly isn`t such a player and she has never worked in school or as an educator.

How could she have done better than her latest zero-homework decree?? She could recommend that option only for subjects which students don`t take at the school leaving exam - e.g, History, Art, Biology, Chemistry etc. And keep homework in subjects which are compulsory at the exam - Polish, Math and a foreign language, English in 95% choices.

As I said, the curriculum is so tight that teachers of key subjects have to assign homework for students to get more practice coz there isn`t enough time to gain it in class.

Home / Study / Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

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