Minister of Educationfrom a leftistparty declared home assignments for primaryschool will be completely abolished in grades 1-3 while in grades4-8 they remain but won`t be marked and only willing pupils can do them. Isn`t it funny???
It isn`t the problem of her leftist agenda. It is the problem of an accidental person who has been politically nominated to a position which requires a visionary who is able to see ahead a dozen of moves like a champion chess player. The current minister certainly isn`t such a player and she has never worked in school or as an educator.
How could she have done better than her latest zero-homework decree?? She could recommend that option only for subjects which students don`t take at the school leaving exam - e.g, History, Art, Biology, Chemistry etc. And keep homework in subjects which are compulsory at the exam - Polish, Math and a foreign language, English in 95% choices.
As I said, the curriculum is so tight that teachers of key subjects have to assign homework for students to get more practice coz there isn`t enough time to gain it in class.